Jason’s Christian Testimony – The Crush

Often, as we go through life, we see people that have something that we want. We may not be able to pinpoint what it is that they have, but we know we want it. Jason had a crush on a woman (or two) that knew Jesus. When reading a small pamphlet one night detailing God’s plan of salvation, he finally realized that Jesus was “the thing” the women had that he wanted.

Jason’s Christian Testimony – The Crush

Am I Truly Saved?

We are all human. We all have doubts and fears. At times we may even doubt our salvation. Satan has many devices in his arsenal with which to deceive us–friends, dreams, television, books, the Internet–even so-called spiritual leaders. If we begin to doubt whether or not we’re truly saved, we need to clear our minds and go back to Scripture and see what it says.

Am I Truly Saved?

Baptism & Salvation

Some say baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation? Is it? Does Scripture support that position?

This seems to be the never-ending topic.

So many people see baptism as a necessary requirement for salvation. Others go so far as to say it’s the act that brings salvation. We’re on the other side of the spectrum.

We see Scripture, time and again, telling us that we need to believe to be saved. Faith is the requirement. True faith will bring about a heart change. Being saved isn’t about some external act; it’s about running to God, trusting in Him, believing in His holy Word, living in constant communion with Him and being guided daily by His Holy Spirit.

It’s about having a relationship with the Jesus of the Bible.

Baptism & Salvation

Salvation – A Christian Poem

Salvation is offered freely to all. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. God is waiting to transform your life. A poem.

Mike sends in poems once in a while and I don’t post them for about 10 years. So, I’m happy that he continues to send in poems even though I’m so slow at getting them up.

This one, Salvation, really hit home with me. I have already obtained salvation, by the grace of Jesus Christ, but there is still internal strife that needs to be overcome. Sin still crops up. Satan still battles for my soul. Transformation is still necessary for me to grow into the person Jesus wants me to be.


Be Sure of Your Salvation

We don’t have to wonder if we’re saved. We can have assurance of our salvation.

Here’s a question that was recently sent in by a site visitor:

How can I be sure of my salvation? I have confessed Jesus to people I know and was baptized. I told my family members about Jesus because the Bible says to confess him before men. How can I be sure that I am still saved or ever was?

The little book of 1 John has a lot to say about this topic. And guess what? This is not something we have to wonder about.

Be Sure of Your Salvation

Hebrews 10:26 – Can Salvation be Lost?

Hebrews 10:26 sounds scary. Can Christians really lose their salvation?

26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.
Hebrews 10:26, 27

This verse makes a lot of people nervous. Can a Christian really lose his or her salvation? What does it mean, “there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”? The “adveraries” – who are they? Find out what we think of this passage.

Hebrews 10:26 – Can Salvation Be Lost?

Catholicism and Salvation

Do Roman Catholics believe that those outside the church can attain salvation?

Does the Roman Catholic Church believe that all those outside the church are doomed to hell?

Tim sheds a bit of light on the position of the Catholic church. And, of course, he throws in a few of his own opinions.

Check out Catholicism and Salvation here.

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? An Introduction

I am convinced God wants all believers to be baptized. But that does not negate the point of the article; belief in the Jesus of the Bible opens heaven’s doors for us; baptism doesn’t.

Many years ago I wrote an article about baptism.

I’ve received countless emails inquiring why I’d write such an article. Am I trying to mislead people? Am I trying to avoid being baptized myself? Am I making excuses for family members or friends who haven’t been baptized? Why write such a divisive article?

Hopefully this simple answer will suffice. Some time ago, someone tried convincing me that achieving salvation meant following strict procedures and rules. First I had to read these verses, then pray this, then do that, then this, then that, and so on. If I rejected the prescription, then I lacked genuine faith. If I didn’t accept the routine, then God didn’t accept me.

One of the steps in the recipe involved baptism by immersion. Without it, I’d never make it to heaven. The emphasis always lay in the procedures, not on the relationship.

My problem with the above is that I don’t find it in the Bible. I find strong evidence to the contrary. Jesus broke the rules. He established relationships. He baptized none. Paul baptized few. The thief on the cross went to be in Paradise with Jesus without baptism. Jesus told the rich young ruler in Luke 18 to “follow Me.” He wanted the man to forsake all and to be with Him. He told Martha in John 11 that “everyone who believes in Me will never die.” He asked her if she believed that. Do you believe it? I do. Nowhere does the Bible say, “Be baptized and you will be saved.” The closest you’ll find to that is Mark 16:16.

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (ESV)

What does this verse say? It says that anyone who does not believe will be condemned. And that’s what I affirm.

Does this mean baptism should be avoided? Not at all. Jesus began His ministry by being baptized (Matthew 3); He ended His ministry by commanding his disciples to go into all the world and baptize (Matthew 28:19). Peter tells us in Acts to be baptized. In the New Testament, when people came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, baptism followed. This pattern should be a model for us. I’d worry if someone opposed baptism.

Please read this article knowing that I have been baptized. I am convinced God wants all believers to be baptized. But that does not negate the point of the article; belief in the Jesus of the Bible opens heaven’s doors for us; baptism doesn’t.

Read the article here.

Salvation vs. Sanctification

We posted two new articles on truthsaves. One is about loving your neighbor as yourself, and the other discusses the differences between salvation and sanctification.

Tim recently answered two good questions. The first asked whether we thought the church is doing all it can to love its neighbors. And of course we’re not. We can always do more. But we, as God’s church, have fulfilled this command and continue to do so in many ways.

Read Tim’s thoughts on the subject.

The other question asked the difference between salvation and sanctification. I can’t even begin to explain it like Tim does so just check out the article for yourself.

You can read it here.