Hannah’s Testimony

According to Miriam-Webster.com, the word “testimony means: proof or evidence that something exists or is true, firsthand authentication of a fact, an open acknowledgment, a public profession of religious experience . . . Typically, when we post testimonies here on truthsaves, we’re detailing conversion experiences. But as Miriam-Webster kindly points out, a testimony is so much more than that. So, we gladly post Hannah’s testimony which meets all the above requirements of a testimony. Her testimony begins below. I’m so…

Untitled Poem #3

So many unbelieving Don’t let me stop my cleaving I cleave to You And try to help them see that You are true Please shine real bright Shine through my little light A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt — eschmidt122@gmail.com

Untitled Poem #2

I want to help them see See You through me Jesus, You are so bright Shine through my little light A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt — eschmidt122@gmail.com

Untitled Poem

Help me never to turn away To the devil and his sway But let me put my trust in You Through and through A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt — eschmidt122@gmail.com

Christ the Firstborn

…words, not only does everything come from Him, but it also goes back to Him, as the Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary says: “Creation is for Christ in the sense that He is the end for which all things exist, the goal toward whom all things were intended to move. They are meant to serve His will and to contribute to His glory.” (volume 2, page 820) All matter is made up of atoms. Within each atom is a nucleus which…

Paul’s Christian Testimony

forever. I was not too interested but we stayed friends. We were invited to socials and we got to know quite a few of the local members. They were all very friendly and so helpful, just what I had come to expect from Christians. We kept being introduced to new missionaries but they all seemed homogenous and had “Made in Utah” stamped on them. Then five years ago we met some missionaries who were different and my wife, Gail, made…

Freedom From Witchcraft – Jean-Luc deVare’s Christian Testimony

…been easy being an ex-witch. In fact, at times it’s been pretty miserable, but I know that whatever I go through in this life, whether good or bad, is nothing compared to the reward of being with Christ rather than being eternally separated from Him! I avoided ‘giving my testimony’ for the first 18 months – only my Pastor and one of the Elders was privy to the details of my past. In fact it was only recently that I…

David’s Christian Testimony

…by God’s grace and by faith alone. I no longer have “religion” but rather, a living relationship with the Son of God who hung on that cross 2,000 years ago and I am so thankful to be a small part of his church, the bride of Christ. May God bless you and may many more come into His church before His return which is imminent. I close with the saying: Marantha (even so Lord Jesus, come)! David J. Kallio kallikdav@yahoo.com

Tanya’s Christian Testimony

I didn’t realize what a roller coaster of a story this testimony was until I tried to put it all down in writing. It’s not the most impressive testimony but it’s mine. It shows God’s persistence and undying love. So here it is. I was not raised in a Christian household. My parents both were raised in strict religious households, but when they married they left their Christian upbringings behind them for good and resolved to raise their children without…

Are We Baptists?

…understood the Apostles taught. We rely less on the later church fathers (those after the second century), as we think that time has some correlation to the transmission of truth in the message. Our goal is to encourage people to search the Scriptures with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and understand what the Spirit is saying to the churches. The early churches (those who knew the apostles and those who immediately followed them) were not amillennial. That, for us,…