Sam’s Christian Testimony

Jesus Changed Me – My Christian Testimony My testimony is probably pretty common in some peoples eyes, but in my eyes it’s a miraculous story. I’ll keep it as short as I can for you though. All through school growing up, I was always Mr. Popular and Mr. Athlete and all that jazz. I was always in the light (so to speak). After high school I went to play football in college. When it ended up not working out the…

Focus on Jesus

…Bible and praying. I know some people noticed a change in me. Anyway, with this site I can read about things I was scared to ask. Because even being a Christian I’m extremely shy. I sing in choir at a church I’ve been attending–the one I use to just visit off and on years ago. And I’m quite sure it’s the right one for me. It’s just taking me time to get really comfortable there. But I feel that just…

Tami’s Christian Testimony

…7 HMCs within 30 days. He was setting me up for failure. I prayed that God would send me the applicants. Within 60 days I had seven Christian employees. This was the work of our Lord. But two months later my boss entered my office and told me my position had been eliminated. He proceeded to tell me to get my things packed up immediately, which I did. Then he and another manager escorted me to my car, as though…

Water Baptism — Is it Necessary for Salvation?

…Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6)That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7)Do not marvel that I said to you, “You must be born again.’ 8)The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:1-8 (NKJ) People taking the stance…

Outline of Obadiah

…845 B.C. or around 586 B.C. If he prophesied around 845 B.C., then we know that Obadiah, the servant of Ahab, was alive 22 years earlier. Perhaps he was a young man then (1 Kings 18:3-16) and survived past the taking of Elijah in 849 B.C. If so, he may have been both the officer to Ahab and to Ahab’s son. Nevertheless, I believe that the prophesy occurred sometime immediately after 586 B.C. The arguments otherwise are weak. In favor…

Outline of Mark

…sufficient to hear but once, nor to receive the unwritten doctrine of the gospel of God, but they persevered in every variety of entreaties, to solicit Mark as the companion of Peter, and whose gospel we have, that he should leave them a monument of the doctrine thus orally communicated, in writing. Nor did they cease their solicitations until they had prevailed with the man, and thus become the means of that history which is called the Gospel according to…

Pornography, Masturbation, Temptation

…some penance to come back to God, or that we have finally exhausted His mercy. These are all lies that Satan uses all of the time. What God desires is restored relationships. What God wants is for us not to spend a second longer away from Him than what is needed to recognize we have sinned and to repent and turn back to Him. Every day, all of us live only because of His mercy. When we seem strong and…

The Apostolic Fathers

Question from a Site Viewer Can you define what it is you mean when referring to the Apostolic fathers? Are there other writings of the original apostles that I could begin to read? And if so, how do I move on from there? There’s so much information on the Internet but as you well know, it’s not always the most accurate. Tim’s Answer The Apostolic Fathers are the church leaders who immediately followed the apostles in time. The earliest is…

The Crush–Jason’s Christian Testimony

…my personality and endeavors in “fast food drive-thru” even got me on the radio station briefly. I still wanted to be more like her though. Anyway, one day while working “drive-thru” I received a little mini comic book. I put the comic in my pocket to read it later at home when I had time to relax. When I came home and took a shower, I read it. What I read in that little comic over the course of a…

Is Scripture Accurate?

…resurrection of Christ brought some difference to the Old Testament saints. After the resurrection of Christ, the way to heaven was opened and we now go immediately to be with Christ in conscious state, as Paul states in 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 and Philippians 1:21-23. But before then, it may well have been that the dead did not praise God because the dead had no capability to praise Him. Without some sort of body, there is no organ to generate praise….