A meek, humble man, uncommon
Gracious in word, deed and pen,
Eyes lovingly looking to Jesus
He was truly a prince among men.
His joy was contagious and winsome
He laughed with the joy of a child,
For he knew that his Father was with him
That through Christ he had been reconciled.
He befriended the helpless and hopeless
Spoke in love what is true and what’s right,
He stood by the side of family and friends,
And brought light on a dark day or night.
He touched the lives of many
Was so generous with all he possessed,
He reached out to those less fortunate
Truly lived out the life he professed.
He preferred to be called a servant
Sought to serve and not to be served,
He knew that grace was the gift of God
That no one can earn or deserved.
He is now singing praise to the Savior
Gladly casting his crown at Christ’s feet,
He’s now with the Lord he loves and adores
And his joy is now full and complete.
Oh dear timothy, how I miss you!
You’re a once in a lifetime friend,
I thank God for our time spent together,
That in Christ this life’s not the end!
A Christian poem by: Mark Tinjum — December 2015