Choosing the Right Web Host – Why It Matters So Much

…websites are backed up automatically. I have to install and configure a third party plugin. And I have to create a Dropbox (or another storage service) account and sync them. It’s complicated. None of my websites are optimized for speed. I have to install a third party plugin (like W3 Total Cache) and configure it. It’s complicated. None of my websites have comprehensive security features built in. I have to install a third party plugin like Sucuri or Wordfence and…

Natacha’s Christian Testimony

…I had just been shown how Jesus is going to come back and how many people won’t be ready at His coming. In the dreams/visions I had I saw Jesus Christ in the clouds, the sky in those dreams/visions had a reddish color and just by the sight of the Son of God the whole world started to literally tremble and I could feel how terrified and sorrowful most people were because they were not ready. Even at that age…

Arrested for Preaching the Gospel

…answered and said unto them, “Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.” Acts 4:19 When I did not obey their command their anger rose and took control of their actions. Their anger toward the preaching of the Word of God overpowered their common sense, the constitutional amendments, and their duty to uphold the law. The officers began to scream at me and when I continued to preach they…

Faith Saves; Baptism Doesn’t

…is a New Testament command instead of an Old Testament one? I think the clear teaching of Scripture is that forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit come from faith in the Lord Jesus. If we do not have the Holy Spirit, we are not of God (Romans 8:9). But all who believe on His name are His children (John 1:12). It is the gospel that is the power of God to salvation for those who believe, not baptism. I…

Should I Tell My Husband?

…4:25). And sometimes our transparency can be the cause of another’s fall. I do not see that as love. A strong Christian might be able to handle the confession of another’s sin while a weak one might be destroyed by such confession. Scripture never commands complete transparency with a spouse or with any other human, but it does command us to look out for the weaker believers and not place a stumbling block before them. Accordingly, from what you have…

Why Christians Believe in the Trinity

…found in the prophet Malachi, in Malachi 3:1, where God says: Behold I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me, and the Lord, whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant, in who you delight. Behold, He is coming, says the LORD of hosts. God is sending someone whom God calls “the Lord.” There is complexity within God as shown by these and many other passages in the Hebrew…

‘Twas the Beginning of Advent

…of the searching, let Christmas find us. We open our hearts, our hands and our eyes, To see the king coming in our own neighbors’ cries. We look without seeking what we think we’ve earned, But rather we’re looking for relationships spurned. With him he brings wholeness and newness of life For brother and sister, for husband and wife. The Christ-child comes not by our skill, But rather he comes by his own Father’s will. We can’t make him come…

A Sinner Like Me

Pushing this flesh into alignment, guided by The Word most holy and pure, I’m striving to learn principles for a sanctified life to endure. My Lord loves me without hesitation and allowed a part of Himself to die. He’s calling me homeward without reservation; by His Spirit, to His side, I’ll eventually fly. Knowing I’m a child of His, during trying times I find true encouragement. I’m able to lean on His strength while in search of heavenly ascent. Stumbling…

The God Who Speaks

How silent the wind and the animals are      When a storm is about to play. How silent the hills of the battlefield are      When the armies have turned away. How silent the gym of a championship team      Two hours after the game. More silent the home where a child once was      After death has laid its claim. But such silence is loud, its tone deep and strong      Compared to a silence on high. If God…

Tragedy too Great to Bear

I pray for souls already lost And for those who’ll pay the cost Of tragedy too great to bear Of circumstances beyond despair For those who search amongst the rubble and decay Who bow their heads and begin to pray “Oh Lord have mercy on us all” I pray for mothers who wait to hear From loved ones they hold dear Who in their darkest moments cry “Oh Lord, dear God, don’t let them die!” I pray for uncertain days…