Hetty’s Christian Testimony

…a second brain surgery in 2005 that was fabulous. I have had every test you can imagine and been on every drug you could have questions about, along with knowing that if you don’t have faith in Him . . . seizures tend to climb back up. Seizures were controlled for a while but then I had more than several medication changes . . . faith tests. When you get very ill it is hard. But you must look up…

Outline of 1 Thessalonians

…the truth 2:13-16 The word of God 2:13 With suffering 2:14-16 His desire to see them 2:17-20 His sending of Timothy 3:1-10 The motivation 3:1-5 The comfort 3:6-10 The Benediction 3:11-13 III. Paul’s Exhortation to them 4-5 Abound more and more in the Christ’s commands 4:1-2 Abstain from sexual immorality 4:3-8 Increase your love 4:9-10 Aspire to quietness 4:11-12 Be comforted with Christ’s return 4:13-18 Don’t be concerned about the Day of the Lord 5:1-11 Esteem your leaders highly in…

The Inerrancy of Scripture

without error. Finally, there exist the arguments based on the usage of Old Testament texts by New Testament writers. Wayne A. Grudem has listed two pages of such usages, where the New Testament writers rely on the complete truthfulness of some seemingly insignificant details to bring truths home to their readers. (see Grudem, 41-43) Such reliance inferentially presumes the inerrancy of Scripture. The Inerrancy of Scripture from History Although material on inerrancy is rare with respect to the first 1700…


…is he? He is gone. He has risen! The clouds wrapped around him As he ascended into heaven He sits with God He is home. One day I will die. I will sit with God the Father and God the Son. I will be free of pain. I will be free of temptation. I will be free of sin. I will be free of Satan’s lies. I will live forever. I will be home. A Christian poem by:  Claire M….

Evangelicals Interpret the Bible Incorrectly When It Comes to Baptism

…Scriptures or at least read into the Scriptures something they do not say to believe that forgiveness of sins comes solely by faith and not by baptism.  Then you suggest that perhaps forgiveness of sins can come both by faith and by baptism.  You suggest that those who believe that forgiveness of sins comes by faith and not by baptism are following a false doctrine invented by 16th century Swiss Anabaptists.  But you must admit that the verses you cite…

Mike’s Christian Testimony

…was a bit of a comfort zone, and seemed like the perfect place to slip into oblivion. Year 1994-95 For years I was a daily user of marijuana, and spent my weekends partying with friends. I would go through jobs almost as fast as I would smoke a carton of cigarettes, that is until I was offered the ultimate job for a person with my lifestyle, a place I had burned most of my free time and money at, the…

My Personal Testimony

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36 (NKJ) Hi, I’m Eric. On a lucky day in 1973, in Bremerton, Washington, I cost my parents five bucks when I came into the world. Being in the military does have its benefits, I guess. My parents raised me in the way I should go, but sometimes we don’t all feel like going the way we’re told. In 1979, we moved up to Alaska, and we…

Did the Holy Spirit Leave Me? Am I Going to Hell?

…tasks given to us. We understand that we will have feelings and thoughts that will come into our minds that are not pleasing to God and not helpful for us. We live with minds that can bring forth all sorts of temptations to us. To live effective lives, we must take our thoughts into captivity. We must manage our thoughts. When bad thoughts intrude, we want to make conscious choices not to dwell on such thoughts. We should not give…

How Can I Remove the Constant Guilt of Sin?

forgive and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. This sin stands out in your mind as being horrible, and undoubtedly it was. But both you and I have committed many other horrible things in the sight of God. And none of us would have any hope apart from the grace of our God. So, having come and confessed and sought Him, believe that He has removed the sin from you. And when thoughts of the sin come back into your

The Story – an Easter Poem

About 2,000 years ago God sent His only Son To live a life exemplary of how it should be done. He loved, He healed, He lived the truth, They found no fault in Him, But darkness schemed for His demise In a battle it would not win. This Man who came to save the world Was betrayed and crucified. He endured excruciating pain On an old rugged cross where He died. But the story doesn’t end there For in 3…