Heidy’s Christian Testimony

…and I asked Jesus to come into my heart. Since then, I have been completely drawn to the faith I once criticized. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, and I have new life. “Because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free.” Jesus Christ is the meaning of life, and because He died, I will spend eternity in Heaven with the one true God who loved me enough to send His Son in my place. Hallelujah!…

M. William’s Christian Testimony

…know God. I was still lost and searching, so as years pasted by I knew I needed Him just couldn’t understand why I was compelled to follow Him. But at the age of 18 I was gang raped by one of my cousin’s boyfriends and his friends, held captive for 24 hours, then they released me. But I still felt empty inside and that made my circumstances worse. On top of all that I became homeless at 18. I had…

A Fifth-Generation Jehovah’s Witness Finds Christ

…merciful than the elders are.” Another thing that bothered me was the lack of love. So many of the sisters and brothers were so rude to me. I kept telling myself that they were just imperfect humans and I expected too much. I also spoke out many times about the motivation everyone had for going door-to-door. They counted hours. I saw many times pioneers waste time on purpose. They would go to people who obviously just wanted company and did…

Alexandra’s Christian Testimony

…by . . . and I still wasn’t baptized. As a teenager I felt lack of communication, and it happened so that I didn’t have friends at school, not a single one. Can you imagine that? So, when I met those 2 nice-looking American guys (they turned out to be missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, i.e. Mormon Church) who were so friendly to me, I had no doubt that the things they were telling me…

David’s Christian Testimony–Surrendering 100%

…As crazy as it sounds, I believe with all my heart that God placed me in here for a reason, to completely surrender my life to Him and to carry out His Word. I am still incarcerated but I am finally free of the bondage of depression through the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior. Amen! For He redeemed my soul from going to the pit and I will live to enjoy the light. Job 33:28…

Christian Poems Sorted by Author

…Departed for Glory Broken No Longer Bound for Hell Christ Has Come A Finished Course Autumn Commemoration A Lesson From A Tree I Have Sinned The God Who Speaks When Death Marches Through the Land What Christmas Means to Me The Christmas Story My Cry! Did Jesus Die in Vain? Ensnared and at Peace His Birth Liz James Autonomous Man I Cannot Know Forgiveness NEW! Cindy Wyatt’s Christian Poems Homeland Security Free Gift of Salvation Jesus Came to Save Jesus…

Jesus of Judah

…child would still be of the tribe of Judah, since Mary was of that tribe. What is true of one’s land and one’s inheritance would also be true of one’s child, as long as there is no other man of another tribe involved. Now, we come to the situation that the New Testament presents us. Mary did not have a son asexually, but neither did Mary have a son sexually. Stated another way, if we take what Scripture says, Mary…

Why Does God Harden Hearts?

Does God really harden hearts? Fourteen times in Scripture a statement is made that God hardens someone’s heart (15 if we count John 12:40 where the “He” may be read as a reference to God or perhaps to Isaiah –- see Isaiah 6:9-10). Nine of those times are in relation to Pharaoh. Outside of Pharaoh, God says that he will harden the hearts of the Egyptians (Exodus 14:17), that the LORD hardened the spirit of Sihon, king of Heshbon (Deuteronomy…

Tithing — Does Scripture Mandate It?

…gave to the Levites the tithes of the Israelites and gave to the priests the tithe of the Levites (Numbers 18:21-26). God also commanded a tithe for the support of celebration (Deuteronomy 14:23-29). In Malachi 3:8, the passage most often quoted on the subject, God tells the Israelites that they have robbed Him in their tithes and offerings. In the New Testament, the tithe is not commanded, unless the reference in Matthew 23:23 & Luke 11:42 is seen as an…

Baptism and Salvation

…in Jesus is a “work” (John 6:29) we have the same problem, unless we are ready to relieve believers from the obligation to believe. In spite of the fact that both belief and baptism can be described as “works” there must be something more. This is it. Romans 3:27 we see the “law of faith” (see the KJV or your interlinear Greek New Testament). In verse 28 it is contrasted with the “law of works.” A law creates an obligation…