Prophecies and Fulfillments Concerning His Ministry

…to all the people, but to witnesses chosen before by God, even to us who ate and drank with Him after He arose from the dead. And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead. Acts 10:40-42 (NKJ) When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on…

Problems — I have a Lot of Problems

Question from a Site Viewer I am 18 years old and I have problems–lots of problems. I’ve been in church my whole life and I’ve been struggling lately. I have had recent problems getting along with my family and friends and I’ve had a lot of personal problems with myself. Could all these problems be happening because I have failed God? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. When problems arise, they can come for many reasons. Sometimes they come…

The Rapture, Part III

come back and set foot on the Mount of Olives. What do you think these passages mean in this regard? Tim’s Answer Thanks much for the question. Accepting the concept of the rapture does not mean that one must deny the ultimate return of Christ to reign on the earth, or the gathering of His saints that occurs at that time. The splitting of the second coming of Christ into His coming for His church and His coming to rule…

Joseph’s Christian Testimony

…body is in a certain state for its entire life, and something changes like this . . . it’s huge. I’m like 34 or 35 years old at the time and I feel something brand new in my body. I felt this huge huge pile come off of my mind, my shoulders, etc. and I was completely at peace. While everything was relaxing, I literally felt a sucking feeling coming out of the center of my forehead. I felt a…

Katherine’s Christian Testimony

My name is Katherine, and I would like to share my Christian testimony with you. My testimony may be nothing that stands out in comparison with some other people’s life stories. However, if it compels one person to examine their life and their relationship with God, it is more than worth taking the time to write it. I was raised in a Christian home with a very influential and loving mother and a loving, but backslidden and controlling father. When…

Let Go and Let God

…was some besetting sin, as is sometimes taught. Such would be contrary to Paul’s teaching that we have been freed from bondage to sin, as he says in Romans 6. Now, to come back to the rebuke of your leader, I do not know what he was intending to communicate. And it is true that we cannot convert anyone. However, we can plead with people to be saved, as Paul did. We can lead people to Christ, as the apostles…

About Us

…and now I have more content coming in than I can post in my limited time. Presently (July, 2013), the site gets over 10,000 unique visitors every month. Not too long ago, we were hitting around 20,000 unique visitors each month but for some reason we lost some of our high google rankings. Who knows why? Anyway, with the combination of questions, testimonies and poems that come in, I’m currently posting things that I received a very long time ago….

Our Faith in the Marketplace — Christian Distinctives

When we begin a search for that which is truly unique in Christianity (what we term “Christian distinctives”), we may at first be surprised. Many religions believe in a supreme being (Judaism, Islam, many Native American religions). Many religions also understand there is a problem with man (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism). The Christian solution of God reaching down to resolve this problem is shared not only with Judaism and Hinduism, but also some Native American religions. The concept of God becoming…

My Evil Wife Made My Life a Living Hell

…above is willing to yield to the opinions of others. It is not that we ultimately will always agree with others. But we are very open to their rebuke. From what you have told me, you have wronged your wife, committed adultery, and have been living with another woman whom you love. But you know that God is not happy about this. And I take it that you have come somewhat to your senses to understand that the life you…

The Devil in the Confessional Box

common sense for entertainment, Drowning in waste their empty souls, with satisfaction. The mindset “buy for fun” was my attainment, One that became even for saints a great attraction. Charmed by the endless feast They’re following their priest! I’ve won the greatest war, When I talked up the fashion of Churchgoing And people crowded in to buy salvation, Leaving behind the truth for the sensation And inner cleanup for an outward glowing. So many praised this crafty imitation, Some out…