What Does My Dream Mean?

…to life to the point that he was completely unfettered and he started attacking everyone around me and then he turned on me. I was running away from him and found myself running down a spiral stairwell. He finally caught up with me and began devouring my flesh (the weird and sort of comical thing about this part was that he turned into Mike Tyson with really big fangs when he was devouring me). Anyway, after he was through with

Biff’s Christian Testimony

…my dad. I wanted to reach out and comfort him, put my arms around him, hold him close and just hug and comfort him. Although I never did (at that time) but his story of the “holey socks” had forever, in one sudden swoop, completely changed my attitude and understanding about him. I was stunned by the sudden turn of events! It was shortly after this time, still feeling quite sensitive, when I was led one evening to pick up…

Return to God

…the Holy Spirit in us, we strengthen our ability to win the thought battles. See our article on overcoming sin for some help in winning the thought battles of the mind. When you are lonely, take up your Bible and read the Psalms. You might start with Psalm 42. Often, God’s people do not have many friends on this earth. Living for Christ can be a lonely life. Loneliness is real. But the antidote to loneliness is not company. Many…

Should Christians Argue About Theology?

…that the prime device of Satan through the centuries has been to divide Christians, one against another. We are committed to doing what we can to resist this treacherous work of the enemy. We do not want to win an argument for what we see as truth and lose the love that is at the core of who we are as Christians. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 8:1, tells us that knowledge puffs up and love builds up. We want to…

A Lamb Among Wolves

They led Him away bound with chains, To the mob gathered by the High Priest, The ones who the very night before, Celebrated the Passover feast. He faced off against His accusers alone, For His friends had forsaken and fled, The High Priest deemed Him deserving of death, Long before any words had been said. The leaders thought they were in control, That by killing Christ they would soon win, Blind to the fact that they were on trial, And…

As We Grow and Wish to Glow

As we grow and wish to glow, We muscle to make it We strive to succeed We war to win To shine and to be seen. We think life is about Acquiring that career And living it as we please. We think life is our own And for our own glory. We built strong careers to become Our strong bases to stand Yet no base without Christ The chief conerstone Can truly stand. In our visions We fail to fit…

Seek God Continually

…Word. Even if your thoughts race and you cannot concentrate, take the time to read aloud at least a few verses from the Bible every day. In fact, I encourage you to do more than this. I encourage you to commit to memorize part of the Word every day. Memorizing, for those who are not used to it, requires a lot of mental effort. One must repeat a passage over and over and over before it will be memorized. But…

The Trinity

…(Ps. 2:3, 7; 110:1, 5; Is. 9:6; Micah 5:2; Zech. 2:8-9, 11; Zech. 12:10; Mal. 3:1) Perhaps the pre-eminent Old Testament passage on the plurality of the Divine Presence is Is. 48:16. In the New Testament, the teaching of the Trinity becomes more open. There are three persons called “God.” The Father (Jn. 17:3; Eph. 1:2; 1 Pet. 1:2); the Son (John 1:1, Jn. 1:18; 20:28; Rom. 9:5; Titus 2:13; Heb. 1:8; 2 Pet. 1:1; 1 Jn. 5:20); and the…

Was Jonah the Son of the Widow at Zarephath?

…unlikely since Jonah would have been around 100 at the time of this account.” Could you send me your reference information regarding the above statement? I don’t expect to be able to convince him because he’s not convinced by what is written in II Kings. I’d like to compile as much evidence against his belief in this tradition as possible to show him the error of man before God. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. The story of the…

How to Overcome Hate

…follow. There is no necessary order to these. Rather, these practices will build godly character into your life, a closer relationship with the Savior through the Spirit of God, and with that relationship will come love, joy, peace, and all that comes from walking every moment in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25). Remember that at every moment of life we have a choice whether to follow God or follow our own ways. When thoughts come in, we have a…