Christians Are Bigoted People

…If God is as He is revealed in Scripture, He is not only loving and merciful, but at the same time He is righteous and He hates sin. Many people struggle at the bloodshed in the Old Testament, and for good reason. Their idea of God is not aligned with the Old Testament’s view (and the New Testament’s view since the writers shared the same view) of God. This is the God who redeemed His people Israel from Egypt and…

Dave’s Conversion Testimony

…However, as his mother and I provided his home-based hospice, we were regaled with further astounding events. Before Greg died, he went into a coma. Just before he passed, he came out of his coma. He looked at us through far-away eyes, and said, “Everything is green” (see Revelation 4:3 ). He said, “The men are here now; I have to go. I love you Mom, I love you, Dad.” He closed his eyes, never to reopen them. Several days…

Can a Christian Fall From Grace?

…draw near to Him for our lives. The blessedness of the Christian life comes to those who persevere after God. And we will be tested in whether we truly desire to pursue God. The saints of Scripture were tested to see if they would follow God even though nothing seemed right. Read Lamentations 3 sometime and you will begin to understand that even great prophets like Jeremiah had times when God seemed very distant. Job experienced the same thing and…

Can Jesus Help Me Financially? Mentally? Physically?

…seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. When we focus our lives on Him, then He goes with us through the fire and the water, and even through the valley of the shadow of death. Coming to Him does not mean that we will not have financial problems, but it does mean that He has promised to take care of us in the midst of such problems. Coming to Him does not mean that we will not have illness (I…


…want to worry It’s peace that I crave Insurance is what I desire. They tell me the finances Are pretty grim Because we’re not tithing They’re far from the brim The vision is stalling It’s looking quite dim Why doesn’t God sort it out. I’ve given you money Possessions and wealth To share with My people To increase their health So open your pockets Start tithing with stealth Test Me, and I will provide. A Christian poem by: Mike Bullock…

My Life Before Christ – Tammy’s Christian Testimony

…at age seven, my dad died. He died from complications from attempted suicide. I was never a “normal” kid after that. I sat alone on the floor during P.E. at school watching the other kids play begging God to just tell them I loved them. That in itself is way too much for a seven-year old to handle all by herself. I started getting really depressed. I even went as far as attempting suicide. My heart was broken and nobody…

Am I Really Saved?

…to God early and often. Keep on coming. Draw near to Him. When we come to Him, He will not cast us out (John 6:37). You ask for some thoughts on strengthening your assurance of salvation. You want to know if you’re really saved. First, we must trust Christ. If Christ says that He will not cast us out if we come, then we must trust Him. If Christ says that if we believe on in Him we will be…


You can do no more or less Striving brings you no success Best to leave it, I confess Grace is all you need. You can give it all your best Pray like mad, become a pest You will always fail the test Grace is all you need. God just loves us, there’s no doubt That’s what He is all about Sent His Son to help us out Grace is all you need. Give yourself unto The Lord That’s the least…

Amy’s Miraculous Healing

…pediatrician could not believe their eyes. I am glad to say that God still does miracles and that He will always be there for you (through thick and thin). I want to give Him all the glory and the praise. God is wonderful and He will never forsake you. Glory be to God forevermore. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Check out our other Christian Testimonies! Do you have some feedback? Leave a comment below!…

Raymond’s Christian Testimony

…was over 12 different subjects (classes) that I had to pass regardless of my English ability. Of course there was no way I was going to make it. Meanwhile, I am not a very bright person when comes to school, so I had repeated a lot in the past and it was about to happen again! I was getting way too old in comparison to my classmates. I couldn’t take it anymore. When the time came, we did all our…