Anglicans Anonymous

We are members of an army Anglicans we’re proud to be Always ready for a battle Love to set the captives free Armed and ready for the conflict satan’s demons have no chance Then I wake up from my slumber Back I go into my trance. We are members of an order Anglicans anonymous Say the words that threaten ozone Do not want to cause a fuss We’re equipped to spread the gospel But we seem to hold our tongue…

Wedding Festival

Grace to faith and faith to Grace How I long to see Your face To feel the warmth of Your embrace When I’m finished with this race We’ll all come knocking at Your door Looking for Your love some more And when You answer what we’ll see Will melt our hearts eternally Your smile builds a better me It fills my soul and sets me free I’m filled with joy of Your goodwill Your breathless bride is standing still We…


Why did you pick me Lord? I’m a miserable sinner, I’m not worthy of holding your sword, I’m a loser and definitely not a winner! Why did you choose me? Of all people why did it have to be me? I’m not like David, I can’t slay Goliath, and I’m not like Moses, I can’t part the sea! So why, why Lord? Why me? I don’t see what you see. All I see is a lost cause. I’m like that…

Resurrection Day

…that he shed, if he did not raise his flesh from the dead, There could not have been another chance for you and me, if he did not pay the price to set us free, But now there will be a escape route from carnal Sin, where corruption and damnation has never been, In his mansion of mercy awaiting all believers far far away, because Jesus Christ rose in eternal glory on resurrection day. A Christian poem by:  Pierre Jefferson…

I Gaze

I gaze upon your earthly walk I can’t believe My eyes You say that you’re a Christian That comes as some surprise I sent My Son to die for you He lives within your heart When are you going to set Him free So you and He can start To live the life that’s meant for you The one that I’ve ordained Despite the years you’ve followed Me Nothing’s really changed Give up the world to which you cling Its…

Jesus Loves You

The Savior is waiting to enter your heart Once he comes in he will never depart He has life giving water to quench your thirst And with his love you’ll be immersed He came to give you life more abundant and free And that is why he went to the cross of Calvary His shed blood was the perfect sacrifice He has power to forgive sins because he paid the price If you are thirsty then come to him now…

The Great Divide

…that are saved through faith in Christ alone On the other side those who are lost and not yet claimed Christ as their own On one side those who have everlasting life and will not receive eternal damnation, the other side those who will not go to heaven because they rejected God’s free gift of salvation The choice is yours to be on either side of this great divide Saved or lost for all eternity Your destiny is yours to…


…to show favor to me? It’s a question I still often ask myself Why He’d die to set my spirit free. Why do I believe that Christ the Lord Can cleanse the most sin-tainted hearts? It’s because He truly has done it for me By the mercy and grace He imparts. Why do I hope in a life without end In a world with no death and no pain? Because Jesus has gone to prepare a place In which peace,…

Jesus Came to Save

Jesus came not to call the righteous but sinners to repent When he left heaven to come to earth that was his sole intent It’s not the people who are whole but those sick who need a physician Jesus came to save sinners That’s why he gave the great commission He told us to go into the all the world and preach the gospel to every creature Jesus came to the world to save sinners, not just to be a…

His Feet

…feet, oh those beautiful feet that treaded across countless miles bringing hope, healing, happiness, and smiles. His feet, oh those beautiful feet that traveled over sand, rocks, and dirt carrying comfort and love to all those that hurt. His feet, oh those beautiful feet that gently bent a blade of grass are the very feet that delivers from the guilt of the past. His feet, oh those beautiful feet that didn’t run when His accusers approached but held fast His…