How Do I Know Jesus Is In My Heart?

Question from a Site Viewer

How do I know for sure Jesus is in my heart?

Tim’s Answer

You ask how you may know for sure that Jesus is in your heart. The answer is simple. Ask Him to come in. As He says in Revelation 3:20, if we will hear His voice and open the door He will come in to us.

So, we want to listen and obey His words (which means we need to be reading them) and then invite Him into our lives. He will come to us. This is something we must accept by faith.

There will be times when He will feel distant from us, but precisely at such times we need to exercise our faith and lean into Scripture where He says that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). If there is known sin, we need to confess and forsake it. As we keep close to Him He will be close to us.

May the Lord Jesus confirm to your heart these truths and guide you into a life that is fully pleasing to Him.

a fellow pilgrim,

knowing vs doing

One thought on “How Do I Know Jesus Is In My Heart?”

  1. I believe that God Almighty is creator and his son Jesus is the redeemer. But I need more. I pray for a personal interaction

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