Have you ever let something–or someone–inhabit your thoughts to the extent that you lose your fire for Jesus? It’s happened to me. Satan does all he can to distract us but there are ways we can keep the focus where it should be–on Jesus. Click the link below to read our thoughts on the topic.
It is a daily battle to keep my thoughts and mind in the Lord. The world is a very distracting place, and it is used against us constantly. I bet every generation says that the world is going faster, more to think about and worry about. I going to say it, the world is moving to fast. With internet, t.v. world problems are within a click of a mouse or remote away. We can easily get caught up in the world and forget the most important thing in the world. The One who made it all. We can easily get drawn in by the perverseness of what the world , and really pull you away from the Lord. So I say lets turn the t.v. and internet off for a while and pick up the bible and get to work. Focus on the Lord, bring your thoughts back to Him. I will try harder myself.