Transubstantiation — What Does Scripture Say?

…statements simply as Jesus giving us a physical EXAMPLE of his coming crucifixion and death and commanding us to continually remember what he’s done for us in this simple act. As an aside, I am deeply interested in reading about the history of the church. It is my understanding, through some of the things that I’ve been reading, that the Roman Catholic church and/or the existence of the papacy, was not (as taught by the Catholic church) from the time…

Who Is God?

Question from a Site Viewer Who is God? Why do we try to figure Him out? Tim’s Answer I appreciate your questions. I want to try to provide you some answers that come to my mind with respect to your questions. First, you ask, “Who is God?” I suppose you could ask that question of 1000 people and perhaps get 500 different answers. Everyone may have some view of how to answer the question. And with respect to the many…

Should I Tell My Husband?

…between spouses that Paul advocates does not have many good examples in scripture among the people of God. Perhaps Zacharias and Elizabeth and Joseph and Mary had such a relationship. We simply are not told. And even in the best of relationships, Scripture says nothing of transparency. Even Paul does not urge transparency, or a tell all approach between spouses and generally he tells those who have lied simply to lie no longer but speak truth one to another (Ephesians…

The Translation of “Eis” in Acts 2:38

…word (tis) is present. Salvation begins at repentance and faith in Jesus Chris but does not stop there. Paul did not leave 99% of converts unbaptized. He baptized some but if many became saved he would have had help as he almost always had traveling companions. Search on Google under “baptism for forgiveness or remission of sins.” Your argument has been discussed and shown to be weighed and found wanting. Tim’s Answer You raise a good question of how one…

A Biblical Approach to Confessing Sin

Question from a Site Viewer Scripture says we should confess our sins to one another. Confessing sin seems to be emphasized in the Bible. But what if our sin was terrible . . . a sin that might ruin lives? Should we still confess? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your questions concerning confessing sin. You speak of a terrible sin and you believe that confessing it would ruin lives. Confession of sin is a Biblical mandate. In the law, God…

Brandon Duncan’s Christian Testimony

I’m blessed to confess that JESUS called me out of the dark to serve in the light! Part of my testimony is shared on the 700 club at CBN.COM (Brandon Duncan Finding Freedom In Prison). Of course that is only a six-minute brief and God has been working miracles and wonders since then that are worthy to share. JESUS gets all the glory for I am able only in Him. I become an addicted alcoholic by the time I was…

Scott Thorson’s Christian Testimony

…and husband by his example. Now Christ Jesus is my joy ! Feel free to google scott thorson/kickboxer/baywatch. I want to share about Christ’s love and grace with everyone I meet. I have everything I need to prove the validity of my testimony: police reports, newspapers and videos. I would love to come share at your church or conference. I never ask for any money or compensation; I just love seeing people led to the Lord. Email me at


Blessed is the man who fears the LORD Let me have my heart always toward Jesus Christ My Light I love my LORD His Word is like a two-edged sword I lift up my heart to He who sets captives free. A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt —

Eddie’s Christian Testimony

…by the grace of God. I got saved at age 21. Six years later, I married my best friend. Having kept myself pure for so long, I was able to come into a marriage relationship without the excess baggage that comes with being in one sexual relationship after another. I praise Jesus for setting me free!!!! God can do anything, he can change your life, no matter what you’ve done. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eddie Roman Santa Ana, CA

Reverend David’s Christian Testimony

…was David—that wasn’t the worst—your brain smashed against the inside of your skull, putting you in a thirteen-month coma. Sweetie, you have been out for more than a year.” Demonic depression Could she be right? Could I have been in a thirteen month coma? I must have been. Why should she lie? “After you were hit you were taken by Life Flight into the hospital, where you spent the first twelve weeks in intensive care. Then, after you were stable…