Renee’s Testimony – What Does Real Christianity Look Like?

…did not suddenly come to his senses, stop cheating and beg my forgiveness, and we did not live happily ever after. If anything life circumstances got worse. But I praise God because in all of these things He has given me far, far, far more good than whatever difficulties have come. My husband left two years after my conversion in a very publicly embarrassing way and it seems his cheating was even more pervasive than I imagined. He didn’t exactly…

I Have Fallen Away — Have I Lost My Salvation?

…was not a new concept. Throughout the Old Testament prophets, after Israel had repeatedly gone away from God, served idols, sacrificed their children to the gods of Molech, killed innocent people, plundered the defenseless, and did all sorts of evil, God still invited Israel to return to Him. Whether you read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, or Micah, you find this consistent theme of God inviting sinners to come back to Him. It is the heart of God that…

Marek’s Christian Testimony

…was caught shoplifting, and God led me to Harvest Bible Chapel where I served my community service hours. While there I almost immediately got plugged in with a small group of men my age. It’s been amazing to see how God has brought me back to himself, and how He is changing me into a vessel that He can use. I’ve lived the first 19 years of my life myself, and I plan to live the rest of my days…

Becoming Spiritually Strong Requires Action

…of John 15:1-8. Our strength and our effectiveness comes only from dependency on our God. Thus, to accomplish your desire, I urge you to practice a daily dependency on God. Pray about everything. Seek the Spirit’s help in making decisions about what you should do. Seek the Spirit’s strength in helping you resist temptation. Seek the Spirit’s love in your dealings with people who may be difficult for you to handle, as well as for those whose friendship comes easy….

The Miracles of Jesus – In a Poem

…(Mark 4:37-41) The wind ceased, and there was a great calm as He put the storm at ease A certain nobleman found Jesus and besought Him to come down (John 4:46-54) To Capernaum where his son at the point of death would be found “Go thy way thy son liveth,” Jesus responded to his plea The man believed, and went his way from Cana of Galilee The servants of the nobleman met him, and told him of the hour When…

I Think I’ve Committed Blasphemy – Can I Be Forgiven?

…trumps the rest of Scripture. Rather, God’s trump card is called “mercy.” It is what trumps all else. Those who come to Him will never be cast out. The prodigal son could come. The Apostle Paul, who says that he was the worst of sinners and was a blasphemer, could come. Even when God pronounces judgment, for those who repent and turn to God they will find mercy. The people of Nineveh knew this. The prophet Jeremiah says this. The…

Lack of the Definite Article in John 1:1

…subject and which is the predicate? In English, it is easy. The subject comes first. In Greek, there is no such pattern. Greek word order is used for emphasis, but not to determine the subject and predicate. Thus, the subject may be first (but rarely so), it may be second, it may be last, or it may be anywhere in between. Often, the verb begins the sentence. We know what is the subject because the word is in the nominative…

Vicki’s Christian Testimony

…I truly petitioned him for his help. I figured my last resort was this God who I wasn’t even so sure about. I put all my doubts aside and immediately I began to pray to God, actually I challenged him that I wanted answers and that I would give him 3 weeks to “prove himself” to me. Even though I wasn’t sure if I believed in God, I thought it would be a good idea if I at least put…

Delivered from Satanism and Demons

…of a demon. This was no demon. The voice moved to the foot of my bed and said again. “Get Out!” I remember being so shaken at the command that I immediately obeyed. I crawled out of the nearest window in my bedroom and onto the driveway…and into the presence of God. My knees went weak and I fell on my face, there was no mistaking Who this was. Looking up at the sky I pleaded, “Jesus, just make my…

Melvin’s Christian Testimony

My name is Melvin and I wish to share this piece with my fellow believers. I met my girlfriend Jennifer on the February 2, 2008, and we became very good friends. We faced a lot of criticisms and we had our own share of ups and downs but we remained strong and committed to each other amidst all the obstacles that we faced. Human beings are imperfect but I do not doubt her love for me. On March 25, she…