
…in the skies. We give thanks for soldiers who serve our country in the home of the brave and the free, But most of all we give thanks to Jesus, Who gave His life upon Calvary’s tree. He hung the stars and bore the stripes And by His shed blood we are truly free, In Him all who die are promised eternal life, By His “amazing grace”…the blind are made to see. So as we honor our soldiers remembering their…

New Age Escape — Elaine’s Christian Testimony

(This story of freedom from the lies of New Age doctrine was written as a testimony/lesson, which our youth pastor allowed me to give to the church’s youth group, grades 6 through 12, on November 9, 2011 at Gold Coast Christian Church.) I’ve been a born-again Christian for about four years. My mom and my dad met at a Christian church as teenagers and even though they were very involved in church during that time, after they married they left…

In the Mirror

…me. I look at the wrinkles under his eyes, And I stop and consider and wonder why? All the wrinkles and shadows there. But then I remember I’m looking at me, A face God created, a face he set free. No matter of wrinkles and shadows there, It’s only life’s experiences–ones I have shared, So I look at the man looking at me, And said it’s great to know Jesus and to feel free. A Christian poem by: Andrew Balfour…

A Mother’s Love

…as we looked back to see, What his tears held, was his destiny. Knowing full well the life he had, Was to be given, was to be shed. Just for me. Jesus he bled. . . . did this baby boy know what joy he offered? To the ones who listened and tried to be proper. With love and comfort, to him they would, To think that God could be so good. To give them a son they then understood….

Richard’s Christian Testimony – Drugs, Violence, Prison, Freedom

The following text is personal testimony of how God has brought inner healing from emotional wounds that were inflicted on me as a child, and set me free from a fear of violence and a deeply entrenched behavior pattern that had caused me to hurt others growing up. My hope and prayer is that if anyone reading this is able to identify with any of it, they will come to understand the deep healing and freedom that can be found…

Lisa’s Christian Testimony – From Abuse to Freedom

…thing I had ever done because finally I had become free from living in hell. The moment I got out of my aunt’s house I fely like I was free from prison. Then I started building up walls between me and my family and I changed my identity to become a lesbian just to hide the fact that I had been abused. Then I moved to Manila and found a family who really cared. They showed me love and I…

When The Light Goes Out

What is done Can’t be undone How do you handle Her light blown out like a candle No longer here for me to see She has been set free Free from pain that bound Death chased her like a hound She fought long & hard like a soldier This life she tried to carry on her shoulders When the pain was too much She couldn’t handle even my soft touch A woman sworn to live by her vow Cancer hit…

Seven Steps To Knowing God More

…paths of righteousness. Step 7 Seventh, are you part of a fellowship of believers? Have you plugged into a good church? God did not intend any of us to live by ourselves. We are meant for community. Christ founded the church as a community of persons who are on the pilgrimage towards heaven. When we are part of a church body, others can encourage us in our walk with Christ and help guide us to intimacy with Him. It is…

Have I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

Question from a Site Viewer Have I committed the unpardonable sin? I think I have. I think I have committed the sin that there is no forgiveness for. I am hopeless and regret my horrid sin. I know that: Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment. Psalm 51:4 (ESV) This is from Psalm 51, and God is correct….

Joseph’s Christian Testimony – Saved From Addiction

…on a church or a priest or a religion to save you. Instead, depend only on Jesus Christ and you will inherit eternal life. I will leave you with the immortal words of Paul the apostle which I hope we can all say in the end. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 Check out our other Christian Testimonies! Do you have some feedback? Leave a comment below!…