I’ve died;
No, not really.
I’m fully alive,
Though you’re not here near me.
I wish I could
Comfort you now
But death has parted us
You’re left;
No, not really.
I’ve taken a part
Of you right home with me.
That part of you,
You gave to me
Has left the earth
And crossed the sea.
There’s pain;
Yes, persistent pain
Pummels your heart.
It’s always the same.
Because you’ve given
Your heart as a friend,
My presence will mend it
My parting will rend.
No, not really.
While I am gone
Christ always is with thee.
And though you will grieve
And weep and mourn,
Christ grieves with you;
His heart is torn.
Have faith,
Yes, most truly
Trust in God,
And you shall come to me.
In glory, oh Jesus!
Amazing indeed!
He’s more wonderful than
What we ever believed.
A Christian poem by: Tim Binder — December 31, 2008