Outline of Nahum

…From Assyrian records, it appears that Judah, during the time of Manasseh, was little more than a vassal state. We know from 2 Chronicles 33:11 that the LORD brought the Assyrians to Jerusalem to capture Manasseh. They put a hook in his nose, bound him with chains, and carried him off to Babylon. Perhaps during this time, or immediately after Manasseh’s return, Nahum prophesied against Nineveh. Nineveh was evil. Ashurnasirpal II (883-859) stated: I stormed the mountain peaks and took…

Bringing Back the Dead

…used to actually having anyone appear in her seances. When Samuel did appear, she knew that this was a supernatural occurrence and she immediately knew that there was only one person to whom Samuel would be appearing, and that would be king Saul. The event is noteworthy not only because it is one of a kind, but also for what Samuel says to Saul. Samuel chides Saul for disturbing Samuel (1 Samuel 28:15). The form of the question suggests that…

Hebrews 10:26 — Can Salvation Be Lost?

…tells to drive home His point that God’s desire is not to condemn those who sin, but to restore them. The first parable in this series, Luke 15:3-7, is about a sheep that belonged to the shepherd that was lost. Jesus likens the sheep to a sinner (verse 7). The shepherd goes out and searches until he finds the sheep and then rejoices that the sheep has been found. All we like sheep go astray, and the Lord searches for

Do We Go Straight to Heaven After We Die?

…has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself. 27 And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man.28 “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice…

Does God Want Me Back?

…if we sin we have an advocate with the Father. The mercy seat remains available to all who come to Him (Hebrews 4:14-16). This passage is followed immediately by the writer telling us that the very purpose of a high priest is that he can have compassion on those who go astray (Hebrews 5:2). Jesus is our great high priest who has compassion on us when we go astray (Hebrews 2:17-18). So, my encouragement to you is to return to…

Jesus Christ — Who Do You Say That I Am?

…Himself. Those who walked with Him told of miracles He performed: healing the sick, causing the blind to see, turning water into wine, telling the future, revealing the past, calming storms, walking on water, feeding thousands when food was scarce, casting out demons, raising the dead—even rising from the dead. Now you have heard about Jesus Christ. You have heard some of His claims. And you are now faced with a choice (if you haven’t already made one). You can…

Our Site Mission (and map)

…the one of the greatest free programs of all time. It will greatly assist you as you study God’s Word. What We Believe This page gives a very brief statement of my faith. In other words, this page explains what I believe to be the essential elements for salvation, according to the Bible. Messianic Prophecies Find many Old Testament prophecies about Jesus and their fulfillments in the New Testament. Do you know Him? This page is for non-Christians, or for

Carla’s Christian Testimony

My Christian Testimony I was raised in the house of God for as long as I can remember. I saw church as a duty like school, and felt that there was no real reason I needed to go. Regardless, I went every Sunday with my family and in my teenage years I began understanding why my mother made me go to church every Sunday. I became interested in my religion, up until high school came. I started living the stereotypical…

Jeffrey’s Christian Testimony

…of marriage we divorced. From that point on I was searching; that was 11 years ago. I looked for happiness in drugs for a long time. I looked for happiness in relationships and I looked for it in jobs. Guess what? I never found it. Wow, I was miserable. I was lonely. I was addicted to anything that would numb me. My parents and sister were praying for me and when I visited them I would go to church. I…

Cheryl’s Christian Testimony

…left my phone at home. So the next best thing I could think of to do was to find a testimony site and share some of my experiences. I have been unemployed because my employer went out of business in February of 2010. My husband and I both worked for the same company. He was not eligible for unemployment because he was self-employed and a 1099 employee, but I was. Our income dropped to less than half of our annual…