Carla’s Christian Testimony

At sixteen, Carla’s relationship with God was suffering. Knowing God didn’t mean as much to her as being with her boyfriend. She decided to have sex with him and that was a major disaster. Life become very difficult for her (and her boyfriend) but God helped her through the situation. Click the link below to read Carla’s testimony.

Carla’s Christian Testimony

What is Kingdom Now Theology?

A site reader recently asked us what we thought about Kingdom Now theology. Is it right? Wrong? Heretical? Since we didn’t really know much about it, we did a little research and here is what we found. Click the link below to read our article on Kingdom Now theology.

What is Kingdom Now Theology?

Danielle’s Christian Testimony

Have you ever felt worthless? Have you ever felt like life was completely meaningless? Well, you’re not the only one. Danielle felt that way too. Her life lacked meaning. But then she got to know Jesus and realized that her life had significant value–eternal value. Click the link below to read Danielle’s testimony.

Danielle’s Christian Testimony

Randy’s Christian Testimony

Randy suffered from epilepsy. He had seizures. He lost hope. But one day he saw a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross. That picture reminded him that Jesus died for him–that Jesus had a plan for his life. He quit feeling sorry for himself and started working on his relationship with Jesus. Find out what happened after that by click on the link below.

Randy’s Christian Testimony

Jason’s Christian Testimony

Jason was having all sorts of trouble in his life (as we all do at times). He struggled with finances. His marriage was shaky. His wife was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. His son was diagnosed with Autism. He was on the verge of suicide. Without God, a situation like this would be hard to fix. But with God, such a situation is a piece of cake. Check out Jason’s testimony by clicking the link below.

Jason’s Christian Testimony

Lisa’s Christian Testimony

Lisa thought she could trust God. Then she wasn’t so sure when God didn’t act like she thought He should act. Then she found out that no matter how she behaved or what she thought, that God was watching out for her. That He could be trusted. That He always has our good in mind. Click the link to read Lisa’s testimony.

Lisa’s Christian Testimony

Erica’s Christian Testimony

I can’t really begin to describe Erica’s life. Let’s just say that Satan had her completely in his grip. But Jesus came along and picked her up out of her mess and placed her on solid ground. He’s done that for a lot of us. Click the link below to read Erica’s testimony.

Erica’s Christian Testimony