Outline of Jeremiah

We hope this outline of Jeremiah will aid you in your study of God’s letter to you.

Jeremiah is the second of the major writing prophets. He authored the books of Jeremiah and the small poetic book of Lamentations. He lived and prophesied around 100 years after Isaiah beginning in 627 B.C. until around 586 B.C. The final chapter of the book apparently was added by a scribe detailing events that most likely occurred after Jeremiah’s death, around 560 B.C. Jeremiah began prophesying as a young man (Jeremiah 1:6). His prophetic ministry was not well accepted. The king asked for his advice and then did the opposite. In fact, at one time the king read Jeremiah’s prophecy, section by section, cutting them out after they were read and throwing them in the fire that was on his hearth. The people asked for his advice and then did the opposite. The priests and religious prophets hated him and threw him into a dungeon. Yet, the message Jeremiah proclaimed was ultimately the right one.

Jeremiah tells us much about the character of God in the first 35 chapters.

Jeremiah 1:8, 19The presence of God is enough to withstand all enemies.
Jeremiah 2:13He is the fountain of living waters.
Jeremiah 3:12He is merciful
Jeremiah 4:28But there are times when He will not relent
Jeremiah 5:22We should tremble at His presence
Jeremiah 6:30God sometimes rejects people
Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14And does not even want prayer on their behalf
Jeremiah 8:7He is a God of judgment
Jeremiah 9:23-24He is the God who exercises lovingkindness, Judgment, and righteousness in the earth
Jeremiah 10:7He is the King of the nations
Jeremiah 10:10the living God, the everlasting King
Jeremiah 10:12, 16The Creator
Jeremiah 10:13The Sustainer
Jeremiah 11:20He tests the mind and the heart
Jeremiah 12:1He is righteous
Jeremiah 12:7He is endeared to His people
Jeremiah 13:16He should be glorified
Jeremiah 14:8He is the Hope of Israel
Jeremiah 15:6But He becomes weary of relenting
Jeremiah 16:17His eyes are on all their ways
Jeremiah 17:13He writes in the earth those who depart from Him
Jeremiah 18:6He is the potter
Jeremiah 19:3His judgments are notable
Jeremiah 20:11He is a mighty, awesome One
Jeremiah 20:12He tests the righteous
Jeremiah 21:8He gives a choice (life or death)
Jeremiah 22:24-26God will not endure sin, even with those close to Him
Jeremiah 23:4-5He will set up shepherds, a Branch of righteousness, and a King
Jeremiah 23:23-24He is omnipresent
Jeremiah 23:29His word is powerful
Jeremiah 24:9He will deliver some to trouble
Jeremiah 25:31He will plead with all flesh
Jeremiah 26:13God seeks for repentance
Jeremiah 27:5He gives the land to whomever it seems proper to Him
Jeremiah 28:16-17God’s judgment sometimes is swift
Jeremiah 29:11-13God’s thoughts for us are for peace and a future and a hope, and not for evil
Jeremiah 30:22God is looking for a people
Jeremiah 31:3He has loved us with an everlasting love
Jeremiah 32:17, 27there is nothing too difficult
Jeremiah 32:18He is the Great One
Jeremiah 32:19He is great in counsel and mighty in work
Jeremiah 33:11He is good
Jeremiah 34:13He sticks to His covenant
Jeremiah 35:18-19God blesses obedience

And Jeremiah tells us much about the character of man as well.

Jeremiah 2:23; 35Man does not know his own depravity
Jeremiah 4:4, 14Man needs to repent
Jeremiah 5:7When fed to the full, men commit adultery
Jeremiah 5:25Sin withholds good things from us
Jeremiah 5:30-31People love false prophecy
Jeremiah 6:16We should not stray from the old paths
Jeremiah 7:8We often trust in lying words
Jeremiah 7:23-27People will not obey
Jeremiah 8:9Without God’s wisdom, people are without wisdom
Jeremiah 9:6They refuse to know God
Jeremiah 10:23-24Man does not direct his own steps
Jeremiah 11:15rejoice to do evil
Jeremiah 12:8Men are like lions crying out against God
Jeremiah 13:23It is impossible for those who are accustomed to evil to do good
Jeremiah 14:10Men love to wander and not discipline themselves
Jeremiah 15:10They curse God’s servants
Jeremiah 16:11-12They just do worse and worse
Jeremiah 17:9The heart is weak above all
Jeremiah 17:14We need to be healed
Jeremiah 18:12Man thinks God’s way is hopeless
Jeremiah 19:15Stiffening the neck to not hear
Jeremiah 20:7-8His people are derided
Jeremiah 21:13Do not realize impending doom
Jeremiah 22:13-17unrighteous and covetous people
Jeremiah 22:21Do not listen in prosperity
Jeremiah 23:17People like prophets who proclaim peace
Jeremiah 24:7He will give a heart to know Him to those who go His way
Jeremiah 25:15-38all nations shall be punished
Jeremiah 26:8the religious ones will try to kill the messenger
Jeremiah 27:9the religious ones may be telling lies
Jeremiah 28:15-16Lying prophets teach rebellion against God
Jeremiah 29:16-19Those who do not heed God’s words will be punished
Jeremiah 29:24-28men want to persecute the prophet
Jeremiah 30:14Men forsake men in time of trouble
Jeremiah 31:22They wander about
Jeremiah 32:33-35they commit all types of abominations
Jeremiah 33:3We are encouraged to call
Jeremiah 34:16Men profaned God’s name
Jeremiah 35:17Men don’t obey God

The book is strongly pro-life (Jeremiah 1:5; 20:17-18).

The book centers on the rebellion of Israel and the coming judgment. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the fact that Israel has violated the covenant of God. Yet, God continues to call for repentance. But finally, God has enough, and the destruction falls.

Date: 627-586 B.C.

The Divisions

I. The call to ministry 1

II. Pronouncements against Judah 2-20

  1. The LORD’s Complaint 2
  2. The Extension of Mercy 3-4:4
  3. The Statements of Judgment 4:5-6
  4. The people trust in deceit 7-9
  5. A description of God 10
  6. The Covenant’s Been Broken 11
  7. Jeremiah’s Question and the LORD’s Answer 12
  8. Judgment without mercy 13-16
  9. The Sins of Judah 17-18
  10. The intensity of judgment 19
  11. Pashur’s confrontation 20

III. Pronouncements Against Leaders and People in Judah 21-28

  1. Against Jerusalem 21
  2. Agaisnt the Royal Line 22
  3. Against Religious Leaders 23
  4. The Two choices 24
  5. The 70 years and judgment on the nations 25
  6. The threat to Jeremiah 26
  7. The Yokes and Bonds 27-28

IV. The Future Hope 29-33

  1. The Letter of Encouragement to the Captives 29
  2. Restoration of Israel and Judah 30
  3. A New Covenant 31
  4. A Return to the Land 32
  5. The Voice of Joy 33

V. Obedience is Missing 34-36

  1. With respect to slaves 34
  2. Example of the Rechabites 35
  3. The King and the scroll 36

VI. The Destruction of Jerusalem and the people 37-45

  1. The vain hope in Egypt 37
  2. Jeremiah in the dungeon 38
  3. Jerusalem’s fall 39
  4. Gedaliah, the governor 40
  5. Gedaliah’s death 41
  6. Don’t go to Egypt 42
  7. They went to Egypt 43
  8. Warning of Punishment in Egypt 44
  9. Blessing for Baruch 45

VII. Pronouncement of Judgment on the nations 46-52

  1. On Egypt 46
  2. On Philistia 47
  3. On Moab 48
  4. On Ammon 49:1-6
  5. On Edom 49:7-22
  6. On Syria 49:23-27
  7. On Kedar (Arab) and Hazor 49:28-33
  8. On Elam (southwest Iran) 49:34-39
  9. On Babylon 50-51

VIII. Appendix 52

Key Idea:
Disobedience Brings Judgment. Predominate phrase is “Thus says the LORD.” It’s found 139 times in Jeremiah. It’s only found 123 times in the rest of the Old Testament. The phrase “LORD of hosts”, or “LORD of the armies,” is found 72 times out of a total of 246 times in the Old Testament. God is speaking as the God of the armies of the world.

Key Passage: Jeremiah 31:31-34

Key Lesson: Turn to God before His Judgment falls.

3 thoughts on “Outline of Jeremiah”

    1. “All who voted for Trump are going to Hell as they are backslidden”

      Wow! That statement shows the truth of “Ignorance is bliss!”

      Whoever made that statement about “Trump voters” is not God, and should beware of such judging. Peter made SERIOUS errors in his theology even after he was chosen to be the one through which Christ started His church, but Christ chose him anyway, even before Peter made those theological errors.

  1. greetngs in CHRIST’s name.teachings on Book of Jeremiah is scarce in Church and Society these day.have a blest Fall’s day.yours faithfully.~

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