My Wife Left Me

Question from a Site Viewer
My wife left me three years back along with my two daughters. Will she come back?

Tim’s Answer
I am so sorry that your wife left. I do not know if she will come back. God has created every person with their own will. Sometimes we make good choices. Sometimes we make bad ones. We can control the choices we make. We cannot control the choices of others. Your wife left. That was her choice. That was not necessarily God’s choice. People often make choices that are not aligned with God’s will. Such choices are sin.

Whether your wife will make another choice and choose to come back, we cannot predict. While it is possible for God to let us know, as He knows the future, He often does not tell us. So, for most of the time, the Christian walk is one of preparing for, but not knowing, the future. We do not know if we will be alive or dead tomorrow, if we will be rich or poor, well or ill. Jesus taught us that we do not know tomorrow, but also we should not worry about tomorrow. Rather, we should seek first God’s kingdom. The task God has given us is to live our lives loving Him with all of our hearts and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

I know this can be difficult when our circumstances are not what we would want. Yet, when our circumstances are difficult, our pursuit of God is that much more precious to Him. God wants us to love Him and love one another whether or not we have wives, children, or have been left alone. One passage that has helped me in difficult times is Lamentations 3. You might want to read it. When all is going against one, we recall to our minds that God’s mercies are still towards those who call on His name and seek to follow Jesus. Our circumstances do not change the measure of God’s love for us (Romans 8:31-39).

While this does not mean that we will not suffer, and feel the loss of loved ones who have left us, it does mean that God will never leave us and His love is always towards His people. When our close friends abandon us, the Lord will sustain us.

I encourage you to let God know your feelings and sense of loss. I also encourage you to determine in your heart that you will continue to serve God with all of your heart, no matter what happens in life. And be encouraged in the Lord. This life is short and quickly passes away. Eternity with God is forever. Live, look, and long for eternity. If you do so, the difficulties of this life become much more bearable.

My prayer is with you.


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