Doug’s Testimony – Mormon to Christian

completely, I felt like it was important to do it on my own. I just turned 20 only three days ago. My journey to Christ has happened fast, and been completely life-changing. I am no longer homeless, and I no longer struggle with depression or homosexuality of any form. Danae and I are still going strong, and the only one I love more than Danae is God. I thank God every night in my heart for bringing Danae into my…

How to Respond to Bad Theology

…We tend to love it when someone on our side scores. But I suggest that such is the attitude of the sons of Adam, not the sons of God. Thus, I desire to have a robust faith that can exist in a world of competing ideas, and hold its own, not because everyone else becomes convinced of its rightness, but because after considering all other arguments I find them less accurate to the Scriptural text than the position I presently…

I am Suffering — Is God Mad at Me?

…etc., then the trials will reveal this as well. Remember what Jesus said at the close of the Sermon on the Mount. A wise person is like a man who builds his house upon the rock. When the rains come and the storms surge, the house stands. The foolish person is like a man who builds his house upon the sand. When the rains come and the storms surge, the house falls. When our lives are centered on Jesus, we…

Rendani’s Christian Testimony

…of independence (my confession to my fear of marriage) and unknowingly to me, my declaration of unworthiness to love. Despite my best attempts at making myself happy, I found myself miserable to the point of depression. I was no longer enjoying my independence, relationship and isolation. And again I thought I knew exactly what it was I needed- a new job and a new relationship. And so I went out in the quest to find both. My search left me…

The Christian Testimony of Eduardo Torres III

…would have a companion. I was eight years old when my brother was born and I really could not play with him much. I wanted to be outside running around building stuff and things like that, but he was just a baby. I still felt alone. My parents, as always, were very irresponsible and always made me care for my brother. So he became somewhat of a burden and not much of a companion as I had initially thought. There…

The Ongoing Dialogue About Baptism

…The request comes when we cry out to God from a heart that seeks Him. That is the baptism that saves, which I link to the baptism by Christ with the Holy Spirit. As Paul says in Romans 8, if we do not have the Spirit, we are none of His. With the coming of Christ, John the Baptist and Christ taught us to focus on the baptism that Christ would baptize us with, that is, with the Holy Spirit….

Prophecies and Fulfillments Concerning His Birth

…among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.”‘ Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also.” When they heard the king, they departed; and…

Reshmi’s Christian Testimony

…I had always been satisfied with my religion and my beliefs. Now, at this moment, I realized the three most important things I needed to know: God is real, living This Living God is none other than Jesus Christ When I did not know Him, he loved me enough to come in search of me and rescue me from deep darkness, when I had nothing to do with him My hurts were healed. All the negative pictures I had in…

Jeremiah’s Christian Testimony

…it became an addiction for me too. I used it in search of love and just to feel safe and fit in with others. I sold my soul and body to the flames of same sex relationships and they grew to where I couldn’t even go to sleep at night for guys knocking at my door. They wanted to have sex with me. I am not bragging, but I did it my best. They would say that they couldn’t find…

The Translation of “Eis” in Acts 2:38

…degree (“to,” “completely,” “fully”) To indicate the goal, including to show the result or purpose (“unto,” “to,” “against,” “in,” “for,” “into,” “to,” “so that,” “in order to,” “for”) To denote reference to a person or thing (“for,” “to,” “with respect” or “reference to”) Some more minor uses. In Abbott-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament; Robertson, A Grammar of the Greek New Testament, and Dana & Mantey, A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, we find very…