Around 1972 I was hitchhiking home. I was raised Catholic but felt like they were missing something.
I was not born again but felt like the Jesus Freaks had the real thing. I started praying that a Jesus Freak would pick me up.
I hitchhiked for about two hours in tons of traffic and no one would pick me up. Finally this guy picks me up in a V.W. He had a Bible between the seats and his face looked like the pictures of Jesus and seemed to glow.
The whole ride he said nothing and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and kept wondering if this was Jesus. Finally he let me out and all he said was, “God bless you,” and it blew me away.
I could see the love in his eyes. I’m not sure if it was Christ but one thing I am sure is of that He (Jesus Christ) answered my prayer.
I have many similar stories from serving the Lord over the years. They are tangible evidence to me of a living God. I will keep telling more of them as the time goes on.
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There was a real movement of God in those days. Thank you for sharing your testimony. I especially love the Christian music that came out back then.
Thanks for your hitchhiking with a Jesus Freak story! As a new Peace Corps volunteer in Africa, I was walking the beach early one Sunday morning carrying a big bible and praying that I would find a way to church that day. I was approached by strangers Ad and Jinx (who I later discovered were retirees working for World Vision as regional accountants) who asked what I was doing. Short version, I attended church with them that morning and they became my “mom and dad” in the big city for almost all of my volunteer service.