Do We Post ALL Questions & Answers as Articles?

Question from a Site Viewer

Do you post all site reader questions and your answers on this site? I’d rather not have my question and your answer publicly posted on the site.

Tim’s Answer

Thanks for writing. Our purpose with the site and our offer to attempt to answer questions is not to generate articles for the site. Our desire is to be used of God in furthering His kingdom by helping people have faith in and love for Christ.

Nevertheless, we have found that our answers to many of the questions have provided material that blesses others. We do not post all of our answers, but we post the ones that we think may add valuable content to the site. And using the question and answer format has allowed people to understand the context of the answer.

But we neither have a policy to post all questions and answers nor do we post all questions and answers. When people ask not to have their question posted, we will honor that request. Occasionally, when the answer provides content that is not otherwise available on the site, we may create a generic question and rework the answer as needed to protect individuals. But it is not our policy to post questions if someone does not want their question posted.

Nevertheless, we state this caution. We may have moral, legal, and ethical obligations to report certain matters to authorities when questions reveal certain information of a criminal nature. Thus, we are not like a priest, a pastor, a doctor, or a lawyer where there is some protection against disclosure. Many states require the disclosure of certain particularly heinous criminal matters, generally those involving the abuse of children.

Accordingly, while we may encourage those who have done such things to turn themselves in to the proper authorities and bear their judgment with the grace of Christ, we do not encourage them to share such information on this site.

Our basic rule is that if you have any question about whether you would want something known, it is best not to put it into a question. You can put generic information in a question, but the specifics at times may not be wise.

I hope this helps you analyze what you may want to put into a question, or whether you even want to submit a question.

In either event, I pray that you will find the richness of His mercy towards you and that you will truly understand the extent of the rejoicing in heaven over a sinner who returns to God (Luke 15).

a pilgrim,


One thought on “Do We Post ALL Questions & Answers as Articles?”

  1. The pastor of the church I am attending is discouraging the sharing of personal testimonials about conversion experiences, as being self-serving. Also, especially if they are accompanied by extraordinary circumstances, hurtful to others who had more “mundane” conversion experiences. Additionally, I believe that this pastor believes that sharing of personal testimonials is disruptive toward the prime directive of focusing on the gospel. I do not want to be a disruptive force in this church, but I have always felt compelled by God to share my personal testimony… not as a self serving measure, but as a Christ affirming true story.. I am happy to share it with anyone who requests it.

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