Karinne’s Christian Testimony

Hi all. I wanted to share with you what has changed my life forever. It all started April 29, 2009 when my mother was diagnosed with terminal sarcoma cancer. We were sitting there waiting for the test results. Mother kept saying “I am fine, Karinne”. She was fine until the results were read. Finally leaving the the Dr.’s office Mama was so upset she didn’t speak the whole ride home. May 2009 rolls around and Mama was so so very…

How Can I Interpret My Dream?

Question from a Site Viewer I recently had a dream (I had the dream in 2008, and I had accepted Christ into my heart in 2005) which reminded me of a sin I committed years earlier — the sin of cursing the Holy Spirit. Then I died. I do not know why I had this dream or what it means. I contacted the Billy Graham Association and they assured me I did not commit the unpardonable sin. They advised me…

Did the Bible Come from the Catholics?

…of the New Testament after around 150 A.D. The early dating for the writings in the New Testament is compelling. For instance, Clement of Rome writes in 97 A.D. to the church at Corinth, Ignatius writes in 107 A.D., Polycarp writes shortly thereafter, and an unnamed disciple writes around 100-130 A.D. Between them, these authors show knowledge of all the books of the New Testament, except 2 John and 3 John and perhaps 2 Peter (some would say that Clement’s…

Outline of James

We hope this outline of James will assist you in your study of God’s Word. There has been much controversy about the book of James. First, we have the question of authorship. There are four possibilities from the New Testament. There is James the brother of John, the son of Zebedee, an apostle, James the son of Alphaeus (Mark 3:18), James the father of Judas (not Iscariot — Luke 6:16) and James the half brother of the Lord (Galatians 1:19)….

He’ll Move Your Mountain

…same. The God of the Bible Moves mountains today. For those who will trust Him And humbly obey. He will move your mountain. He will part the sea. He’ll answer from heaven. Providing your need. He cares for His children And He hears their cry. Our Father of mercy No doubt, will supply. So don’t get discouraged And keep to the test. Tell Jesus your problem And He’ll do what’s best. A Christian poem by:  Treasure ~ April 12, 2011…

Christian Poems

…of God’s Words. Eternal Life A Christian poem by Mike Bullock. Wasted Years Don’t waste your life. Impossible, Amazing, Wonderful Thank you Mark for your reminder of God’s incomprehensible grace that He freely gives to all who ask. The Bread and the Wine A Christian poem about the significance of communion. Jigsaw Feel like a piece is missing in your life? Songs Songs. Another poem by Mark. To Be Emmanuel God is with us always. Another poem from Mark (be…

Jesus — Do You Know Him?

…requires action. Jesus says those that will enter heaven are the ones who do the Father’s will. See what Scripture says about loving God. “Teacher, what is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.” Matthew 22:36-38 (NKJ) So we believe, we stop sin, and we love God with everything we…

Divorce and Remarriage in Scripture

…by God, is a sacred bond between people. God states three significant things on the subject in Malachi: 1) one’s wife is one’s companion by covenant; 2) the man and the woman are made by God to be one; and 3) God hates divorce (Malachi 2:14-16). The intent of God is for a man and a woman to be united into one union until death parts them, at which point they are free to remarry any other person in the…

Predestination–Do We Have a Choice?

…hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17 There is a choice given to all humanity. I do not see this as a meaningless choice. As I read Scripture, God calls us, pleads with us, and asks us to come to Him. All who heed His call and come, He gives them eternal life. There is so much more that can be said on this subject. As…

Confession of a Ransomed Man

Though I am stubborn, sinful, weak and small, And my Lord is power, strength, perfect one, He still loves me the same, above it all, In love he paid my ransom through his Son. How could I after seeing his beauty, Elsewhere seek to find worth in anything? For his sacrifice has broken me free With my new heart, and new hope I now sing: “Who the Son has set free, is free indeed! Yes I was once chained to…