Does Communion Heal?

Question from a Site Viewer
Somewhere in the New Testament, when a person partakes of communion, they are healed. Is this right and where is it found?

Tim’s Answer
There is nowhere in Scripture where it says that you are healed by partaking of communion. The only passages dealing directly with communion are Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 22:14-23; and 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. The 1 Corinthians passage states that some are sick because they partake unworthily but the converse is not necessarily true or implied. Giving communion to those sick in the hospitals is not going to empty the hospitals.

It may be that you are thinking of the Isaiah 53:4 passage that is quoted in Matthew 8:16-17 as including healing in the atonement of Christ. In Christ’s death there is provision for healing that ultimately will be realized in the life to come. But God’s people have long suffered illnesses. It is part of living in a world that has been marred by sin. We share in the common sufferings of humanity. Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his many illnesses (1 Timothy 5:23). Paul did not tell him to take communion for them.

Communion is not magical. It is a demonstration of our faith in Jesus, of our faith in His work of dying for us and removing our sins, of our faith in the enduring character of the New Covenant He has made on our behalf, and of our faith in His return to this earth to judge the living and the dead. We remember Jesus in communion. The focus is on Him and our hearts are lifted in gratitude to His sacrifice and the promise of eternal life we have in Him.

I hope this helps. May the Lord Jesus guide you into all truth.


One thought on “Does Communion Heal?”

  1. We have a small group of ladies studying the Bible. A book “The healing power of holy communion “ was being discussed. I committed I don’t believe what is being said. Thanks for confirming my thoughts. Because they challenged me prove it is wrong. So thank you I have prove.

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