“I have sinned.”
The words were three.
No explanation accompanied these.
No flourish of words or analysis.
They came over the wall surrounding the heart.
Timid and plain, they gave us a start.
Many the years since the last great escape
Of such words from within that rusty old gate.
They came not out in power or strength,
Nor were they found in pageant’s grand length.
There were no trumpets nor bands in the street;
They simply appeared, there on their feet.
They looked all around, was it quite true?
Now what would happen, what should they do?
Should they go left? Should they go right?
Should they be bold, or keep out of sight?
Should they go back?–oh, never, no doubt!
Now they were out from walls tall and stout.
It wasn’t a shouting type thing as you see.
These three timid words appearing to me.
Looking I saw them start down the street
Careful and shy yet bold and upbeat.
I saw them approach the corner ahead
Glancing around, they finally said:
“So many years and now we are free
Free from those walls built tall as can be.”
I turned as I heard, a groaning behind,
Wondering at what surprise I might find.
It was those great walls, pride’s fall was that day,
Cracking and falling, crumbling away.
Exposed in the heart, a throne was raised high
And there on that throne, humility cried.
A Christian poem by: Tim Binder — February 14, 2008