Question from a Site Viewer
I’m a Christian now . . . but I was a hard-core drug addict . . . I was on heroin for years . . . in order to get off of it, the Lord allowed me to get help from the clinic. I’m on methadone now. I don’t think it’s a drug; it just blocks the withdrawals and it blocks the desire to use again. I plan on going off it in a few months. Do you think I will go to hell for taking methadone? I believe since the doctor prescribed it to me, since it’s not an illegal drug, and because it just keeps me from having withdrawals and wanting to use, that it’s not wrong. I plan on being off in about 5 or 6 months . . .
Tim’s Answer
Thank you for your question. You have made two of the most important decisions in your life. First, you have surrendered your life to the Lord Jesus and now wish to honor Him with your life. That is the most important decision, because it impacts not only the quality of your life here, but your life for eternity. I trust that you will seek to follow Jesus with all of your heart, that you will love Him most deeply, and that your heart will grow to yearn for Him always. He is a friend who wants to be in a meaningful and rich relationship with you.
Second, your decision to stop using drugs is critical to life. Paul states in 1 Corinthians 6:12 that all things are lawful, but not all things are helpful and that he would not be brought under the power of any. To state this in another way, of the things that are lawful for us to do, we should avoid doing that which ultimately controls us. This is hard, because what controls us often does so because we crave the immediate pleasure it brings. Learning to say “no” to these desires is critical to living a rich and good life, one pleasing to God and to others. But do not focus on the “no.” Rather, focus on desiring Jesus. Everything you wanted that was supplied from drugs, seek from Jesus. Over time, you will find a relationship so rich with Him that you will wonder what took you so long. Those who seek Him with all of their heart will find the breadth, length, depth, and height of His love to be completely overwhelming, so much so that they will fall on their knees in wonder and grace. Always, always, keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
And seek to be a blessing to others. I suspect you have wasted many years in which you have not been much of a blessing to others. But that is now in the past. Don’t fret about it. Rather, every morning, when you arise, ask Jesus to allow you to be a blessing to someone that day. And then, seek to see how He answers that prayer.
And, no, you will not go to hell because you are using methadone. One goes to hell because one does not choose to trust in Jesus for help. I am on a cancer drug, prescribed by a doctor, and it is a gift of God. Using methadone in accordance with a doctor’s direction is a good thing. I would follow your provider’s instruction on how long you should be on this medication. Be upfront and honest. When the time comes for you to be off of it, I pray that the Lord Jesus will keep you safe in Him and that your life will only grow more rich and rewarding.
In the meantime, serve God by serving others. If you can, it would be good to get some type of job so that you can use it to help pay for your expenses as well as expand your ability to give to others. Learn to be a blessing to all.
And may the Lord Jesus bless you as you seek to follow Him.
A fellow pilgrim,
This was very encouraging to me. I love Jesus with all that I am, but I am an ex drug user. I am on methadone, and I feel shameful for being on methadone, because I desire to live a sinless life in absolute submission to Jesus! It’s the HARDEST thing I’ve ever gone through. Without the methadone I feel sick without any energy. I’ve prayed for God to free me, but I think God wishes for me to experience the hardship of overcoming my addiction in order to be an inspiration to others, and so I will def. not make the same mistake. Satan wants us to feel condemnation, but there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.. I desire to be a mighty man of God who proclaims the Gospel of Jesus to anyone and everyone!
-Brian F
Thank you for this, I just started at my local methadone clinic on Tuesday, today is my third day on methadone after over 16 years of drug abuse. Im 36 years old & have wasted my whole adult life in this sin of drug addiction but Im feeling soo guilty now & feel like The Lord is angry & will turn away from me because Im on methadone. I know that I am suppose to live my life in total submission to Him & His will & I feel like Im not even trying. It took me so long to even take the step of going to the clinic because I know The Lord wants me to be totally dependent on Him for everything & I feel like Im sinning even worse by being on MMT. Thank you for showing me another way to look at my situation… God bless you, Chasidy
Hi, I’m also a methadone patient and wondered that if I took methadone, will I go to hell? The ? I had to search was making sure I don’t put methadone ABOVE GOD…make sense???
I am also near your age, but am on Suboxone for addiction. I felt this way too at first where I felt like God was real angry with my not relying on him for my disease. I now dont feel this way because I know that some people receive healing right away and sometimes others take longer as I have seen. I too have the strongest urge I have had to come to Jesus and found it easy to fall into feeling totally unable to please him or become saved. You are on the best start. Trust in Jesus. Read.
Hi Chris I am too on Suboxone and I did feel shame at first but now I do not. I do plan on going off the suboxone in the near future. I really dread it but I know God don’t put more on us than we can bear. This post is also very encouraging to read this. May I ask how long everyone has been taking methodone/suboxone?
I’ve been on subxone for about 2 years now. I’ve been trying to come off of it since I came back to Jesus a year ago and have tried a few times but never completely surrendered it to him. I really strongly feel convicted because it became a way for me to drown my pain and not have to feel it as much. Also, it’s caused me many adverse health effects. I can’t say this post made me feel better because it didn’t. I’m almost sure God wants me off of it I understand everyone’s situation is different but for me, I guess I was putting it above him. It’s also caused me many many problems with my bones, my teeth are just having to be pulled left and right because it eats your teeth out. It’s not a good thing to stay on. Now I don’t know about methadone but I know suboxone is not a good thing to stay on for very long. If anyone has to, I would recommend not to abuse it or use it to numb yourself like I did, and to not stay on it for more than 6months I wouldn’t recommend it at all
I think the same thing I also struggle with this same subject…I’m going to school and a slowly trying to taper off I have to stop and go on this detox ..I’m planning to be a med missionary ..that is the reason why I’m in school. Coming off of this methadone is so hard . And I pray go to church but feel. Like I should be able to pray and walk off . Cause I believe he can heal me but I always end up getting scared and taking it . I pray that there are better alternative detox ficilitys that I can go to and afford that I can just go in and get into inpatient….I haven’t found one yet if anyone knows please let me know about it …in the northwest USA. . (Ps I’ve been on methadone for over 15 years I’m 40 now I started drugs…
Hi Grace there are many detox centers that u could go to wat part of U.S. are u in, they have Teen Challenge which is a Christian rehab so I’m not sure if you’re looking for just the detox n be done or to actually go through treatment, let me know and I’ll do my best to help u out sister ok . God Bless you
A lot of places won’t detox people from methadone.. I’ve tried
This is true, taxpayer funded programs will allow you to detox off methadone but then be put on suboxone once methadone has left your system which takes about 8 days. The only programs that detox you completely off methadone are private “pay as you go” programs, which are expensive. Ive been wanting to get off methadone ever since i gave my life to Our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. The only issue i see with being a Christian and being on methadone, is that eventually a choice will have to be made. Whatever controls your life, if its not JESUS CHRIST then its an idol, and all MMT patients will agree, there is an inherent fear that exists, for instance if we are forced to suddenly face hardships and have no access to their medication…well you get the picture. So my advice to my fellow brothers and sisters In CHRIST JESUS, as to myself, is to plan, as soon as possible, to come off methadone wether it is through an inpatient detox(preferably) or outpatient. This is a tool of Satan to keep Christian recovering addicts in his chains. I have some knowledge on the subject so if anyone wishes to correspond with me my email is:
[email protected] Grace and Peace to you from YHWH our Father and The LORD JESUS CHRIST be multiplied!!
Yup 30ml or less to go to detox. I’m at 140 most people are at higher doses
The doubt and you being afraid, comes from satan. He is a liar, deceiver. He doesn’t want you to be free from the methadone. You must trust im God. Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood on Calvary. He did this for you too. You are healed. It’s yours. Stand firm on His word. Tell satan to go back to hell where he belongs. He’s already been defeated. Rebuke him and his evil tactics, to keep you under bondage of relying on methadone. You are set free! Now believe it. Thank God! Prsise Him!
Keep doing what your doing Grace. I know Christians who are on maintenance and serving God and staying off of street drugs. Some of us are born addicts and need something so we can live a normal life and not kill ourselves on accident getting loaded. You just have to take it serious and not use other drugs with it.
>>> ask and it will be given unto you,
1 Corinthians 10:13
“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”
Also, if you do have withdrawal after giving it totally unto the Lord, He:
Romans 5:3-5
“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”
Your program detoxes you, and you won’t even know you are coming off of it. Do a blind detox’s, 5 mg every 2 weeks. Good luck, you’ll be fine.
That is only Satan wanting to condemn you. There is no condemnation is Christ as Word says. Idk about you but I dont get high or intoxicated from my MMT whatsoever. That’s when it would be problem. Bible says to BE SOBER , of SOBER MIND, not a DRUNK OR DRUNKENNESS which are all sinful. God knows your heart and that is most important. I don’t plan to be on it for my entire life but the short time I have been on it has kept me off heroin AFTER my being truly born again as that is what really did it. Doing to dose daily takes discipline self control and commitment does it not? All good qualities and since off illegal drugs the fog has lifted and I was able to feel again and saw i needed a Savior. Faith in Him alone gets us to heaven. Pray…
I’m so thankful for these posts! I’ve been struggling with feelings of condemnation for being on the methadone program. I have seriously wondered if it hinders my relationship with JESUS. Thank you for edifying your sister in Christ. ❤
Amen to you im going through program . And im on 135 mgs but just in this last week trusting in god have only took 60 mgs a day you can do it .The closer you draw to Jesus he will give you the strength to stop.I believe it with all my heart.Dont give up .Just trust him. Pray and seek him in his word.He will tell you what to do.I send my love and prayers to you as a brother in Christ Jesus may gods peace be with you.
Wow! I feel the same shame as you sir; I’ve been on methadone 100mg for 10yrs but also smoked 2pks a day, cursed, hate, angry, hippocrit ect. But I gave my life too JESUS 10 days ago & have quit smoking 99.9% ( I smoked 3 or so since) & read Bible daily. Im down too 25mg a day & flush 700mg every 2weeks . I was unshure about this but you’ve really help me understand that God is so understanding & loving beyond our comprehension. God Bless you man!🙏
I am so glad to hear these answers, I have been so condemned from being prescribed suboxone from drug addiction and I have been feeling so condemned from Christian sister that don’t understand addiction that thinks that I am still lost because I take suboxone, believe me tho I habe my own devil on the shoulder and that’s How I ended up asking the question Can i be saved by Christ if I’m still talking suboxone.
I can so relate to everyone here. I love Jesus with all I have – but I am on suboxone after many years of opiate abuse along with alcohol, meth, heroin, etc. I keep questioning if I should go off the suboxone – but then immediately I start fantasizing of using other opiates again. On suboxone, I am able to function and work and have a life – finally after abusing opiates for years. I too am afraid of ending up in hell for my weakness. I think the Lord is disappointed in me – that he will say “Away with you – I never knew you…”
He will not do that. He loves you and wants you back.
i am sorry to hear you think he will say ”i never knew you’ i am 65 i got saved at 42. when i got saved i was as strung out as you can get and suicidal. i am on suboxone, have been for 4 years. i had epidurals after being clean for 13 years which led to percs and vicodin with a little heroin in between. when i started taking subs it helped somewhat like methadone to chill out. but when you have back pain you almost welcome something to help relieve pain. if i were any one of you i would not get off till the lord makes a way, anything short of that is that stigmatation put on you by the world. i am diabetic also , but i dont question taking meds. the world doesnt know how the average addict brain thinks. we need chemicals sometimes…
I was a drug addict,started from a injury but spiraled out of control,eventually I was buying prescription drugs from anyone I could,it almost cost me my marriage. I decided after finding Jesus to quit,after a withdrawal about caused me to give up an use I went the methadone clinic. It helped,I had the strength to quit everything but after a few years I decided to wing off the methadone,after coming done almost 50% I had a severe withdraw attack,my wife called a ambulance, heart paps, and seizures caused to decide another method of quitting,I went to a detox clinic,after 5 days they asked me to leave,they wouldn’t be responsible of me,my heart rate jumped so high they checked it every 15 minutes, I want free and follow Jesus!wat to do now?
I think that maybe you should get back on the methadone if in withdrawals and pray while you are stable and believe and God will make a way and you will start seeing how your heart rate doesn’t jump up anymore after lowering your dose like it did before. For me it’s been a slow process and I’m just focusing on Him as much as I can and not running from my sin but instead, owning it, confessing it, and then casting my desires to be rid of sin on Jesus Christ! It’s hard to do but surrendering to something so Holy isn’t so easy sometimes especially when Jesus suffered so much physical, mental, and spiritual pain and then died for us although being sinless, Holy, and the one and only Son of God
I was on methadone 35 years..I walked off in faith also 40 years on valium.. I fought to stay off 3@ half years was never happy no energy ..GOD never told me too walk off.. I am Born again LOVE JESUS and seek him daily..I was so upset when I got back on the clinic..BUT GOD is a GOD of the impossible..He dose things in his time..I believe I will be free in a super natural way..Never walk off a 35 year habit ..I was very sick in bed a year…GOD knows our hearts and when we are called NOTHING can stop your calling.. Bless you all….And if you don’t get off its all long as you are doing GODS will and seeking him.. you are safe…..
I’m a Christian and I want off methadone bad so please pray for me…nothing is impossible with God…And may God bless all of you!!!
I too am on it brother b I will pray you will be set free as Jesus said we are free indeed! Please pray for me too
I am on methadone right now I struggle I take methadone cuz I was taking heroin bc I went to prison and before I went to prison I was on Xanax well apon my release I can’t afford a doctor so I went to the streets for heroin and Xanax then I finally was tired of shooting up I felt horrible i feel the methadone is better than doing the heroin and stuff but if I can find. Doctor to get me on something for my anxiety then I will detox from the methadone of I can get something for my anxiety I do not sleep with women no more and I used to get so high I couldn’t stand up now I just use to function I feel so bad about doing it… I love the Lord I have won souls please pray I will be ok. I don’t wanna go to hell i love the Lord and I know he loves me God bless all of you I believe he knows my heart and the devil is feeling me with lies!!!
I’m 36 and have been on methadone nearly 11 yrs. Lately, after really assessing my faith in Jesus Christ realized I have been living for myself and just moving day to day just filled with lazy pleasures and not having the fellowship I used to have before all the prescription opiates. I now have been pulling closer to Christ through prayer and reading the word, and I want to surrender all to Him, but can’t get off the MMT due to withdrawals/mental addiction. I keep thinking maybe I’m not really saved and heading toward Hell. I have to remind myself daily that we are saved through faith, but the doubting still lingers. I want nothing more than to continually walk in the Holy Spirit, but fear MMT makes it harder to discern. Please pray for me.
Brother I know exactly what you mean I feel the same way! I pray that you will be set free from the lies of the enemy and even our own flesh ! We are more than conquerors thru Him , even when we don’t”feel” it! I will be praying for you please do the same for med I’m so glad I’m not alone in this
Hi erik. My name is Danny,Im 37 and on methadone 11 years also. I gave my heart to Jesus 5 years ago and have tried twice to get off of it at home..Both times it was taking too long to feel well enough to work so as bills got behind and I got tired of laying around i relapsed.I think inpatient 4 me
were saved by Gods Grace and usin methadone 4 bettering your life would not send anyone to hell.I do however believe that methdon numbs me a bit or makes it hard to feel present minded,or suppresses emotion that i now want to feel and that could negativly affect my intimacy with Jesus.Any1 relate?
yes i can relate and my question is your question also.
Hello, my names Kelly. I’m 42 and have been on methadone since age 16. Yes,26 yrs! I’ve tried detox and it ruined my life both times. Ive come to terms with it being a part of a healthy life4 me. I started praying & reading the bible 2yrs ago. I have ask him if my medication is a sin or offends him. I think if your heart belongs to him, u follow his word, then ur saved. God bless you.
Hi Kelly, I am about the same age as you and have been on the methadone program for 20 years.
To me it is no different than someone who is on antidepressant medication, I don’t get high from it, I simply get stability, not one person has ever realized I was on a medication until I told them.
I agree with you God knows our heart and if we are doing our best to walk with him
I have beenon methadone for a year 6months . I now worry i will never be off of it im 21 and have been addicted to opiates for 4 years .i work 40 hours a week and go to school full time .i also have a baby and am married . i have not been saved but i have felt the holy spirit and know that i want to follow god but feel that my mmt is getting in the way of me my faith because it numbs me so much
Mmt is the only reason i can hold a job and go to school but i still feel guilty i feel that putting mmt before god is wrong i cant make love to my wife i can hardly remember anything past a few days ago i want to be methadone free and i know that the holy spirit is all i have and i just want to follow god be a good person and raise my family
Hi Kevin, I have been on/off methadone for the past 10 years and I know exactly how you feel. I have gone through the withdrawals many times and no, it’s not fun but it’s a lot more bearable than the withdrawals from roxy or oxy. It just takes a lot longer. Have you thought about slowly tapering, like 3 mgs a week or every other week? If you do that, the withdrawals won’t be nearly as bad. I was clean for a whole year in 2013 because of drug court and although the cravings were there, they lessened a lot after awhile. I couldn’t believe how much happier I was and how much more energy I had. Plus, God blessed me in so many ways during that year. I got into a stable house of my own, my drivers license, a car, the best job I’ve ever had.
Hi my name is sylvia I am 54 years old and I’ve been on methadone for 18 years I was on 210 I am now on 89 mg I’ve been tapering off slowly I am a believer also and I have felt about everything that each one of you are saying I have felt guilty condemned that I’m going to hell but those are lies of the enemy as I’m reading your replies tears are coming down my eyes I could feel the pain in each one of you I just want you to know that Jesus loves you
Hello Kevin I to am on methadone.I have been for 10 years.But I recently got saved.The most important decision in life is being saved and asking God to come into our hearts and cleanse us.Please get saved, God bless you brother.
I have been on maintenance for about six months. My doctors and therapist are very happy with my progress. Methadone gave me hope. Immediately took away the sickness, mood swings, fear, debt, and plummeting self-esteem, and even the chronic back pain that caused me to abuse painkillers in the first place. That nightmare lasted five years and I was wishing that something would put me out of my misery. Yet all along I knew that Jesus must be there with me, and that someday things would get better. I happened to go on the clinic right in the nick of time, and things fell into place so neatly that I find it impossible to believe this treatment wasn’t meant to happen. This God-given medicine saved my life, and I try to remember to be thankful.
I can relate to all these posts. I have been on Suboxone for several years and, as a Christian, always had a deep feeling of shame for being on it, despite no longer using illicit drugs. After reading these posts, I no longer feel like the only person who is struggling with this set of circumstances. It’s been really reassuring to hear from people who are in similar situations. Thank you.
I am a nurse at a methadone clinic and desire to serve our Savior Jesus Christ with all my might too. I believe most patients receive methadone by God’s grace. Even so, I pray about giving such a strong medicine to patients. Methadone treatment is very difficult, there are so many requirements patients must fulfill. Patients have the ability to share God’s love and forgiveness in groups and reveal all God is through their testimony, this is the most any of us can do. I pray that people hear your testimony and are set free in their souls. As suggested above, very small medication reductions may be helpful. Having misplaced guilt around treatment can steal God’s pure joy which He desires for us. Many of us must take medications daily.
Lynn thank you sooo deeply for your share !! I needed to hear this !! I struggle with the thought of maybe I can’t move up into leader ship in my church because I’m on methadone but I know Gods will for me is to help other theory leader ship
i am 39 years old and have been on methadone for 23 years.It saved my life and keeps me sane and grounded.My Lord would not condemn such a blessing
i dont know what happened i tried to post and everthing disappeared but this i know nothing can separate you from the love of god. one other thing, dont let the worlds idea of “goodness”, their stigmatation to bother you take your meds and pray for help with temptation, it will come.i am 65 yrs old , i got saved at 42 a absolute junkie as the world says for years. my motivation came out of guilt. i just pray for those who judge , for they think they are immune. they have their own problems like gossip or maybe they are religious do gooders, dont worry about it. you know what is helping you so use it. what is the alternative? you are what you are by the grace of god. maybe he is going to usee you to help those like yourself, i dont know.
Thank you, similar situation, and often pondered an opinion on of a someone in your shoes. MUCH APPRECIATED!!
I think that maybe the devil is filling our minds with lies, saying we’re not good enough because we’re addicts and because we “don’t have enough faith” to get off of methadone. He wants us to become discouraged and give us a harder time so we fail and don’t use the tool that is methadone to help as a stepping stone to overcome addiction. God needs people from all over the place so that we’re in the position to help others. Maybe one day I’ll be able to help an addict at the clinic. I do know that if you’re not ready and 100% committed to going through the entire withdrawal process, you’ll have gone through all that suffering just to relapse and satan will be right there tempting you to use because it’s one of his biggest…
Amen! The more time goes on Im thinking the same thing! It’s the feeling of condemnation that’s getting in our way Not the methadone! Satan is the accuser of the brethren!
Hi Michelle, i agree using methadone as a tool to overcome addiction to other destructive chemicals, and it has been a Godsend for so many addicts, the problem is that 98% dont use it as a tool to overcome but as a substitution. I know most of us say that we are better on the methadone than off it and i agree whole heartedly, but we are losing focus on the fact that CHRIST has overcome every sin on our behalf so all we need is HIM. If you scroll up and read my initial post regarding my advice to fellow Christians to start planning on being completely free of methadone, wether it is through a taper, or detox program, it wont be easy and The HOLY SPIRIT will strengthen us when we do. My whole reasoning behind this is, for instance, when some sort of hardship or disaster occurs and leaves us with no access to our medication…i would hate to have to face that while in complete withdrawal (scary thought) thats because methadone, while has helped us, has also kept us in chains only under the guise of deciet that we wont be condemned for using it as an aid to rec0very, which 98% dont, they use it as a substitution and therein lies the problem. Anything that pulls focus from GOD THE FATHER, is an idol and eventually when we are faced with a choice between CHRIST or methadone, i would hate for anyone to have to be in that position and Satan will use it against you because we’ve made it a necessity, when we should be making CHRIST a necessity because HE will see us through anything if we have complete FAITH and TRUST in HIM! Glory be to YHWH the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST by the Power of The HOLY SPIRIT AMEIN!!!
I am a believer in Jesus Christ and a professional counselor at a Methadone Clinic. I have seen the shame some feel in using Methadone and also being a serious believer in Christ. I have also seen people taper down slowly and are able to be drug free. But for some, the Methadone has brought stability to their lives. I know people that have been on it for years and they lives good lives. There will always be people that may not understand why you take it. The Lord will help you cope w/shame
this thread has helped me out so much. im 22 years old, was a heroin and crack addict, the LORD saved my life a little over a year ago, i picked up a Bible for the first time got on my knees and truely prayed for the first real time of truely seeking Him in my life and since then nothing has been the same im clean since that day , been baptized and never stuck a needle in my arm again since then. the only thing is i am prescribed suboxone at the moment and i feel guilty because my inward desire is to please Him and i feel like im letting Him down. but i see now that in His time it wil happen, and that im clothed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ by faith and thats what matters.
The question is based on the 5th Commandment.”Though shalt not kill.” Drugs can be a blessing or a curse, much like fire. It is the intention that is involved. Many people in chronic pain use methadone for relief. Christ wants us to offer up our suffering to Him, but He doesn’t want you to suffer needlessly. If your intention is to get off drugs and extract yourself from compromising situations, Methadone treatment is moving in the right direction, not the wrong one. Pray to Our Lord daily. The first sign of backsliding is a cessation of your daily communication with your Creator. Some people can make the jump from medication to living without chemical assistance. Some take longer.
I feel the same way. I want to feel that conviction sometimes and cry to the Lord. I miss my intimate talks I used to have with him. I feel methadone numbs me and my emotions sometimes and I dont like it. I dont believe it will send us to hell but were missing out on a deeper spiritual relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. God bless you my brother and be confident in the Lord He knows you and remembers you when you were a little kid. Love you!
Hi,like the rest of you,feelin condemned & terrified of hell!I took drugs4 25 yrs daily(everythin) completly lost,empty & terrifed of this world. like I didnt belong in fear & despair.Last stop 13yrs of heroin abuse & suicide attemps.was saved3 yrs ago and am b/a like u im on meth & wrestle.Truth is its a medicine like any other which keeps us normal.i can praise,worship,grow in faith & love God,myself & others like never before.Hes restored all relationships.gave me a brandnew heart &life i start a degree in sept in theology.i now pray in tongues,am spirit filled,been delivered & LOVE JESUS.Clear fruit and a new grace through faith not of ourselves. It ends here!Thank ux
This is Thomas again I’ve been struggling now that I’m down to fifteen mgs a day just feeling the lord’s angry with me because I’m not off methadone yet it’s been a rough two years but am trying my hardest to get off of it completely no such luck yet everyone keeps telling me to be patient but I was doing so good dropping now I’ve hit a wall any suggestions
Hey Thomas I know methadone is a lot harder to get off of then Suboxone. My plan is tapering down on the done as much as possible and then switching to suboxone and then try weening off that. I’ve gotten off Suboxone taking 8mgs a day for two years cold turkey with withdraws lasting about two weeks. I think even getting off at a lower dose of Suboxone say 1 mg a day will be a lot easier. Praise Jesus Christ He will guide your path
I gave my life to Jesus in 2018 and stopped everything. I was on methadone at the time, and didn’t even pray about it…I just knew methadone was a sin, so I dumped mine out and went cold turkey. I wouldn’t even take Tylenol because, you know, reliance on Christ alone and all that. 4 months later I was backslidden and relapsed. Now I am back with Jesus, with less pride, and I will get off methadone, but do it with wisdom and in submission to the doctor and those in authority over me. Make no mistake …methadone is NOT God’s will…it must stop. Get off methadone in the way God deals with you personally. Submit, be humble, abide in Christ, and seek Him in prayer. Jesus is EVERYTHING.
I think the pastors response to this thread is a good response. I’m 52 as of yesterday and 7 years ago went on Suboxone to get off Norco. I’m a christian and for I now see I need to stop condemning myself for being on it. Since I started weaning off it because of fear my life has become unmanageable, I tired cutting it off at .5 milg and fainted two days later going on 48 hours no sleep. I went right back on .5 mlg and 8 days later on .5 I’m still withdrawaling. I do not think God even wanted me off of it and now I’m killing myself trying. All because I condemn myself. I’m no longer going to put myself through this. I prayed real hard for God to tell me what I should do and here I am at this site which by the way I couldn’t find until today.
I got of Suboxone with kratom. The withdrawals were subsided greatly. I’m a real Christian and a real addict and this worked for me. I believe God loves us either on it or off it(Suboxone,Methadone), however, as you guys have experienced…… Our conscience and faith has some doubt seated in the back of our minds that limits our certainty of our standing with God while we continue to be dependent on any substance. So the question isn’t whether God loves us or if we are going to heaven but rather are our works and our relationship in this life affected negatively. This is a personal question that we each have to ask ourselves and the Holy Spirit through prayer. A personal question in a personal relationship with Jesus. BTW, this is a process that moves forward over time but nevertheless moves forward. WITHOUT SHAME.
Love this comment. Thanks for sharing.
WOW! This thread is a BLESSING! At a young age the seed of Christ was planted in me. I turned into a teen that broke the law and made many mistakes. Early 20’s the Lord stepped in and made me humble after living with my uncle and shutting the outside world out, only reading, staying sober but was still sexually immoral…Jesus still sent the Holy Spirit to me! Married with three kids I thought I had everything set! A decade later my wife cheats on me and the family is torn apart. I was faithful! I got into relationships, was always using suboxone, blew up and made six figures a year traveling the country for free until I got into an accident and lost EVERYTHING! Broke my neck and went into a dark place and almost died…..Recently the Lord came back because I’ve always prayed to him but I’ve not walked with him, blinded by satans influences everywhere in this world…..He is coming SOON! We all see the signs, I pray I can fight through this addiction and stop buprenorphine soon because I did for a year and a half while traveling and it was hard but I did it, now it’s time to do it for Christ! I appreciate this thread so much! God bless you ALL!