Candice’s Christian Testimony

…We were living together, not married . . . The enemy used lie after lie to make me believe this man and I were meant to be together. I went to a trusted friend in my church community as I was starting to have serious doubts about this relationship. But I was too afraid of losing this man to follow through with breaking it off. Eventually it got to a point where I started to pray constantly to God for

Tucker’s Christian Testimony

My name is Tucker. I am 17 and I just graduated from high school. I was raised by atheists. As long as I can remember, my family has been full of addictions to drugs and alcohol and various kinds of child abuse. Needless to say, I have not always been a Christian. My search for Christ began at about age 8. About this time, my dad started buying new age philosophy books as well as studying various world religions. As…

Am I Saved?

…but His work given freely to those who come to Christ. So, in answer to your question of “are you saved?” I ask you the question: “Have you come to Christ?” Have you asked Him to save you? If you have, then He is faithful to His promise and will not cast away any who come to Him. But having come, my rule of life is “do not stop there.” Every day, and at all times, keep coming to Jesus….

Did God Harden Pharaoh’s Heart?

…stating that God knew beforehand that Pharaoh would not let Israel go, even when God’s strong hand came down on Pharaoh. Keil and Delitzsch’s commentary, the widely accepted critical conservative commentary on the Old Testament, agrees with you on this passage and on the entire encounter between God and Pharaoh. God knew the heart of Pharaoh before God ever strengthened Pharaoh’s heart in his obstinacy. I also suspect that a Calvinist might read the verse differently, concluding that God knew…

How Jesus Fits in the Trinity

forget to practice the things you read (James 1:23-27). And always remember that the two greatest commands are to love God with all of your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. If you do these things, you will do well and be commended by God and be a blessing to those around you. May the Lord Jesus bless you as you seek to follow Him. a fellow servant, tim Related Articles: The Trinity Distinctions Between the Father &…

What is God’s Name?

…or “Lord,” though the most prominent, is not the only name of God. There are many names of God both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. He is termed “Elohim” over 2,500 times in the Old Testament, a word that some see as a title and some see as a name. The word is translated into English as “God.” He is called “Adonai” 450 times in the Old Testament, another Hebrew word meaning “lord” or “master.” Again,…


…will be the same when you begin to interpret the New Testament passages on the subject. He has not suddenly become more callused toward humanity with the coming of Christ. He still has compassion on the wicked, even as He did with Ninevah during the days of Jonah. If people will repent, He will still relent from the judgment He has pronouced on them. I do not hold my position as a way to debate those who may believe otherwise….

Did Kings Really Present Gifts to Jesus?

…So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet: “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.” Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the…

In the End

The things I long to show you, now you must behold Search the deepest mystery, a city made of gold And in this city from the sky a Righteous shall dwell To lead the kingdoms of the earth and destroy the works of hell From the mighty city shall a crystal river flow Upon its riverbanks, the healing trees will grow The sun and moon will fade away, the stars won’t give their light The Mighty Prince will light the…

The Key to Knowing God

…Him. To Him, when we commit sin, it’s like we’re committing adultery. Think about it. He hates sin, probably like we would hate it if our spouses committed adultery (if you’re not married, then think about your significant other cheating on you). And even though humanity reviled Him and turned against Him time after time, He still gave His only Son for all people. Would you give your only child (or any child) for someone who committed adultery or cheated…