Outline of 1 Kings and Outline of 2 Kings

We’ve provided this outline of 1 Kings and this outline of 2 Kings to aid in your study of God’s Word. May He reveal Himself to you as you seek Him.

Like Samuel, the two books of Kings were originally one book. They contain the account of Israel from Solomon until the destruction of Judah. After Solomon, there are 19 kings of Israel and 20 kings of Judah. Judah survived some 140 years longer as a nation than did Israel. Contained within the books are the high and low points of Israel’s life, from the height of Solomon’s reign to the end of the people as a nation.

Date: 970 B.C. to 586 B.C.

Divisions: The book of Kings can be divided as follows:

The Book of 1 Kings

I. Solomon 1-11

  1. Establishment 1-3
  2. Administration 4
  3. The Temple 5-9
  4. Queen of Sheba 10
  5. Sad End 11

II. The Kingdom Splits 12-16

  1. Jeroboam & Rehoboam 12-14
  2. Transition to Ahab 15-16

III. Elijah and Ahab 17-22

  1. The Drought 17
  2. Confrontation with Baal 18
  3. The Still Voice 19
  4. The Syrians 20
  5. Naboth’s Vineyard 21
  6. Ahab’s End 22

The Book of 2 Kings

I. Elisha 1-8

  1. Transition from Elijah 1-2
  2. Moab’s Ruin 3
  3. Various Miracles 4
  4. Naamon’s Leprosy 5
  5. The Syrian Siege 6-7
  6. Elisha’s Legacy 8

II. End of Ahab’s Line 9-11

  1. End of the Kingdom 9
  2. End of Offspring 10
  3. End of Athaliah 11

III. From Joash to Israel’s End 12-17

  1. Joash 12
  2. Various Kings 13-16
  3. Israel Destroyed 17

IV. Hezekiah to Judah’s End 18-25

  1. Hezekiah 13-20
  2. Manasseh 21
  3. Josiah 22-23
  4. Judah Destroyed 24-25

Key Phrase: “. . . in the eyes of the LORD . . . ”
This phrase is found 43 times in Kings but only 88 times in the entire Old Testament; five times in Samuel; 18 times in Chronicles; nine times in Deuteronomy and eight times in Judges. (1 Kings 3:10; 11:6; 14:22; 15:5, 11, 26, 34; 16:7, 19, 25, 30; 21:20, 25; 22:43, 53; 2 Kings 3:2, 18; 8:18, 27; 12:3; 13:2, 11; 14:3, 24; 15:3, 9, 18, 24, 28, 34; 16:2; 17:2, 17; 18:3; 21:2, 6, 16, 20; 22:2; 23:32, 37; 24:9, 19)

Key Passage: 2 Kings 17:33; see also 2 Kings 6:17; 1 Kings 8:27

Key Lesson: Everything is judged by His sight.

2 thoughts on “Outline of 1 Kings and Outline of 2 Kings”

  1. Your outline for the Books of the Bible are very valuable.Thank you.I just humbly point out a typing error.The introductory sentence of 1 and 2 King’s is wrongly typed as 1 and 2 Solomon .

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