Articles on Different Religions

On this page you’ll find a few articles on different religions. However, this isn’t the focus of our site. You should check out CARM–Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry–for detailed information on different religions, various cults and other heresies….

Finally Free! Kathleen’s Christian Testimony

…who made you. (See John 1: 1- 14 for Scripture reference). Thank you and God bless you for letting me share my heart with you. If this has touched you in any way, please don’t go on in life without searching for answers to your questions. My questions brought me to see and realize that only Jesus Christ is the answer to all of my needs. I never knew I could be so free within myself, and it’s all because…

Marijuana in Scripture

…Oxford press). The Mishnah was composed when the prevalent language in the area was Greek. Speculation this thin is hardly the stuff to warrant hard conclusions. Fourth, as a general rule, one can spot foreign words in ancient Hebrew by the number of letters in the stem of the word. The Hebrew language is marked by words with three letter stems. Both “qaneh” and “bosem” have three letter stems. the word “qanabos” is a five letter stemmed word. As such,…

Outline of Philippians

…Paul’s high commendations.) Paul’s motivational desire 3 No place to glory in the flesh 3:1-8 A desire to know Christ 3:9-14 I’m setting an example 3:15-21 Paul’s closing exhortations 4:1-9 Stop the division 4:1-2 Help the laborers 4:3 Live positively in prayer 4:4-9 Paul’s praise for their sharing 4:10-20 (They set the example; they receive the promises.) Closing 4:21-23 Key Idea: Living worthy of the gospel of Christ Key Passages: 3:10 Key Lesson: Being completely devoted to Christ is joy….

Baptism Saves — Does the Bible Teach This?

…before salvation. Jesus placing baptism before salvation, then, is congruous with the teaching throughout the New Testament. Again, it seems as if the act of baptism saves. Tim’s Answer I do not know what Bible commentary you are quoting, but I assume that it must be from a person who believes that baptism saves. Simply because a book is called a Bible commentary does not make it more trustworthy. The Pharisees in Christ’s day had Bible commentaries and Christ Jesus…

God’s Amazing Grace – The Miraculous Story of Stephen Bennett

…as an impatient for 3 months at a nearby facility. It was at this point I began to see God working in my life. Within a few short months I was alcohol and drug free, as well as freed from my bulimia. I had gained about 25 lbs and was feeling great. However, I still had a deep dark secret past hidden inside of me. What was I to do with my homosexuality? Deep down inside I knew it was…

Double Predestination

…the Light of the world (John 8:12), the second Adam who offers the free gift of justification as broadly as the effects of the fall (Romans 5:18), the One who offers peace to men on this earth (Luke 2:14; Ephesians 2:14-17), and the One who sends His Spirit to invite whosoever will to drink of the water of life freely (Revelation 22:17). I realize there is more that could be said. And I also realize that some of my brothers…

Freed From Cigarette Addiction

…then that it was not by willpower but by the power of God that I had been set free! Recently, he attended one of the annual marketplace meetings we organize. After the meeting, he asked for a Bible to read. In our marketplace ministry, we give out about 100 Bibles free of charge every 3 to 4 months. To God be all the glory! You too can be freed from cigarette addiction. Click here to read more awesome Christian testimonies….

Tamara’s Christian Testimony

…it was the Holy Spirit fighting for my life. That night, I suddenly realized I ought to go in search of the belief of my parents, back to my Christian roots. Maybe there was something to it! Maybe I had just not quite gotten it right . . . I began to pray for God to lead me–and lead me He did, right to a word-teaching, fundamental, Bible-believing church, which I promptly embraced. I began actually READING my Bible, almost…

Strong in You, Lord

…my best. Left to myself I’ll surely fail For I am very weak and frail; In You alone can I be strong And not do those things which are wrong. Here I stand strengthened by You, Assured that You will help me through Whatever trials may come my way. I know with me my Lord will stay; You are my Rock, Deliverer, Friend; My Hope and Strength until the end. A Christian poem by:  Belinda van Rensburg ©2010 —…