Strange Kind of Love

Strange kind of Love, That would be born in a stable. Strange kind of Love, That would lay in crude cradle. Strange kind of Love, That would come down so humbly. Strange kind of Love, That can make sinners holy. Strange kind of Love, That would lift up the lame. Strange kind of Love, That would bear with the shame. Strange kind of Love, That would walk on the sea. Strange kind of Love, That can, from death, set free….

I Had Sex With Another Man — Will God Forgive Me?

community, lack of meaning and purpose, and waste. We are more than animals. We can reign in our instincts and bring our lives into conformity to God’s intent through the power of the Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to return to Christ, to confess that you have sinned to Him, to shut down all roads that led to your sin, and to commit before Him to seek to serve Him with all of your

If We Have Theological Systems but Have not Love . . .

…becomes more defining of us than one’s relationship with Jesus Christ, we know we are in trouble. Jesus taught that people would know that we are in relationship with Him (are His disciples) if we love one another (John 13:35). Paul states it so well; knowledge puffs up but love builds up (1 Corinthians 8:1). As I read the Scriptures, the greatest doctrine is the doctrine of love. It was the great love of God that drove Jesus to die…

Joyce Meyer and the Prosperity Gospel

commend her for being open about it. She fully complied with the requests of the United States Senate when they looked into her finances, and her ministry is a member of the evangelical financial monitoring group, something that other questionable ministries have refused to do. According to her site, over 80% of what comes into the ministry goes out through ministries. And the ministry makes its independently audited financial report free for anyone to review through the Internet. The bottom…

Eff’s Christian Testimony

…would be me last, I escaped. I was sent to the emergency room. I had blood coming from my ear, my eye was swollen shut, I had bruised ribs and thighs and a severe concussion. He swore he’d be back to kill me. He instilled a fear in me so great that I couldn’t bear to be anywhere. I couldn’t be home without the blinds closed and the phone in my hand. I broke the camera on my laptop. I…

One Minute Altar Call

One minute men may love you, The next they may cast a stone, One minute you may be toast of the town, The next you may stand all alone, One minute you may have the world in your hand, The next one nothing to hold, One minute you may be a free man, The next one your life may be sold, One minute you may feel invincible, The next one defeated and lost, One minute you may be safe and…

Vanessa’s Christian Testimony

…found comfort in parties, and I found safety in other runaways. After about six months of living a wild life the police caught up with me. It was back to the foster care system. I was sixteen by then and I had absolutely no respect for authority. I was my authority. I lived in so many different homes because I kept running away. I became a runner. I thought it made me free. After seven years living away from my…

Five-fold Ministry — Is It Important?

Question from a Site Viewer Is There a Good Book on the Five-fold Ministry? I am looking for a good book on the subject of the five-fold ministry (that presents the pros and cons). Also, I’d like a good book on the topic of apostles and prophets and if apostles and prophets are for this present age. If you have such a book, may I have a copy (free of charge, please)? If you know of such books, please let…

Should Christians Continually Confess Sins?

…desire to not sin. The curse of the law and its death has been abrogated by the finished work of Jesus. He first loved us and now we are free to love him. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your email. You ask where Paul instructs us to confess our sins after we have been saved. As a student of Paul, you probably know that Paul never speaks in terms of confessing sins after we are saved. Nor does Paul ever…

Lies and Confession – Should I Confess My Sins To My Wife?

…and He will draw near to you. I think every believer, if we let it happen, could be rendered powerless by memories of sins we have committed. Sins are horrible, not only because they take us away from God, but they are an affront to our dear God and they stain our lives. Each believer, at some point, comes to understand our own unworthiness before God and God’s great grace to us. It is in His grace that we stand….