I Feel Like a Failure — My Sin Haunts Me

Question from a Site Viewer
It’s been one of those nights of deep grief over the years of my failures and sin coming to haunt me. I wonder if I really have any worth in God’s kingdom and if He will ever use me for His glory. Doubt and unbelief rock my world. Financially, my life is in a shambles. I’m on charity and can’t get a job. It’s humbling to say the least–my son sees my failures and it really hurts. I’m disconnected from Christian fellowship and all the relics of my past keep me from being able to enjoy close fellowship with other Christians. I often wonder if I’m really saved and if God’s Spirit really lives in me.

Tim’s Answer
One of the secrets of living a life of blessing is to keep one’s eyes on Jesus alone. As we learn to live as His servants in this world, we begin to understand the truth that whether He gives us much or little, He gives us precisely what we need to do His will. He is the master and equips us with the resources we need to do what He wants. He does not ask us to do everything that someone else may be doing. He only requests that we be faithful with what He has given us. Some have many talents. Some have few. Some have many resources. Some few. But we only need to faithfully steward what we have.

Thus, I would encourage you not to think about what might have been, or to entertain any thoughts about being a failure. Life is too short to spend time thinking about the past. Rather, each day is a new day to explore what God wants you to do! Keep your eyes on Him. Take time to praise Him. Take time to pray. And take time to serve. And learn to enjoy the little God-signs and blessings He sends. He will provide for you. Always remember that He is the treasure; we are the vessels that bear that treasure. Seek to bear the treasure each day in a way that shows forth His goodness.  You are not a failure.

And, whenever you have a doubt about whether you are truly a Christian, go back to John 3:16. If you trust in Him for your salvation, then He has promised to save you, as He does all who come to Him. Remember the publican who asked God to be merciful. Jesus said that He went away righteous (Luke 18:9-14). He has made it easy for us. By turning to Christ, we are saved. So, when you doubt, turn to Christ. By turning to Christ, you will keep reinforcing the truth of your own salvation based on His own words. Those who look to Him for salvation are saved.

Finally, do not think about your own lack of worth. None of us are worthy. We all exist solely by His grace. But His delight is to rescue sinful people and transform them into saints. He has more pleasure over one sinner who repents and returns than over 99 who seem to have everything together. Celebrate His great love for us who do not deserve His grace. He loves you and He loves all who hope in His mercy.

Our prayers are with you.

the team at truthsaves,


One thought on “I Feel Like a Failure — My Sin Haunts Me”

  1. I have been a Christian for over four years now. The first few years were beautiful as God revealed himself to me every moment of my life. I felt his presence that instant i believed. I always knew he existed but i finally embraced it that special day. It seems that at some point he was carrying me through but suddenly let go so i may walk on my own. I must have freaked a bit and fell. Because i was going through a bad relationship during the wonder years but i was so wrapped in Gods word i never noticed, and then all of a sudden i saw what was happening and panicked. Just like Peter when he took his eyes off Jesus on the water. But i can never get back on my feet ever since. I almost doubt my salvation but i still believe in Jesus.

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