The Best Way to Study the Bible

…do His will. Psalm 111:10 states that those who follow Him will have good understanding. Many versions add the words “His commandments” in italics, but the Hebrew is simply those who practice will have a good understanding. James says much the same thing, stating that we should be doers of the Word (James 1:22-25). Psalms 25:14 states that the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him. Proverbs 3:32 tells us that the Lord’s secret is with the…

Are Catholics Wrong?

…is powerful (Hebrews 4:12) and pure (Psalms 12:6) and true (John 17:17). But the church can and does make mistakes. Even Peter made mistakes and at one point the Apostle Paul had to rebuke the Apostle Peter (Galatians 2:11-14). Yet, Peter and Paul remained jointly committed to the Word of God and the building up of believers (2 Peter 3:14-18). Because I find the Scriptures to be authoritative, I will always gauge all churches and doctrines in light of what…

Outline of Esther

…to 483 to 473 B.C. Divisions: The book of Esther may be divided as follows: I Esther’s Rise 1-2:18 Ahasuerus’s big 180 day feast 1:1-4 Ahasuerus’s little 7 day feast 1:5-9 Queen Vashti demoted 1:10-22 Ahasuerus searches for a new queen 2:1-4 Esther found and prepared 2:5-11 Esther chosen as queen 2:12-18 II. Mordecai Foils a Plot 2:19-23 III. Haman’s Plot 3 Mordecai will not bow 3:1-4 Haman hatches an evil plot to annihilate all Jews 3:4-15 IV. Esther’s Plan…

Am I Qualified to Preach

…3:1). Again, it is not that any person standing up to preach ever is worthy in and of themselves, but rather those who preach want to be examples to the flock of God. So, do not pretend to be an example that you are not. Rather, use where you are in your Christian walk as a platform to proclaim Christ, to come alongside those who struggle, and to encourage everyone to be completely devoted to Christ. You remind me of…

Forgiveness in Jesus

…be like and what we would do, and for that very reason He spread wide His hands, took our sins upon His broad shoulders, and died for us. He said: “Greater love has no one than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do what I command you.” Those who repent and come to Jesus will always find open arms and a warm invitation. And they will always find forgiveness…

Debbie’s Christian Testimony of Deliverance

…too long to bear.” The answer was always, “You will be free, and all will see, the Lord can make you whole.” It got to where, on July 21, 2008, I knew all I had left to do, was trust God enough that I could let go of the MPD. I didn’t know if I trusted Him enough for that. I hesitated. But as soon as I let go, and fell into the arms of God, I was healed.…

George’s Christian Testimony

…the Salt Mine and now have become a recovery counselor. I have found that what I have been through is now a blessing to others in their struggle to be free. Blessings? God gave me a clean and sober Christian wife, a home, a job and a loving church family. And I still have that dog. God was calling me back and I ran. What’s it going to take for you? May God Bless You, George B. Layton [email protected]

James Hogancamp Personal Christian Testimony

…a liar and the father of all lies. Jesus is our Savior. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened. James Edwin Hogancamp 109079 MCCF 833 West St C-1-35 Holly Springs, MS 38635-1412 email: Brother James is serving a life sentence in Holly Springs, MS. He has a call of God on his life to preach and to teach Bible studies to the other inmates and he prays that his testimony might help others. God Bless….

There’s Grace at the Cross — 2 Corinthians 8:1-14

…love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18). Paul here says the same thing. In verse 8, he states that he is not commanding that anyone give. Giving is not something that should be commanded. It was commanded under law. It should be a free act under grace. Paul was not commanding, but he was testing. See also verse 24 (“the proof of your love”). The old adage is true. You can most…

Shawn’s Christian Testimony

…front of my eyes – one vision after another – they just kept coming. First, the vision and then the memory of it followed. They kept coming and coming for what seemed like an eternity and there were so many of them. At first, I was at awe by it but soon afterward it freaked me out. It was very disheartening and emotionally overwhelming to see these memories replaying in my mind and I had no control over them. It…