Sharad’s Christian Testimony

I am Sharad Kumar, born in Hyderabad (INDIA). Here is my Christian testimony.

From the childhood I had lot many questions in my mind. When I am going die? And what after my death? And before my birth where I was? And when I was 24 years old then I had one new question . . . who is genuine GOD? Like this I had “n” number of questions in my mind.

When I got fed up with life I asked a question to GOD. Where are you?

Are you a Christian?

Are you a Muslim?

Are you a Hindu and where are you?

Then this question was with me for more than 2 years! Later on GOD spoke to me with my friend. Then slowly I have learned to known who GOD is.

Then onwards I stopped drinking. I stopped watching bad movies. I stopped browsing ugly websites.

Jehovah is GOD and Jesus Christ is his son. And Jesus died on cross for my sins. I believed in Jesus Christ in the year 1996. He is my GOD and savior. I believe Jesus Christ and I love him so much. Later GOD has given me a good job, marriage, house, vehicle and a beautiful baby girl (Shaniya Jessica) and so many things. I am so much happy that one day I will be with Jesus Christ.

Thank GOD for everything he has done in my life.


2 thoughts on “Sharad’s Christian Testimony”

  1. It’s great that you had those questions in your early years and God prepared your heart when your friend shared with you! Praise God! Just keep your eyes on our Lord, through the good and the bad. We all have our ups and downs – and it is through our weakness that He strengthens! God bless!

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