A Purposeless Life

For Liz, life lacked purpose. But she met Jesus Christ, and found her reason for living.

When life lacks meaning, where do you turn? Some turn to drugs or drinking, others turn to pornography, still others delve into their careers, searching in vain for the ever-elusive purpose.

Liz understood what it meant to feel empty and bitter. Then she met Jesus Christ – the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Read Liz’s’ testimony here.

One thought on “A Purposeless Life”

  1. Liz-isn’t it the best feeling iin the world? We run into the right people right time! It is hard when you aren’t raised with any knowledge to grip it-to know He IS THE TRUTH-but He has His plans set out for you….and in His timing and our wonderful freewill-we cling to it…and it clicks! And it is an amazing feeling-and there is no turning back-you are sealed! God bless you my sister in Christ…and may your faith just keep growing stronger with your walk! He is amazing every step of the way!
    In His Love,

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