Marijuana in Scripture

Question from a Site Viewer
I have come across the question of marijuana use in the Bible. There are a lot of people claiming to be Christians that are using Scripture to justify the use of marijuana. How do you defend that subject?

Tim’s Answer
You state that there are Christians who use Scripture to justify the use of marijuana.  There are also people who claim to know Christ and use Scripture to justify everything from racial hatred towards others to turning a deaf ear to the cries of the immigrant and the poor.  Not everyone who says “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 7:21).

Paul tells us in Titus 1:16 that there are people who profess to know God but in their works they deny Him.  I say this, not to state that everyone who uses marijuana is going to hell, but to say that people have long twisted the words of Scripture to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16).

There are two fundamental ways of approaching Scripture.  The first way is to seek to find in Scripture support for what we want to do.  The second way is to seek to find in Scripture how we should be changed (see 2 Corinthians 3:18).  For those who follow the first way, I suspect there is nothing that I or others can say to change their minds.  For those who follow the second, I offer the following.

Scripture never mentions marijuana directly.  You will not find it on the pages of either the Hebrew or the Greek texts.  But then, neither are oranges, bananas, peaches, asparagus, spinach, artichokes, potatoes, tomatoes, rosary peas, castor beans (perhaps the most poisonous plant known to man), yews, poison ivy, poison oak, and numerous other plants both good and bad for health.

There are some who see Exodus 30:23 as a direct reference to marijuana.  They cite Sula Benet, an etymologist from Poland who concluded in 1936 that the Hebrew words “q’nah-bosem” found at Exodus 30:23 were etymologically related to “cannabis” and then reached the further conclusion that the anointing oil included marijuana.  She noted the similarities with words from other Middle Eastern language groups.  She noted that the word could be used to reference a reed plant or a hemp plant, but she reached the definite conclusion that in the Exodus passage it meant the hemp plant.  (I realize this was not the main point of her treatise, but it is the point that most impacts the present debate.)  Others have stated that the Hebrew University supports this view, although no one apparently has been able to come up with a definitive source at that university for this statement.  If you check out the Wikipedia article on cannabis (etymology), Raphael Mechoulam of the Hebrew University suggests a different etymology for the word “cannabis.”  [Please note that people differ on the way to transliterate the relevant Hebrew words (to show the Hebrew word using English characters).  I use “q’nah-bosem” for the passage in Exodus (the only place where the basic Hebrew word “qaneh” appears with the Hebrew word “bosem”) and “qaneh” elsewhere.  Some might use “kaneh” or other transliterations.  The underlying Hebrew word “qof,” “nun,” “hey” (the three letters of the Hebrew alphabet used for “qaneh”) remains the same.]

In my view Dr. Benet’s evidence falls far short of proving the conclusion that “q’nah-bosem” was marijuana.  The problem with her conclusion is at least seven-fold.  First, there are no clear references that I have been able to find to cannabis in ancient Hebrew before the time of the Mishnah.  The word “qaneh” is not associated with traditional aspects of hemp, either as rope, medicinal use, food use, or narcotic use in any of the ancient Hebrew texts, at least that I can find.  Given this paucity of evidence, I do not think that anyone is able to reach a definite conclusion that the Hebrew word “q’nah-bosem” was a reference to cannabis.

Second, the fact that the Mishnah used a different word spelled with different Hebrew characters to reference marijuana lends support to a conclusion that the rabbis did not think that the word “q’nah-bosem” was a reference to marijuana.  This is not a situation where the words “qaneh” and “bosem” ceased to exist and were replaced by “qanabos.”  The words “qaneh” and “bosem” continued to be used by Hebrew writers at the same time that “qanabos” came into the Hebrew vocabulary.  And the words “qaneh” and “bosem” in post Biblical writings are not associated with hemp.  Dr. Benet’s thesis that “q’nah-bosem” over time became “qanabos” is undermined by this continued use of “qaneh” and “bosem” to mean something other than “qanabos.”

Third, the support for linking “qanabos” to “q’nah-bosem” is not particularly strong.  Of the six letters in the two Hebrew words “q’nah-bosem” (Hebrew words do not include the vowels), that is, the letters “qof,” “nun,” “hey,” “bet,” “shin,” and “mem,” only three of them appear in the word “qanabos.” The letters shared are qof, nun, and bet.  The letters hey, shin, and mem are not shared.  Further, the word “qanabos” contains the letters “vav” and “samech,” letters not contained in the earlier “q’nah-bosem.”  Given that three letters from the earlier word are left out and two letters are supplied, in a five letter word, does not provide great confidence to me that the source word for “qanabos” is “q’nah-bosem,” even if the sounds are somewhat the same.   While I acknowledge that the loss of the “hey” and the inclusion of the “vav” may be due to shifts in spelling, and while I acknowledge that the letters “shin” and “samech” sometimes cross over into each other’s territory, I am at a loss to explain the loss of “mem.”  The “mem” in “bosem” is not a plural or other additive to a stem as it is in “elohim,” as some sites wrongly state.  It is the basic stem of the word.

But an even bigger problem exists when one realizes how shaky the historical connection really is.  Once, in the 15th century B.C., if one accepts a traditional dating for Moses, or in the 5th or 6th century B.C., if one accepts a post-exilic view of the dating for the Torah, the term “q’nah-bosem” is used.  This is the only use of this term ever cited.  The term does not appear again in ancient Hebrew.  Somewhere around 200 A.D., in the Mishnah the word “qanabos” appears in the tractate Kil’ayim and in the tractate Nega’im.  There is no evidence that the term “q’nah-bosem” or any intermediate forms of the term were ever used by the Hebrews during the intervening 7 to 17 centuries between the time the term was used in Exodus and when the new term appeared in the Mishnah.  But we are asked to believe that the similarities of sounds in a word used centuries before supports a conclusion that it was the derivative of the word “qanabos.”  Borrowing from the prophets, this is a shaky reed.  To make matters worse, Dr. Benet ignores the most obvious source of “qanabos,” that is, the Greek word “cannabinos” widely used at that time to mean “hemp” (Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon, published by Oxford press).  The Mishnah was composed when the prevalent language in the area was Greek.  Speculation this thin is hardly the stuff to warrant hard conclusions.

Fourth, as a general rule, one can spot foreign words in ancient Hebrew by the number of letters in the stem of the word.  The Hebrew language is marked by words with three letter stems.  Both “qaneh” and “bosem” have three letter stems.  the word “qanabos” is a five letter stemmed word.  As such, the possibility of a foreign origin for the word must be seriously explored.  Given that the word in the surrounding culture for marijuana was “cannabinos,” it seems more likely to me that the Hebrew “qanabos” is simply a transliteration of the Greek word into the Hebrew language, rather than a derivative of an older Hebrew form.

Fifth, cannabis or hemp has long been a source of rope and yet the words for rope or cord in the Hebrew have no correlation to the term “qaneh.”

Sixth, Dr. Benet’s speculation is perhaps the best an etymologist can do, but it is hardly “proof” of the conclusion that “q’neh-bosem” is the source for “qanabos.”  Several web sources state that Dr. Benet’s conclusions were confirmed by the Hebrew University in 1960; but no one seems to be able to say who at the Hebrew University provided the confirmation.  Hebrew University is a big place.  Unverifiable facts do not build credence to claims.  As stated above, Raphael Mechoulam of Hebrew University suggests a different etymology, though he is far more cautious in asserting that his conclusion is the definitive statement on the issue (

Seventh, even if the modern word “qanabos” should be properly traced back to the words “q’nah-bosem,” a position I do not accept for reasons stated in this article, the conclusion that the ancient meaning of “q’nah-bosem” was cannabis is a leap.  This is especially true given the continued use of “qaneh” in Hebrew to mean something different than “qanabos.”  Word etymology is interesting, but hardly conclusive as to what a word meant in ancient times.  Our modern word “dynamite” comes from a Greek word “dunamis,” but one should never read “dunamis” in the New Testament and think the ancient author meant “dynamite.”  Even within languages, the meanings of words change.  One would be foolish to transpose the modern usage of the word “gay” to its intended meaning in 18th century documents.  The modern word “matzpun” in Hebrew means “conscience,” but the ancient Hebrew word meant “treasure.”  The word did not slowly change into another meaning.  The modern word meaning “conscience” entered the Hebrew vocabulary in the Middle Ages as a new word, displacing the old word of the same spelling.  This and other examples of changes in meaning in Hebrew words can be found in an article by Professor E. Y. Kutscher, Professor of Hebrew Philology at Hebrew University (  Even if one were to accept Dr. Benet’s conclusions as the etymological source for the modern word “cannabis,” which I do not, I have found no evidence, outside of what I see as a weak conclusion drawn from etymology, that the word “qaneh” ever meant hemp in ancient Hebrew.  However, the fact that the word can mean the reed plant seems to be admitted by all, including Dr. Benet.

Outside of these seven reasons to question Dr. Benet’s conclusion, the ace in the stack of evidence continues to be the Septuagint.  In the third century before the time of Christ, the Hebrew Torah was translated into the Greek in Alexandria, Egypt.  The Jews who did the translation used the word “calamou” to translate the words “q’nah-bosem.”  If the Jews who did the translation thought that the anointing oil was made of “cannabinos,” the word at that time that meant “hemp,” (Liddell and Scott), they would not have used “calamou.”  “Calamos” (the nominative form of the word “calamou”) is a reed plant.  Later scholars in the second and first centuries before Christ, as they translated out the remainder of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek, also continued to use “calamos” to translate the word.

Moreover, a second factor against the Benet hypothesis is that Josephus, who lived in the first century A.D., also refers to the spice as “calamus,” which he calls a sweet spice.  Again, Josephus clearly does not see the spice as “cannabinos,”” the Greek word for hemp.

Dr. Benet addresses this argument by stating that the translators of the LXX mistranslated the word.  This conclusion has no support, except that their translation does not fit with the argument of her paper.  The Jewish scholars who translated the LXX certainly had reason to know whether the word referenced “cannabinos” or “calamos.”  For the translation of the the Torah, which included the Exodus passage in question, Ptolemy (Philadelphus II) wrote to the Jewish chief priest, Eleazar, in Jerusalem, and asked for six translators from each of the twelve tribes to do the translation.  The collective outcome of this massive work was the Torah written in Greek.  That these seventy-two people chose to use the word “calamus” rather than “cannabinos” was not something lightly done by one person in a corner.  Their choice of words provides compelling direct evidence of what the term meant in the third century B.C. and what the term continued to mean in the first century A.D., when Josephus wrote.  If the plant used in the holy oil was “cannabinos,” the seventy-two scholars could have easily used this word.  Cannabis was readily available in the world of the Middle East, as Dr. Benet notes.  Calamos would most likely have had to be imported (see Jeremiah 6:20; Ezekiel 27:19). The fact that the Jews before and after the time of Christ did not think that the Hebrew word “q’nah-bosem” constituted “cannabinos” is the only direct evidence we have of what the word actually meant in ancient Hebrew.  Dr. Benet’s later reconstructions of possible etymological sources is a weak reed compared to the compelling direct testimony of the contemporary meaning supplied by Jewish scholars at a time when the oil was still being made and by people drawn from the tribes of Israel , appointed by the high priest of Israel, who had every reason to know what the Hebrew word meant.  I accept the collective opinion of 72 Jewish scholars who lived when the actual meaning of the term would have been known over the speculation of scholars 2,000 years after the fact.

Besides this direct evidence of the meaning of the words, there are supporting evidences arguing for a meaning of reed for “qaneh.”  The same word, “qaneh,” is also used to describe a measuring reed (Ezekiel 40:5-8; 42:16-19, etc.).  If there is any linkage between the use of this word in these passages and the use in the passages Dr. Benet cites, such would further undercut her claims.  The reed used for measurement would not have been a hemp plant, but a reed plant.  Hemp plants are not known for making measuring rods.  (I acknowledge that there may be no connection between the two words, just as there appears to be no connection between the words “bank” in the phrase “bank vault” and “bank” in the phrase “stream bank.”)  However, I think more likely that there is some connection and that the same sort of plant was in view.  The fact that “qaneh” has a strong correlation to marshland is another supporting reason to translate the word as “calamos,” as the LXX translators did (Job 40:21; Isaiah 19:6 where the word “qaneh” is linked to marshes).  Even today, in Hebrew, the words meaning “reed” begins with the word “qaneh.”

Dr. Benet states that Solomon purchased hemp cords for construction.  However, this claim also is not supported by Scripture.  She cites Professor Saltzberger as the source for this conclusion.  There is no Scriptural support for Professor Saltzberger’s conclusion.  Even if there was, it does nothing to show that “qaneh” means “cannabis.”  There is at least one apocryphal story of Solomon forcing a demon to spin hemp (Testament of Solomon, 4:12).  But this work also mentions the hill of Golgotha and the cross of Christ.  Most scholars agree that it is not of Hebrew origin.  And it certainly was not written during the days of Solomon.  Finally, it is a fantastical piece, not grounded in truth or reality.

Likewise, some make the argument that there was a requirement to bury the dead in garments of hemp.  Again, this is not supported by Scripture.

You can take the Strong’s concordance and look at every instance of the word “qaneh” in Scripture, or you can go to e-Sword and do the same thing.  You will see that the word fits best as a reed plant.  The one place where it may not be a reed plant is in Genesis 41:22 where it is translated “stalk.”  It cannot be seen here as a reference to marijuana as marijuana does not have heads of grain and having seven heads on a marijuana plant would not be a sign of super-abundance required by the passage.  There is NO evidence that I have been able to uncover that “qaneh” ever was used for marijuana in Scriptures or in ancient or modern Hebrew.

I further note that even if the conclusion of Dr. Benet and others was true, their conclusion about “qaneh” does not support a claim that Jesus used marijuana.  The anointing oil was made for specific purposes and other uses were strictly forbidden.  It was for anointing the tabernacle and the furniture and utensils, and Aaron and his sons (Exodus 30:32-33).  It was not to be used for other purposes (Exodus 30:32-33).  Others could not even make it (Exodus 30:33).  So how can people possibly argue that Jesus and His disciples used it?  The last time I checked, Jesus was not a Levite or of Aaron’s descent (Hebrews 7:14).  This oil could not be used to anoint kings, or wounds, or in any other type of anointing.  This oil could not be poured on man’s flesh (Exodus 30:32).

Further, even if it was used in anointing oil, that is a far cry from present day inhalation.  The oil was used for anointing, not burning.  The incense that was burned did not contain “qaneh.”  You can check this out for yourself at Exodus 30:34-35, where “qaneh” (sometimes translated “calamus,” or “cane”) is not included in the ingredients of the incense like it is in the ingredients of the anointing oil.

Some will argue that calamus itself is a powerful narcotic.  However, as those who study Scripture know, the anointing oil of the priests was not ingested or burned.  So unless someone is willing to believe that merely inhaling the scent of the raw calamus is a narcotic, the point that it can be used as a narcotic in other ways is lost to me.  The Bible never supports its use as a narcotic.

Many have tried other arguments.  They argue that marijuana is an herb and and God says in Genesis 1:29 that He has given man every herb that yields seed which is on the face of the earth.  Both of these statements are true.  But we cannot run too far in our conclusion from these truths.  Crownvetch yields seeds and is poisonous.  Nightshade yields seeds and is poisonous.  The poinsettia yields seed and is poisonous.  Hemlock yields seeds and is poisonous.  Every day, we have to choose between plants that are good for us and those that are not.  God is not commanding us to eat of every poisonous plant.

The statement was made when there was no curse on the ground.  Humans could eat of everything except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  In a good world, such as existed before the fall of man, I do not suspect that there were poisonous plants or poisonous animals.  I suspect that when God made the statement, it was literally a true statement.

But after the fall of man, the ground was cursed and no longer was everything good (Genesis 3:17-18).  Scripture makes this abundantly clear in 2 Kings 4:38-41 where a certain person found a wild vine with wild gourds and sliced them into a pot, not knowing that they were poisonous.  God did a miracle to cure the pot of the poison.   Not every herb was good for eating, as even ancient Israel understood.  Any interpretation of Genesis 3:17-18 supporting the use of marijuana equally can be used to support the use of hemlock.  It is a bad argument.

Some will turn to 1 Timothy 2:3-5 to state that we should not abstain from marijuana.  But the same people will abstain from other foods they may not like, such as broccoli, eggs, milk, sardines, etc.  Again, the logic falls apart.  Further, the passage talks about foods “which God created to be received with thanksgiving.”  Not every plant, as noted above, has God created to be received with thanksgiving.  Moreover, most would see the context of the passage as not being about plants at all, but about meat.  In verse 4, Paul uses the Greek word “ktisma,” a word generally understood in the New Testament to reference the animal kingdom (see James 1:18; Revelation 5:13; 8:9 for the other uses of this word in the New Testament).  Even if it is taken to represent also the plant kingdom, the argument that it supports the use of marijuana and not the use of cocaine, hemlock, poison ivy, etc. is weak.

The bottom line is that there is no evidence that I have been able to find that supports a conclusion that marijuana is found in Scripture.  Dr. Mechoulam postulates there may be one reference to marijuana in Ezekiel 27:17, translated sometimes as “millet,” and he may be right.  He is wise enough not to make the claim definitively.  The word used in Ezekiel 27:17 appears nowhere else in Scripture and its meaning is unknown.

I think the bigger problem is that people are looking more to justify their desires than they are to die to self, take up their cross, and follow after Christ.  Paul states in 1 Corinthians 6:12 that all things are lawful but not all things are helpful.  I suspect that few can make a cogent argument that the use of marijuana is helpful to preparing our physical lives to be fit vessels useful to the Holy Spirit.  In Ephesians 5:18 we are told not to be drunk with wine but to be filled with the spirit.  What wine in excess can do, affecting our ability to think, so marijuana can do.

Further, in most States in the United States, the use of marijuana is against the law.  How does one reconcile a violation of the civil law in this matter with passages such as Romans 13; Titus 3; 1 Peter 2?  Certainly, this is not a situation where we must choose between the laws of God and the laws of men.  We can honor both by not using.  And if we are free to violate the law in this area, then what laws of the realm are Paul and Peter addressing?  If I read Romans 13 correctly, God will hold us guilty for violating the civil authority.

Some will say that we violate the law all of the time when we speed, and the use of marijuana is no different.  I will not argue this point.  But I will note that if violation of the law is wrong, then why would we want to compound the error?  If it is not wrong, then what do these passages mean?  Are they open to anyone’s interpretation or does God have a standard that He has set by which we will be judged?

Finally, in Hebrews 12:1, we as God’s people are told to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us.  There are both weights and sins.  Even if one does not see the use of marijuana as being a bad thing and therefore a sin (James 4:17), it is a weight that easily ensnares people.  People become addicted to marijuana.  Long term use has deleterious effects on the cognitive function.  It also appears to have a dramatic effect on the rate of testicular cancer, as well as on heart attacks and paranoia and depression.  I do not see how it can be seen as a general good.

I do not argue for or against legalization.  That is not my role.  Marijuana may have some positive aspects to go along with the negative ones.  I am not one to take up the argument for society as to whether its good outweighs its bad.  But as believers, I call each of us to focus on advancing the kingdom of Christ in the brief time we have on this earth.  We need to devote our life to learning to love Christ with all of our hearts and to love others in a life filled with good deeds.  We should always be preparing ourselves for service, that we might be fit for His use.  Ultimately, only those treasures we lay up in heaven will count.

There is one other aspect to this debate that often goes ignored.  We have societies south of us in Mexico and other countries that are falling apart because of the drugs this country consumes.  Our use of drugs is funding the murder and destruction of many people in other lands.  We can wash our hands and say that it is not our fault that drugs are illegal here.  However, I have a strong suspicion that when we stand before God, He will call us to account for our direct role in the slaughter of innocents by funding drug cartels.  Whether we buy drugs or we fund terrorists by giving money to them, we share in the evil deeds that such people do.

Marijuana and other drugs are not necessary for life.  People may use them because the drugs make them feel good, or they think they get some medical benefit from them.  I suspect few people actually use them because they believe the drugs are drawing them into a deeper study of God’s word, a deeper concern for others, or greater self-control, which is one of the marks that the Spirit of God is truly in control of one’s life (Galatians 5:23).

I hope the above information provides you some helpful information.  As always, we as followers of Christ want to point people to Him.  At some point, we move away from seeking our rights to focusing on what will make us the best vessels possible for His purposes and kingdom.  I would encourage those who think that marijuana use is proper to pursue the knowledge of God through the disciplined study of His revealed word (2 Timothy 2:15) and to prepare (1 Timothy 4:7) with sobriety (1 Peter 1:13; 5:8) the lives He has given us to be used for His kingdom purposes.  I would encourage those who reject the use of marijuana to do the same.  And always, may we have grace one to another.

a fellow pilgrim,


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239 thoughts on “Marijuana in Scripture”

  1. Cannabis/Marijuana is NOT bad. If you say it is, then you shun God’s work. It’s how it’s applied IS bad. Just like any other potentially dangerous or trivial things created by God which is here for a reason. Cannabis is NOT dangerous. It doesn’t kill you or kill your brain cells which is scientifically proven MANY times over. One wonders … how do medication/pills come to existence? Greedy drug companies copy God’s perfection and synthetically manipulate God’s work to a PATENTED drug. Cannabis or ANY of God’s creation can NOT be patented. That is why there’s NO incentive to support cannabis as a medicine unlike it had been backed by ALL cultures thousands of years ago. The devil did NOT create/grow cannabis. Cannabis has been illegal for only approx. 80+ years due to misinformation from government that were paid by the BIG MANUFACTURERS or PROFITEERS. Now, protestants support what the government says about cannabis, ironically and unfortunately. It’s sad how a huge part of the Christian Church has become brainwashed from an 80 year old law of man that DEMONIZES what has been the most significant plant in all the world since the planet was created.

    The Bible didn’t mention … oxycotin, loratabs, morphine, etc … as synthetic substances to avoid. ALSO … heroin to avoid for example as a natural concentrate. ALSO …… Angel Trumpets in which every church on average has at least one member that grows this most beautiful yet deadly hallucinogenic flower. I was only making similarities to the author’s ignorant quotes… Be wary of MAN’s law. God, I only assume, is very upset of such abuse especially when the mass supports it.

    Cannabis is an unadulterated plant grown in God’s image. It’s VERY comical that the government with ignorant, hypocritical Christian support is trying to obliterate part of God’s work. That is IMPOSSIBLE. LOL There goes your hard-earned taxes going to work.

    PS – I’m a Christian just like Jesus in a small way …………. put into a corner from his own people. Sad.
    PSS – I can’t wait to meet my Lord.
    PSS – Leave God’s work alone.

    1. Cannabis is not dangerous? Wrong. The police officer at my school watched a kid get killed over it. I’ve seen highly successful students turn into students without motivation. I’ve seen people steal to get it. I’ve watched multiple people throughout the years rob the welfare system to get it and then smoke it and deal it in front of their kids. I’ve seen kids of heavy pot smokers with chronic coughs. I’ve seen it lead to the use of other drugs, in my own life and in the lives of others. I was so addicted to it that I resorted to stealing to get it. I couldn’t handle one day without it. My paychecks went to it. Oh, I mean my paychecks went to it when I actually had a job, which wasn’t often when I was using heavily. For me, it deadened the mental pain I felt. I didn’t want to live with the pain. I watched friends start using over twenty years ago who are still using to this day. Every friend I know who’s still heavily using has not progressed professionally and has family and health issues. Feel free to say it’s not dangerous. Say it’s not addictive. Say it doesn’t affect brain function. My own personal experience over the last 25 years says differently. Am I ignorant? Of some things. Of the dangers of marijuana? No.

      1. “Cannabis is not dangerous? Wrong. The police officer at my school watched a kid get killed over it.”

        Then, sneakers are dangerous, as many have been killed for them as well…

        Pointless, illogical arguments against it.

        It is created by God.
        It is able to be used in moderation.
        It is not to be used in unwise scenarios, such as driving, nor for children/adolescents.

        1. Marijuana is illegal in most states. Because of that, much sales volume is a direct result of criminal activity. This makes it much more dangerous than a pair of sneakers. My arguments aren’t pointless. I can say it a million times and people won’t listen. They don’t want to listen. They’re too busy being high and letting it control them. When people want something they’ll defend it, even when their defense is illogical. So here it is again.

          I work in a school. I watch kids start down the marijuana trail. They often go from “A” students to dropouts in a short time. A while back I worked with a kid who said, “My goal this week is to stop smoking pot (for the week).” He didn’t show up for three days that week.

          The next week I asked him about his progress. He said, “Oh, I met my goal.”

          “Really?” I asked. “Why were you absent three days?”

          “You got me,” he admitted.

          A few days later the kid was expelled for drug sales and gang activity in the school. Grades? All failing. So I agree with you that children / adolescents shouldn’t use it. Why? Because it’s dangerous and addictive and steals motivation and deadens thinking.

          Adults fall under its spell as well. Often. I have a friend who’s been smoking well over twenty years. I quit (way back in the day) and he never did. He still wastes his paychecks on it. He’s still baked all the time. He’s totally (self-admittedly) addicted to the drug and can’t really imagine being without it. He’s lost his children, his wife, been in jail and almost killed . . . but he’s still happily smoking the happy smoke, oblivious to what it’s done to him. I met him the other day and he can barely hold a coherent conversation. He wasn’t like that twenty years ago. His bad choices have ruined his life but marijuana helped him down that path.

          Yes, marijuana was created by God. So was hemlock. Yes, used in moderation it is much less dangerous. But many things used in moderation are less dangerous. One cigarette per day is less dangerous than a pack per day. One bowl of ice cream per week is less dangerous than one every night. A glass of wine now and then is less dangerous than a bottle every night.

          Your arguments are pointless and illogical as well. I am sorry for my rant tonight. But sometimes the defense against an illegal and dangerous drug, mostly by those who would be unwilling to give it up or live without it, gets me a little irate.

          People need to know the truth.

          1. So what you are saying is that drug dealing is dangerous? Yes you are correct. But smoking cannibas is good

          2. Poison is a relative term. Those plants that are called “poisonous” may be potential sources for new medicines. Also, I know kids that despite marijuana use, get good grades nonetheless. Marijuana use and failure in school may be correlated, but that does not imply causation. Also, since when did illegality imply evil? Just because marijuana is illegal does not mean it is evil for people to use. YOU have the illogical arguments.

          3. You’re right. I haven’t conducted a controlled experiment on the drug’s effect on a child’s brain. But I have tried it myself and I have watched kids go from bright, energetic students to dull, unmotivated students. And I have enough experience with the drug and with teaching that I believe what I’m saying. You don’t have to believe it but I say your judgment is clouded.

            I have said multiple times (and I stand by it) that marijuana use is between the user and God. The Bible doesn’t tell us what we should or shouldn’t do in regards to marijuana. I’ve never said it’s evil or that it’s a sin. I’ve said time and again that one must decide, through their own communion with the Spirit, whether or not using marijuana is a sin for them.

            But the Bible does tell us to avoid intoxication with wine (Ephesians 5:18). I think we can extrapolate from that verse that we shouldn’t be intoxicated with any drug that controls the mind. Ephesians 5:18 also tells us, after the admonition to avoid being drunk, to be filled with the Holy Spirit (notice it doesn’t say, smoke some great herb instead!). Romans 14:13-23 tells us to avoid activities that may cause others to stumble. I Corinthians 8:9 tells us to avoid exercising our rights if those rights may become a stumbling block to the weak. Paul tells us to avoid being controlled by anything. (I Corinthians 6:12).

            For these reasons alone, I will not let the intoxicating effects of marijuana cloud my mind.

            The folks who promote it, support it, defend it and use it, especially the ones who call themselves Christians, I would expect to continue to demonstrate the love of Christ in their speech and actions. I don’t see much of that in these comments.

            The Washington State liquor control board states that:

            Marijuana is not harmless. Marijuana impairs coordination and perception, affects learning and memory, and can increase anxiety, panic and paranoia. Research shows one in eight youth who use marijuana by age 14 become dependent.

            They also say that:

            Brain development continues through age 25. The use of any drug, including marijuana, can impair brain development.

            And still more:

            Marijuana use increases risk of academic problems. Marijuana’s effect on learning, memory, and motivation can lead to difficulties in school.

            More evidence points to the fact that marijuana is not good for pregnant mothers:

            More evidence for you (with resources):

            Folks who think marijuana is harmless haven’t seen its deleterious effects, haven’t used it themselves, or cast a blind eye to its harmful effects. The people who defend the glories of the illicit drug? The addicted users themselves. I don’t find the arguments of drug addicts who ignore the facts particularly convincing.

          4. This here is the stupidest arguement I have ever heard. Nowhere in the Bible does it say 1 bad thing about Cannabis, not one mind you! So start off by not using the Religious arguement because in neither direction will you find support (facts) for your intention. When you start writing about kids using Cannabis and the Gateway theory (has been debunked if one can read modern studies) and using your “Teacher” role model as basis, then I hope you start informing yourself as a Role Model Teacher as not to spread your few encounters as Fact about something because without long term studies all you do is spread lies. Sometthing a teacher should know all too well. In the lastest studies every arguement you use has been debunked.

          5. Kilmer, Beau; Caulkins, Jonathan P.; Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo; MacCoun, Robert J.; Reuter, Peter H., “Altered State? Assessing How Marijuana Legalization in California Could Influence Marijuana Consumption and Public Budgets” Drug Policy Research Center (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2010), p. 42. – See more at:
            Lynskey, Michael T., PhD, et al., “Escalation of Drug Use in Early-Onset Cannabis Users vs Co-twin Controls,” Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 289 No. 4, January 22/29, 2003, p. 432. – See more at:
            Van Gundy, Karen and Rebellon, Cesar J., “Life-course Perspective on…

          6. It gets me irate when people blindly trust the government!! If cannabis was made illegal by spreading lies and misinformation, then that means it is all a lie. the proof of its medical benefits is out there has been proven. however until they change the drug scheduling it cant be treated as a substance with medical value. the federal government sends weed as medicine for several
            adults today. do i have to find you that link. you can google that one. we have an endocannabinoid system in our own bodies! cbd is found in abundance in mothers breast milk!! and youre telling me God put this natural healing plant on earth to be jailed and controlled by the hubris of man? I put my trust in God before man in all things.” science” is paid for!

          7. Wow….what about ALL the MEDICAL benefits of Medical Marijuana….seizures, cancer, pain, Chron’s, MS…I could list A THOUSAND….So you would rather have people addicted to: Tramadol, Percocet, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Demerol, Fentanyl and ALL the other narcotic pain killers that doctors prescribes?? THAT’S MORE ACCEPTABLE? REALLY? Medical Marijuana is legal in most states….I am against recreational but as a constant pain sufferer, I’ve been addicted to Vicodin and Tramadol due to how long I was on it for a nerve disorder, arthritis, and spinal stenosis…I rather use a natural product that the Lord gave us instead of chemicals made by man to make money.

          8. So what say you on opioid prescription don’t you know that is what heiron use start out with first but its legal. It tickles me pink how you try to down play pharmaceutical drugs but say weed makes you rob and steal and juke the welfare system how did you grow up I was born in raised in the ghetto so I know first hand what’s up with the drugs my drug knowledge is from being in school 8 a.m to lol you sound like a 1950 cannabis commercial lol reefer madness lmao he killed because he smoked pot give me a break

        2. i do not claim that marijuana is a harmless plant/herb it had its good and bad sides but the wrighter said that marijuana was placed on earth when earth was cursed, the humens curced it by eating from the three of knowledge right ? but wasn’t the devel sent to earth before (witch the bible quotes) adam and eve ever where ? so was’t the earth cursed before the humens disobeyed the order of God? so there where allready evil/ poisoness plants before adam and eve ever came, RIGHT? then the whole theorie of weed being a plant of the devil is fals. as for i think that weed was put here by God for medicenal purpuses and not something to be missused. but also not something to be taken away from us. you may say to much weed is bad. but think about

          1. pot is not posinous. you make no point here. of course we know not to put poison in our mouth? what does that have to
            do with cannabis? if cannabis was actually poison people would not use it. well most of them…
            people put stuff they KNOW will kill them everyday and the fact it is illegal or legal poison doesnt stop them!

          2. The point is that God has created a variety of things that are not good for us. Pot supporters often use the argument that since God created it, it’s good for consumption. Obviously that logic falls flat when one considers that God created many things that are not good for consuming.


          1. Can you back anything you’re saying with research? What research do you have that shows that alcohol is the gateway drug? I agree with you that no one knows. I think there are many gateways into illicit drug use. It could be alcohol. It could be cigarettes. It could be peer pressure or parenting.

            So, all anti-cannabis studies are funded by pharmaceutical companies? Do you have proof of this?

            Your passion for marijuana is misplaced. Your passion should be for Jesus Christ. As should mine. This argument is useless unless it points people to Christ. My opinion is that Jesus is enough. If your marijuana use doesn’t get in the way of your passion for and your relationship with Jesus Christ then all is good (as we have stated many times).

            The entire point of the article was that Scripture does not support the use of marijuana (which we stand by).

          2. Here you go.. this is a study done by even your precious .GOV people. You know, the “in God we trust” folks.


            RESULTS: Results from the Guttman scale indicated that alcohol represented the “gateway” drug, leading to the use of tobacco, marijuana, and other illicit substances. Moreover, students who used alcohol exhibited a significantly greater likelihood of using both licit and illicit drugs.

            CONCLUSION: The findings from this investigation support that alcohol should receive primary attention in school-based substance abuse prevention programming, as the use of other substances could be impacted by delaying or preventing alcohol use. Therefore, it seems prudent for school and…

          3. Alcohol deaths, heart disease.. etc.. kills more people than cannabis ever could, even at the highest thc dosages. Tide Pods… kill children. They are still legal. You cannot argue this “harmful substance” no sense. whether or not a substance is harmful or not, obviously has no bearing on whether it is available on a store shelf or not.

          4. Just because there are harmful substances on our stores’ shelves doesn’t mean that marijuana is harmless! I don’t see the connection. If it’s harmless for you great. For me, it wasn’t harmless. It nearly destroyed me. You can say it was me and my decisions that harmed me, and I’d agree. But when I was high all the time, I wasn’t thinking straight. I had no motivation. I couldn’t concentrate. And without the pot, I was depressed and looking for ways to get more. Maybe it’s different for you and if so, then that is good for you.

            These arguments we’re engaging in were never the intent of the article. The intent of the article was to show that the use of marijuana is not supported in Scripture.

            I feel like I’m repeating myself but I will try to summarize what I’ve been saying throughout.

            If marijuana is good for you and your body and your thinking, if you aren’t controlled by your desire for it, and the Spirit does not convict you that it is wrong — then great! It is good for you.

            me, it is harmful. Smoking it damages my lung capacity and gives me a chronic cough. It deadens my senses and steals my motivation. I exercise less. I read less. I understand less. I retain less. It causes me to overeat and to care less about things that matter to me. My job history when I was using was erratic. When I’m high, I think differently; my thinking patterns change. When I’m using regularly I want more and it has power over me. I can’t just say no. Money that should be going to my family would be going to something that just makes me feel good intoxicates me. Additionally, the Spirit convicts me that it is wrong. So for me, it is wrong.

            those that choose to use, we have no condemnation. But it does not change our assertion that marijuana use is not supported in Scripture and that for us, and for adolescents in particular, it is dangerous, addictive and harmful to almost every aspect of life.

          5. Also youre making an assumption saying my passion for marijuana is misplaced. You have no evidence to base that on. This article is about cannabis in the bible. To me it is not far fetched to think the annoiting oils contained something like cannabis. It sounds very similar and there really is no way to prove as fact either way.We cant go back in time. Today this plant is healing and getting people off of addictive pain medications. The plant can be grown at home and controlled by user from soil to end. It is about people being able to make theyre own medicines. There is no justification in keeping it illegal. Even for kids.. that is an excuse prohibitionista cling to. What about the kids, they say, as they order double cheesburgers & beer

          6. To say there is no justification for keeping it illegal even for kids is to ignore the research. We all know marijuana makes a person high and impairs brain function. There is no disputing that. Look at the requirements for the warning labels in Washington state:

            (a) “Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health”;
            (b) “There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product”;
            (c) “Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding”;
            (d) “For use only by adults twenty-one and older. Keep out of reach of children”;
            (e) “Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug”;
            (f) Statement that discloses all pesticides applied to the marijuana plants and growing medium during production and processing.

            Here are some links that further explain the deleterious effects of marijuana on a developing brain.


            I will say again, these arguments are useless. Jesus first. Let’s focus on him.

      2. I’ve been a user for a long time,practically all my life Now 45 I recently just quit it. I became such a heavy user of it that I wasn’t able to think about nothing but it. when it was enjoyed Socially like having a beer or two on Friday night it did wonders . there are things on this earth for us to enjoy as a person not as a couple meaning your body is the temple God’s temple. I used to in my younger years to cover up emotional pain instead of dealing with issues at hand. when I got older married at 23 my wife had a better relationship with God and I did. there were times when I spoke just in general conversatioec or debates ect.. I would not explain what I was talking about and then more issues arised. at that point I started smoking more

        1. Continued from my last post. fact is I used it to cover up pain and acceptance and I thought I was the Superman able to tackle anything but I did not have God on the throne . my point is anything used above and beyond a here and there is totally unacceptable when you idolize something you become The verything that you hate. I agree there are people that get killed over it but it’s not the product it’s the money or about the turf an area that someone is selling it in money is always behind the problems take a look at our society it’s time for everybody to wake up and stop judging people.

        2. I quit years ago, thanks to God and friends. II Thess. 2:10-11 . I know some will not. Each of us will give an account… God help me to love the truth… I want to here well done

      3. ive see ive seen ive seen you havent seen anything, people kill people not guns or a harmless beautiful plant. people are so blinded and cannot think for themselves. i wish people would use there own brain for once and not just regurgitate lies and ignorance. everyone needs to worry about there own sin and not condem others. anything can potentially be bad if put in the wrong hands.

        1. We haven’t condemned anyone. Have we? Yes, marijuana is a beautiful plant. But due to the fact that it is (in most states and federally) an illegal drug, growing and selling it is criminal activity. The rules governing criminal activity are different than those governing legal activities. If I want to buy a car, I’d go to a car dealership, give them money and leave with a car. But to buy drugs, I have to deal with criminals. So I have to deal with shady characters. I can bring my $400 to buy an ounce of marijuana from a criminal in a dark parking lot, or I can go to a drug dealer’s house (you get the idea) and in a situation like that, I’m much more likely to get robbed, killed, stolen from, etc., than I am engaging in a legal activity, like buying a car. Would you agree?

          Please tell me how I’m not using my brain. Please tell me how I’m regurgitating lies and ignorance.

          I’ll give you some lies and ignorance and you can read them all right here in the comments on this article.

          • Cannabis/Marijuana is NOT bad. If you say it is, then you shun God’s work
          • Cannabis is NOT dangerous.
          • Cannabis has been illegal for only approx. 80+ years due to misinformation from government that were paid by the BIG MANUFACTURERS or PROFITEERS.
          • Cannabis is an unadulterated plant grown in God’s image.
          • I know kids that despite marijuana use, get good grades nonetheless.
          • Thus 9 pounds of flower bud turned to oil, incense, and muir helped cure the leppers which meant back then they had skin diseases.
          • Caveman most likely discovered eating it helped them to go to next stage of evolution of speech and brain development.
          • Marijuana heals cancer.
          • if you are still against it, then you do no realize how many people (young and old) are alive today because of it.
          • Young children go from 120 seizures pure day to 1 a week!! Practically instantly.
          • This government teaches cannabis as the “devils weed”, but they are the devils themselves!! Who is really the “false teacher?” You actually trust this government? Do you not see how satanic it has become?
          • As Christian’s we should not stand for the Medicine God left for us to be imprisoned and all his children suffering, do some reasearch
          • The mj leaf has 7 larger off shoots & 7 is special 2 Him. Very special.
          • It heals thousands of diseases and is nature!
          • The anointing oil was made with cannabis, do some research
          • It has been a medicine since the beginning of time!
          • Cannabis was an ingredient in the anointing oil..this is what Jesus used to heal people with. He didn’t smoke it but Moses did and how old was he when he died..well he smoked it every time he talked to God on the mountain.
          • Would Yahweh prefer I would have died a year ago from cancer or Use cannabis to kill it off and be alive now.
          • There are pages and pages of independent studies done through out the world that prove that marijuana or cannabis does cure cancers, illnesses, seizures and many many many more things. It is also very beneficial as a dietary supplement. Please research and get educated
          • It is God who is spreading cannabis like wildfire.
          • Weed is 100% completely harmless.
          • Cannabis was made illegal using racist means. They made up all of the harmful effects, because it was commonly used by the minorities it was an easy thing to use against them.
          1. Some of which you say are lies…are more like beliefs which you cannot prove in either direction. Other things are True, some are false. You print them as lies. As to your 1st hand experience, let me tell you, I have been in the thick of it all and your experience is worthless! Why? Because you do deny Facts!
            1. Everything is in overabundance potentionally dangerous, you can die from Water! (you can’t from Cannabis use)
            2. Since 1974 the US has a Patent as Cancer Cure: Cannbis (that is not a garanty, but can be effective)
            3. Cannabis is Illegal because of the Paper industy who made it look bad. This is FACT! DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
            4. I use it 35 years now, I have never been unemployed or had a OUI and I have friends who are similar.

          2. 1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
            21 which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith. Grace be with you all.

            SO CALLED SCIENCE!

          3. Is poison bad? Yes. Is stinging nettle painful? Yes. We aren’t shunning God’s work. If you think just cause he made it we eat it, the argument falls flat when you think about the fact that alot of things in this world are not meant to be stuffed in your mouth.

      4. Yes I agree with you!! I’m only 20 I started using it at 17. You are extremely correct when you said its basically a lack of motivation. I just didn’t care about anything when I was smoking & just like u that’s where my paychecks went. I literally smoked every single day! I felt like a zombie. Thanks for speaking the truth

        1. Kiara, motivation is up to the person I have a boss that all he wants to do is stay home retire and go fishing this is now he is sober never smokes weed now.but back then in his 20s -35 he smoked weed when he started his business always busy he smoked to forget the problems of the end of the day and the pain on his body. Me I smoked everyday since I was 13 I went to college I smoked when I had two jobs 72 hours a week. Now I have one job and my boss ask me how the houses are, a sober person asking the stoner and I have a mortgage since I was 28 so its not the weed its the person.I use weed for my asthma never had a asthma attack since I was 14 and for my back injury I have a medical card.

      5. Funny, the boss at our local grocery store said the smokers were his best workers. They come in high get the job done don’t complain and go home. The POT doesn’t take away your need for greed, the few you reference smoked to kill the existing pain from something else.

      6. Cannabis is useful plant FOR man – some examples: 1) Cloth, sails especially!, 2) Cordage/Rope used in all manner of boats up to modernity because it’s fibers resist rot., 3) Food! The Seeds are edible. The seeds & oil are high in Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids. , & 4) Medicine for humans which respond to it’s effect because we have two cannaboid chemical receptors in the human brain.

        NOTE: Professor Dr. Sula Benet, received her PhD from the University of Warsaw. (She won the Warsaw Society of Sciences scholarship for graduate study at Columbia University.) She arrived the USA in 1936 & in 1943 received a 2nd PhD from Columbia University. In 1944, she joined Hunter College & was a life-long Professor. Nazis killed her family! She died…

      7. I don’t believe we should fight as intensely about this, for the bible does say our body is a temple and we must treat it so, as well as practicing soberness for the devil is like a lion and attacks when we are weak. But I think you were addicted and are correlating the negative effects with marijuana, of which were caused by your abuse of marijuana. You were condemned, for life is a lesson and God uses many ways to teach us. I believe that like everything in life, you must use in moderation.

    2. Your right on. Lets start our own church with this knowlegde of persicution. Is there a church in this country that feels this way. I love the lord and feel no convections to the use of medical herb. Im prior marine and feel it was a waste of my time due to the persicutions ive gone threw sence 2001. Call if you no of any churchs before i leave this country for good. 719 493 3082

    3. You’re being deceived. You can glorify the Lord better sober than being high. The Bible says to not be a drunkard…. one is to be sober minded. Marijuana itself can lead to psychological dependency (I would know).

      1. I follow Jesus and love Him with all my being. I am also bipolar with severe anxiety. Been hospitalized 3 times. A few suicide attempts while on all the psych meds. My kidneys and liver have been damaged by the use of these prescribed medications. I weaned myself off all of these meds about 6 months ago due to the damage they were causing, not to mention they made me an absolute zombie, unable to function properly due also to cognitive impairment caused by the bipolar “treatments”. I am now growing a small amount of my own marijuana to use in the oil form in an attempt to find relief from the horrific effects of living with bipolar. Although I have reservations I have no alternative left medically speaking. I pray this works….

        1. Diane, I will pray for you that things will get better. Weed probably is not the way to go. Exercise and sunshine help the most. No caffeine….drugs be (are) bad for bipolar people.
          Mount Sinai researchers found less is more, less medicine, less doctors, more good food, and more clean living. Little alcohol, smallest amount of drugs of any kind to do the job.
          For those who are Gods children, “with pray and supplication let your request be known to God” God always hears his chidren and sometimes He says no… For His own reasons. God never makes a mistake. Always makes the right choice. Praise God!

      2. Sugar is the substance most abused in the US and kills more people than Cannabis. It is Proven to have a Psychological Dependency. Should we forbid it?

        1. Sugar is not used to get you high. Comparing sugar to marijuana is ridiculous.

          You say God doesn’t make mistakes. We agree. Keep in mind that MANY things God made are not good for humans to eat. Dos that mean God makes mistakes? Obviously not.

          1. So what you are saying, is that in the Bible they say it is bad to get high? Or are you just maybe adding something on personal beliefs?

          2. Paul says that all things are lawful but that he will not be dominated by anything. So for those who are dominated or controlled by their need for marijuana, then yes, it is bad. Peter tells us that whatever we let control us, to that we are a slave. (2 Peter 2:9).

          3. I dont know about that. My kids seem to get a little “high” off sugar sometimes! 😀

            Heres the thing, science is bought and paid for. Science, our government, even the “so called church.”. I am a firm believer that Jesus is calling us away from organized religion. The walk with Jesus is completely personal to each one of us. So none of us can really speak for the other. We make our choices based off our life experiences combined with our walk with Jesus. I will say this though, you assume your pharmeceuticals will be available forever. In the situation of them no longer being there for conveinant consumption, where else where you turn, but to plants? I believe Jesus is seeding the grass for His return. (pun intended). All Fruits &…

          4. We agree that our walk with Christ is personal. We walk with the Spirit and are convicted by the Spirit.

            Hopefully we agree that marijuana, while an interesting subject, should not the primary focus of our attention. Jesus Christ is all in all and we should seek to know Him and become more like Him with every decision we make. He should be our focus. Everything else is secondary.

          5. Every alcoholic on the planet is addicted to sugar. Go one day or a week without a drink and tell me you didn’t suck down cookies or inhale snickers bars. The sugar cravings areemmense.Sugar fuels cancer deteriorates your brain acti and gets you fat.vity

        1. I found that since I got injured real bad and was left in chronic pain for over 20 years; my G.P. said try smoking pot.. I asked her for a licsense; even though I have dominion over all seed bearing plants; I was smoking anyways.. pot always lifts my soul up from the drudgery of opiates that don’t work
          and only make the pain worse.. pot helps me to eat and takes away the sickness.. until you have walked in anothers” shoes; quit judging us!!. pot is good for you and Jesus does not care if you smoke pot; as long as you love Him and serve Him.. how soon we forget that people call themselves Christians; yet put out guilt ridden foolishness on a website.. where do you get your info??.. bless all you people; in the name of Jesus – Amen to…

        2. My Adoni doesn’t condemn me says His spirit to me,and when i hear this, i feel as to prove myself able to abstain and do without it,even for a week,and even more time lapses as i walk through the new life..i call this fasting, n i MAY as well abstain from solid food like etc,milk, purpose here is to maintain my salvation and God’s spirit cuz my “crown” must be well guarded indeed(revelation..) I bow in “AWE” of our God, a CONSUMINGFIRE..i need his TRUE assurance constantly,must…

    4. Thank you for your contribution . I honestly have been dealing with this issue for years . God has always put fourth in my heart the definition and implications of seeds. First he taught me my words are seeds my actions are the soil and the fruit it bring fourth is the harvest (proverbs 18:21)now I have been using hemp in my everyday life because I am EPILEPTIC . this hemp oil has stopped over time my episodes. Many people in the churches around me turn me away because I believe god has given us this seed above all other great things mainly to heal . Hemp has allowed me to live by god’s standards. Following a holy diet free of meat .Not using animal materials . And overall living in peace.i shall be justified through my father’s last…

    5. I feel much closer in the spirit when I smoke and pray. Also when I study my adhd keeps me unfocused unless I have a bit in my system even if I’m not high. If your not using cannabis good for you do it for Jesus if your using cannabis don’t let hypocrites demonize you do it for Jesus as well. I don’t think God would give us the endocannabinoid system in our bodies from birth if cannabinoids are unholy. Makes zero sense also this original article literally wasted so much time to read and it didn’t even disprove or prove anything it was a long opinion of some random person. Just do what helps you glorify God whether it involves weed or not

  2. And …. yes … I heroin wasn’t mentioned to be avoided in the Bible. I’m sure the author is going to come back on my lack of grammar, spelling, conjecture, etc … as well. Let be and Let God.

  3. Lots of misconceptions here if you really wish to study these issues need to got the growers application Health and Welfare MMPR web site download all the documents, applications, and study the narcotics act on security needed to become a grower. The most important aspect of this is all 2 potential MMAR local southern ontario patients Parker and Matt Menuagh (sp)(does pot tv show from vapour central & just released strain book) said there own doctors would not sign extensive amount of past paperwork to submit to Health and Welfare for ATP or growers card license under our guarantee to health under Charter of Rights last brought in by Trudeau LOL with some attempted interference from Mulroney. So once you fax prescription to new grower such as us if we get growers sites approved in next few months a prescription from your doctor up to 150 grams per month which if making edibles or oils (see Canada’s Rick Simpson’s cancer healing recipes, or my group has easier green dragon recipe) for more effective medicine than smoking or vaporizing. High CBN’s strains have helped control or cure many diseases. Download 12 mb Granny’s list

    Pricing will be usually under $8 to get a truly organic product that cannot have trace of pesticide or toxic heavy metals. Our growers coop will hopefully have compassion based upon income since this is not a time to be greedy.

    Of course for your religious pagans since most kinksters usually identify with LOL Cannabis is in bible with Chis Bennetts books discussing further. Jesus brought back annointing after 300 years since Romans said pagan ritual. Thus 9 pounds of flower bud turned to oil, incense, and muir helped cure the leppers which meant back then they had skin diseases. Caveman most likely discovered eating it helped them to go to next stage of evolution of speech and brain development. Of course sexually active aliens or or injecting DNA strains could not of hurt. LOL no I have not smoked today…..

  4. Scripture References:

    1 Peter 5:8, 2 Tim 4:5, 1 Thes. 5:4-8 – just a few that tell us to be SOBER MINDED. Can’t be Sober and Stoned at the same time!

    Galations 5:19-21 and a few other verses mention not practicing Sorcery amongst other Worldly pursuits… Sorcery & Witch Craft are also references to Drugs.

    1 Cor 10:23 All things are lawful but not all things beneficial. Does it benefit your spirit, soul, walk with GOD to smoke pot?

    1 Cor 6:19-20 Does it Glorify God in your Body? (if your actions cause others to stumble, I’d err on the side of NO)

    Titus 2:12 – Self Control… Smoking Pot is 99% of the time done for PLEASURE not for Medical Reasons. Therefore you are choosing to PLEASE your FLESH over exercising self control.

    Look up the Verses yourself. Don’t go by what MAN says but by What GOD says.

    Be Blessed!

    1. Hello I am pastor Jim Cosetti and operator of Humble Herbs , I understand what you say and i also understand why you say this but please watch my short videos On Paul and medical marijuana. Also here is truth about Marijuana -This Is Dr sanjay Gupta – Dr. Oz – Marijuana heals Cancer
      why Is it you cant Over Dose on pot? Your Nerves system in naturally produces Opiates, Not cannabinoids. so when you take norco,vicodin, oxy any opiate based drug even at the minimum, there is a chance of Over dosing. what does the CBD do in patients? CBD comes in to your receptors and slows the signal down from pain. As the norco will hit your nerves system which can cause addiction , Brain malfunction, anger , and worst of Death.

        1. the lies about cannabis started in the 1900’s. God is in control of all things, including the end to cannabis prohibition. if you are still against it, then you do no realize how many people (young and old) are alive today because of it. not all cannabis is psychtropic. formulas high in cbd, do not produce a “high”, but still heal in tremendous ways. Young children go from 120 seizures pure day to 1 a week!! Practically instantly. If that isnt a miracle from the healing power and miracle of God, then I dont know what is. God created a plant with tremendous healing power. In the end times we are in, do you really trust what they prescribe to us at doctors? over what we can produce on our own with dirt and water? organically? really?

          1. my apologies.. im
            typing on a cell phone. so there are a few errors in grammer and spelling. plz forgive me. i think you understand my point though? that verse speaks of “false teachers”. Well I ask you when did the false teaching against cannabis begin? It has been in control of the federal government since 1937. Was our country not corrupt even then? It has been since the day of its inception!! This government teaches cannabis as the “devils weed”, but they are the devils themselves!! Who is really the “false teacher?” You actually trust this government? Do you not see how satanic it has become?

          2. I can back her arguments with facts, but I doubt you would listen. If you are willing to get facts, then Email me and we will do this privately. Try this for a fact, you live in a God loving country who proclaims freedom yet we have more people incarcerated than all Western Countries combined. Most of these are non violent drug crimes. More people die on overdoses of legal perscription drugs than on illegal drugs. Your body has Cannaboid Receptors naturally and produces its own cannaboids. I can’t wait for your email…. because I will blast your arguments totally out of the water relying soley on Scientific Studies. I would like to pull God into the debate.. but even as an antiprohibitionist, I know that there are no facts for or against

    2. Hello fellow (sinners) If you can not find God sober, you won’t find him drunk. BTW being drunk, and treating symptoms of a horrible disease or mental disorder are to waaaay completely different things. When God blesses me with his gifts, and I receive them with thanksgiving. Why don’t you study to show thyself approved. Do not point out the splinter in other fellow bros or sis in Christ eye when you have a telephone pole in you eye! God Bless and keep you though! I’m not trying to be a jerk but, honestly I pray and meditate and read my bible with cannabis every day. My relationship with the one true God has never been better. I beleive in the Holy trinity, not the government who is basically the beast in my opinion. Please study and…

    3. being sober minded… simply mean be not drunk by the busyness of the world’… being high is not as drunk…. and to get high is good because you become like most high

  5. Brilliant article. Then we scroll down and see the typical stoner responses. Way to completely ignore everything he said in the article, guys. And in the most incoherent way imaginable. Your self-justifications don’t wash. Marijuana has had a deleterious effect on your intellect, self-expression and moral reasoning. And before you start with the usual stoned blather – I smoked at least 4 blunts daily for 8-9 years. I know all your tricks! But Jesus Christ will cure you of your addiction if you ask Him to.

    1. LOL that’s a great point.
      Do marijuana smokers always think their smarter than the average man, anyway?
      I know when I use to get high from marijuana I thought i was the next Einstein…Lol. So I think it funny to see stoner christians trying to defend the use of smoking weed. As if they are more smarter than God, The Father.
      Who are you trying to convince, Man or God? 🙂 * smiles*

      Ps: Here’s another thing that’s funny about marijuana users who are christian. Mostly all of them says, it from the earth. It grows from the ground God created. It’s natural. Lol. So does anything that grows from the earth. Posion ivy grow from the earth too, does it mean you can smoke or even eat it without it having some effect on you. Anyway.
      God bless-Huggs

      1. I Understand what is written here why one must think it’s Okay. But truthfully it’s pretty grotesque to me. all quotes of biblical reference are of Paul. A man who the disciples disliked and did not trust, and Paul was left alone by them during the end. Was peter not the Rock Christ said for him to be? Or is he still Bar Jonas? what happened to peters church and why are we still following Paul.
        Paul is a self proclaimed disciple,a man who said Christianity was a Curse, He also is described As leviathan. So why is he in the bible this is a question the bible answers many times . mathew 13:25-30
        Job 31:7-8
        7 if my steps have turned from the path,
        if my heart has been led by my eyes,
        or if my hands have been defiled,
        8 then may others eat what I have sown,
        and may my crops be uprooted.

        Also Job says this about Leviathan, Job 41:14-16
        14″Who can open the doors of his face? Around his teeth there is terror. 15″His strong scales are his pride, Shut up as with a tight seal. 16″One is so near to another That no air can come between them.…
        Paul had scales that fell from his eyes and also he had a thorn is his side! I have a hard time Understanding why people Quote the bible But don’t see the entire picture.
        Why Live the way Paul tells us when in Jeremiah 8:8 it says “How can you say, ‘We are wise, And the law of the LORD is with us’? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes Has made it into a lie!
        Isaiah 27:1-4 NIV

        27:1 In that day,

        the Lord will punish with his sword—
        his fierce, great and powerful sword—
        Leviathan the gliding serpent,
        Leviathan the coiling serpent;
        he will slay the monster of the sea.
        2 In that day—

        “Sing about a fruitful vineyard:
        3 I, the Lord, watch over it;
        I water it continually.
        I guard it day and night
        so that no one may harm it.
        4 I am not angry.
        If only there were briers and thorns confronting me!
        I would march against them in battle;
        I would set them all on fire.

        And who created Good and Bad?
        Isaiah 45:7
        1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
        7 I form the [a]light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things
        So I ask you all who say that marijuana is not of God, then why is this written?

          1. Thank you for your comments. it is interesting that you would see a divide between Paul and Peter. While Scripture points out one point of disagreement between the two in Galatians 2, such seemed to be an isolated incident. Paul speaks of Peter approvingly in 1 Corinthians 9 and 15 and more generally of the apostles in Ephesians 2:20 and 3:5. Peter speaks of Paul approvingly in 2 Peter 3. Paul’s teachings are not at odds with Peter’s teachings. Both emphasize love and unity and a focus on Jesus Christ as the only Savior for humanity. You quote Paul in his instructions on discipline for the church but you do not quote Peter who devotes a whole chapter (2 Peter 2) to the same subject and uses equally strong words. Both teach of a coming judgment that should shape the way we live. Both teach that we should not live for fleshly desires which war against the soul. Both call upon us to live our lives to please Christ, and to wait for His return. And both established churches of Christ, not of themselves. History tells us that they both died in Rome under Nero’s persecution. Accordingly, I do not agree with your premise. I read the writings of both and find the same gospel in both. It is the good news that when we deny ourselves and take up our cross, as Jesus Himself said, then we become His disciples.

        1. The truth about Paul
          Chosen by Christ-Acts 9
          Spoke by revelation-Galatians 1:11-12
          Called by God-Gal.1:13-16
          Paul not only did not smoke weed,
          But would not even eat meat if it caused a brother to stumble-Romans 14
          Did more, paid the most, wrote more of the bible than any other, was beaten more, and told it was going
          Cost him Acts 9:10-18
          Ii Tim.3:1-5
          You can find a preacher to preach what you want to hear…

      1. Jesus, who is my redeemed, said the most important thing we are to do is love one another and our God with all our hearts. I believe that means we should not hate anyone. You may want to worry more about how.Your heart relates to other people than if a smoked a dried flower before typing this message. Sincerely, pothead

      2. I had an uncle like p.h.hater, who would stir the “pot” then just sit back to see what happens.
        He was just a strife creater, not a pot-head-hater.

    2. Yes, it IS an excellent article!
      I can only igure that those who ignored its content are too doped up for it to register.
      Glad you got off it. it is no “soft drug.”
      I believe demons enter people who take it. The side effects show remarkable comparisons to demonic influence.
      I studied the subject indepth (based on other peoples’ research of over 20 years,) and collated my finds into an article to give “stoners,”
      some of them were shocked. But one thing stood out, doctors (from their experiments,) agreed that it takes at least 3 months of being off the stuff,
      to recognize the deleterous effects it had on their brain, thinking and body.

        1. It is not even a Drug, there you are right! Just for info, there are now Long Term Studies that prove it has no long term side effects. NONE! They think (key word) it may be bad for youth as it might slow down the growth in the Cerebral Cortex. I also think youth should refrain as they miss the experience to understand the difference between reality and a slightly distorted perception of their surroundings. Other than that it should be legal, and no, God didn’t make a mistake, nor did he need Truth saves to distort the truth. I was a Junkie, used MJ to get off the hard stuff. The Gateway was not MJ but rather the dealer who turned me on to other things. Make it legal, remove the Dealer connection… pretty hard to figure out, lol

          1. We never said God made a mistake. We said that the Bible doesn’t support the use of marijuana. We have also said that we believe it is dangerous, based on our own experiences. You may feel our experiences are worthless, but we feel otherwise. It’s also important to note that we feel there is way too much emphasis being placed on whether or not marijuana is good or bad. Our focus should be on Jesus Christ and Him alone.

            Anyone who has used marijuana will tell you that it deadens senses. It distorts reality as you have said yourself. I choose to have my mind clear. Drug-free. Why? So that I can be a slave to nothing in order that my focus can be on Christ alone. I know all the arguments for marijuana use. I used them all myself. But now that I am clear of the drug, I see how deceived I really was. Jesus is the answer. Not MJ.

            Also, we do not condemn those who use, as we have said numerous times. It is between the user and God.

            We do say that Scripture does not support the use of marijuana. And we also say that it is bad for you, based on our own personal experiences (and the opinions of experts). I have posted a number of links in other comments demonstrating that I am not alone in my opinion that it is a dangerous drug.

          2. That is exactly my point, here are people twisting scripture into Prohibition. IF the Bible refers to it (which is another debate if the translations are accurate) then refers to it in a Positive light. Saying Sober as in reference to being High is ripping the context out of the Bible.
            Your experiences form who you are today…so no, they are not worthless…but to place them on a level and base all MJ users on a level with those experiences is just wrong. According to national studies only 3% of MJ users really have a problem. According to studies in Human Nature 3% is irrelevant because there is also a 3 % of non users in similar situations. The Experts you cite are Prohibitionists, mine are Neutral…who do you believe?

          3. I don’t base all MJ users on a level with my experiences. When have we said that MJ use is a sin? We have said consistently, and will continue to say, that we have freedom in Christ. We live by the Spirit and He guides us in our decisions.

            I have not seen the national studies that you refer to that mention that only 3% of MJ users have a real problem. I work with high school students. Those I know that use regularly have a real problem with marijuana. That is my opinion and the reality that I see on a day to day basis. Regular users almost NEVER graduate. Regular users almost always have failing grades. Regular users almost never attend regularly. Regular users can’t focus during the day. Regular users have a tendency to be depressed. It is very damaging and a very real problem. 3%? Maybe of those who have tried it once. But for those who use it regularly, it’s almost always a problem. That is my experience and I have seen it first hand in my life, in my friends’ lives and the in lives on high school students. I have an intimate knowledge of it and do not speak from a place of ignorance.

      1. And what about the benefits cannabis oil has for cancer patients and epilepsy? I think it’s ridiculous to say the herbal plant was NOT put here by God. Maybe we are just beginning to see what it was meant to be used for medically. As a cancer patient I can tell you with 100% certainty that it cures nausea and helps reduce pain. With epileptic patients especially children it has totally eliminated seizures. Comparing the marijuana plant to hemlock (as one article did) is like comparing heroin to penicillin…and I would like to see the research you’ve done showing the disillusionment effects of marijuana. I am an advocate of legalizing marijuana and a Christian look what it’s done for Colorado’s economy.

    3. Well said Mr. Hi there

      I know from my own personal convintions with weed that God has placed in my heart, I found that I was trying to find justification to be able to continue to do the things I wanted to do but with a clean conscious.

      So yeah I looked up all types of facts created by man to back me up. The only problem was that God already created a guideline for us not so we can munipulate it as we please but to bring us closer to him through his word and not through the words of Dr. Oz etc….
      As to the pastor that supports the use of weed and I’m assuming teaches the benefits of weed to his followers, God will hold you responsible not only for your sins and false misleading words but he will hold you responsible for there salvation as we’ll , not my words but Gods look it up.
      If you find yourself looking for answers anywhere but in Gods word you will be lead astray, for the devils game is deception and he is good at it. I pray for you pastor and leaders alike.

  6. Genesis 1:29-31

    And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

    What really shocked me was the following passage.

    1 Timothy 4:1-4

    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

    Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

    1. All things God has given to us are good for us when used wisely. However, when not used properly, the matters can be bad. I just received notice that I had a noxious weed on my property. The plant is good in the part of the world where it came from, but where I live it takes over the native plants and therefore is a pest. It is not good here. Such is true with other plants. They mat be good for cows but not people. They may be good for flowers but not for eating. They may be god for healing some diseases and harmful to take for other diseases. Thus, they need to be used wisely.

      Yet, of all the gifts from God to us, the greatest is the gift of His Son who came to remove our sins and bring the hope of eternal life. Thus, Jesus said: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only existing Son…” (John 3:16). I hope in accepting His other gifts that you will also accept His greatest gift and find the eternal life He has promised to those who follow His teachings.

      1. Not all herbs are good for us. Poisonous plants were put here by God but are not good for us. However marijuana is not poisonous and has many medical benefits especially for cancer patients and epilepsy patients. I think maybe we have been using it wrong by smoking it and are just beginning to tap into the medicinal benefits this herb has to offer. If the pharmaceutical industry would invest any money into researching a cure for cancer instead of just inventing new poison (chemo) to prolong life by 2 or 3 months we might be able to see benefits of more than just marijuana. ANYONE who thinks pharma industry or agencies like AMA CDC ACS ALA NCI have our best interests in mind you are dilusional. Pharma is the anti Christ and owns the world

  7. cannabis consumed orally is the only medicine which controls both aspects of bipolar 1 for me w/out killing my heart, liver, kidneys and thyroid. i consider it immoral to make illegal a plant Ahayah Asher Ahayah, Yahoshua Ha Mashiach & Ruach Hakodesh blessed us with. i continue to serve in our local body, missions, prison ministry et al. let God alone be my Judge & to hell w/ any man made laws which contradict His.


    servant of the Most High

    1. I understand your sentiment towards laws that you think are not right, but as Christians we are admonished not to think such things. The Apostle Paul wrote to us in Romans 13:1-7 to be subject to our rulers, to obey rulers and authorities (Titus 3:1). The Apostle Peter also tells us to submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake (1 Peter 2:13-14). Paul also tells us to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Jesus tells us to bless those who curse us (Matthew 5:44-48). James (James 3:8-18) and Peter (1 Peter 3:8-17) also strongly encourage us not to curse, but to bless.

      1. As a Christian, I say you are wrong. GODS LAW is above all.So, this means you are ok with abortions?
        Im not a smoker, not 4 years & yes I would not like to smoke again. I do however believe that whatever God deemed fit to put on earth , is not for any authority to have a law against.
        Also, this is truly a plant of many benefits and God intended for it to have these benefits. God is Almighty God and He is CREATOR,He CREATED this plant with purpose as every other thing He created. *If the plant is legalised, it can be grown on farms outside in the sunlight as it should ( not indoors- its these indoor plants that affects the mind- not natural,THC too high/ no sunlight)lets not get stuck on the smoking, but rather the other benefits.God Bless

        1. By not possessing or using marijuana, we submit to federal law. We abstain and stay within legal limits. Our country permits abortion, yes. So what law are we breaking by disagreeing with the taking of an innocent life?

          One law prohibits the use of an intoxicating substance (THC). We can abstain from pretty much anything and still be in accordance with God’s Word. The other law allows for the murder of innocent babies. Hardly something that can be compared.

          Do you agree that we shouldn’t steal? Assault others? Murder? Extort? Abuse children? Are these laws in accordance with the Word of God or are they not? So why is one law permissible to disobey (using marijuana) while others are not? What makes one law more significant or important than another?

          us, we obey all laws unless they obviously contradict Scripture. If there was a law stating that we had to kill every child under the age of two, we would disobey that law because taking innocent life contradicts what we know of God. Prohibiting the use of marijuana does not seem, to us, to be in contradiction to Scripture. So we abstain.

          If we felt strongly in some way that the prohibition of marijuana was somehow causing us to contradict or defy God’s Word, then of course we would use it. But we do not see how, by obeying this law, that we are in any way contradicting or attempting to usurp God’s law (as you call it).

  8. If we take a look at cannabis on a religious aspect we should all acknowledge the following passages which comes from the King James edition of the Holy Bible.

    GENESIS 1:
    29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
    30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
    31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
    In genesis it states God has given us every herb bearing seed on the face of the Earth and it shall be for meat. Is marijuana not an herb bearing seed?

    Why does the Christian community turn it’s back on this very simple statement? God created everything, every herb bearing seed and it shall be for meat. So, what is an herb?

    1. herb
    any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume.

    So, we have proved that marijuana is in fact an herb. It has been used for all of the above. I’m not one to say God made a mistake, if most religious individuals feel that same way how can they be against this medicine that was created to heal us from the elements of this world?

    Next, what I really thought was profound was when I took a look at the same bible’s prediction of the future in 1 Timothy:

    1 TIMOTHY 4:
    4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils
    2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
    3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
    4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
    5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

    In Genesis it states I created every herb bearing seed and it shall be for meat. And here we see that some will command us to abstain from meats. The passage goes on to say some will depart from the faith speaking lies in hypocrisy giving heed to spirits and doctrines of devils.

    As Christian’s we should not stand for the Medicine God left for us to be imprisoned and all his children suffering, do some reasearch

  9. God put every seed bearing plant and herb here to use,”jesus said in scripture” that its not whatt goes into your mouth that defiles you…..its what comes out of your mouth! I’m not condoning the use of marijuana and I’m not denying its uses,seek the truth wholeheartedly and you will understand!the world is dangerous,there are so many cover ups and secrets it boggles the mind,and its to dumb down the masses! To keep society in order,to blind the people to the truth,”jesus also said” if thine eye be single. you will be fied with light……”light” is knowledge,the brain has a pineal gland ,the 3rd eye or all seeing eye……its on the back of the 1 dollar bill,its often referred to as the seat of the soul 95% of society has a calcified pineal gland causing it not to function like it should,if it is decalcified you will become full of light because you will become aware of everything,…….open your eyes and expand your mind….GOD BLESS!!

  10. Ezekiel 34:29 And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more.
    Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

  11. I’m a Christian whom uses cannabis 4 medical reasons as well as 2 relax or get going 4 the day. B4 anyone says, “medical sure I bet”, I have acalasia & have exhausted surgical fixes so cannabis helps me. To the author actually I can say that I vaporize cannabis & get fired up about The Word & spending time w/ My Best Friend & Redeemer. I give thanks 2 God over every new package of flowers & ask He bless it 2 my good health & use me 2 Glorify His Name. I now know when cannabis is legalized I have a job 2 do. It WILL happen as Lucifer wants 2 open the gates on no moral accountability.

    I will gladly vaporize w/ those whom idolize mj if I can send The Gospel slicing into their soul after. The mj leaf has 7 larger off shoots & 7 is special 2 Him. Very special. Understand I don’t condone abuse of God’s Gifts 2 sin against Him or the Idolatry of MJ. Abuse & use are different things. I also respect other Christians in their walk w/ Christ & will abstain from use by them if it stumbles them.

  12. I wanted 2 comment B-cuz I commonly C the same verses & unverified hypotheses bout kaneh boshem thrown into the mix w/ angry words (not so much here) which doesn’t help. Christ said anger and hate are murder in the heart. Yes I use mj but Jesus was not a charlatan shaman getting people wasted on mj. That idea makes 0 sense when 1 has studied the amount of signs God put in 2 The Bible to show Himself to those whom seek Him w/ their heart and mind. Do I believe there is a slight possibility it is The Tree of Life? Yes maybe a genetically watered down version; but that is conjecture based on fossils showing drastic genetic activation B4 Noah, not fact. My big issue is many lose sight of Jesus while arguing about mj & they use it in ways that don’t glorify The Almighty. So while I do believe a Christian user can exist I also know some Christians haven’t let go yet and that is why they argue vehemently for it instead of respectful in tone. Jesus first friends.

  13. When I was around 21 I had a dream about Jesus. It was only after I endured years of abuse from a stepfather and my mother left me at 15 when he got out of jail and me from the foster home she left me and my sister homeless. I began having night terrors where hell was sucking me in. I was so freaked out I grabbed a bible and started reading it. I wasn’t raised religious but I had heard about God and Jesus and as a child stepped into a few different churches. These night terrors went on for three years of Satan hounding me in my dreams. I called on priests, prayed and began writing in a journal about my mother and what she did my stepfather and all the horrible sexual abuse. I wrote and wrote and wrote sometimes waking up at 1 am and writing until the sun came up. Once I forgave my mother and began on the road to healing I had this dream:

    I dreamed I died and I could see my body laying on a grassy ground. My spirit couldn’t get to heaven and three angels surrounded my spirit and said..

  14. “Do you know why you can’t get to heaven?” And I said “NO” they said because you have forgiven everybody else but you haven’t forgiven yourself. I said “you’re right…I forgive myself.” So I shot straight up to heaven. Jesus was sitting on a cheap fold out lawn chair. He had his elbows on his knees and his head down. When I got there he said “I’ve been waiting for you!” I said “me?” Because I’m nobody but a homeless teen why me? He stood up wearing cut off jeans and a white t shirt with something written on it. I wish I would have paid attention to that detail. We were on pine plank floors (which I love) and there were three Brick buildings like 1800 school houses. He was standing in front of one and I was standing on a pine plank floor that lead to him. He said “I made something for you.” I was shocked!! ME!!?? I followed him past another small building and around the corner the plank floors and everything else was a beautiful green plant. But at that age I never really looked…

  15. Heather, I fear the devil was playing with you in your dream. I believe it was a false Jesus you met. No not because of the lawn chair or cut off jeans (its just like Jesus to identify with us,) but because of the plant you were about to describe.
    Jesus would never tell you to take marijuana, hon.
    i am so sorry for the abuse u suffered and I believe the real Jesus has something far better 4 you than MJ.
    When we’re abused, satan is able to access us, coz we are spiritually weakened, he accessed yr dreams and deceived u.
    He is out to destroy u. He tried thru yr stepfather & mother, now he wants to cap it off with MJ.
    Ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit. This will bring healing to yr wounded betrayed heart and fill u with His Love & joy instead!
    I know, coz I was abused most my life & Jesus healed me.
    Start going to a good church-Pentecostal ones are good I find, but please believe me, I want u to have the new life in Christ He offers.
    Its real & He truly loves you.

  16. Well I didn’t finish because I was going to tell you he told me he made something for me. I followed him to a log cabin he made for me out of writing books. I was writing through the night terrors and that was the start of me reading the bible and through the next few years I went to church have myself to Jesus and then came down with a hideous disease fibromyalgia they started me on a drug called Lyrica and that’s when my world that I created which was an author of three books, as Jesus told me to write, seven screenplays written, keynote speaker for the abused, worked for the police department, was mother of the year, ran two businesses, taught adult education classes, mother of five, raising seven, my brother and my husbands other two and founder of a non profit organization and volunteer awards constantly, to come crashing down, once I started taking those meds my behavior changed so they put me on more drugs antidepressants and said I’m bipolar for the next four years I was…

  17. In and out of institutions, attempted suicide more than a dozen times. I lost all my work, my family left me, lost my children and became homeless. That’s when I began looking for alternative medication i weened myself off the meds and began studying medical marihuana. For years I have analyzed that dream over and over in my head trying to recall every detail like I don’t know what his t-shirt said on it. I wish I would have paid more attention to everything. I know it was him because if three angels visit you that is a holly dream look it up. But I realize now two things, his head was down because he was asking me to bear a very tough job like Job in the bible, I always kept my faith through the darkness yet would sometimes ask why. Two things are true he is not happy, although he loves all, about how messed up things got with his natural medication and this Bible! Do you not know that half his disciples were against him? Who was left to write the bible? You know in the 17th…

  18. Cannabis does not harm the brain. Its actually neuroprotective.

    Igor Grant, MD, Executive Vice Chairman at the University of California, San Diego Department of Psychiatry, wrote in his study published in the July issue of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, as reported in a June 27, 2003 Reuters article:
    “Smoking marijuana will certainly affect perception, but it does not cause permanent brain damage. ‘The findings were kind of a surprise. One might have expected to see more impairment of higher mental function. Other illegal drugs, or even alcohol, can cause brain damage…

    If we barely find this tiny effect in long-term heavy users of cannabis, then we are unlikely to see deleterious side effects in indivduals who receive cannabis for a short time in a medical setting…

    If it turned out that new studies find that cannabis is helpful in treating some medical conditions, this enables us to see a marginal level of safety.”

    June 27, 2003 – Igor Grant, MD

  19. “Government experts now admit that pot doesn’t kill brain cells.
    This myth came from a handful of animal experiments in which structural changes (not actual cell death, as is often alleged) were observed in brain cells of animals exposed to high doses of pot. Many critics still cite the notorious monkey studies of Dr. Robert G. Heath, which purported to find brain damage in three monkeys that had been heavily dosed with cannabis. This work was never replicated and has since been discredited by a pair of better controlled, much larger monkey studies, one by Dr. William Slikker of the National Center for Toxicological Research.

    I am not saying MJ abuse is OK. Not at all as it is idolatry & God is a jealous God. But having some out there say that demons enter you on MJ is calling our Redeemer a lier. Christ said, “What enters does not defile a man, actions or what comes from a man corrupts a man.” All things are possible through Christ. Even a Christian MJ user.

  20. I never said it couldn’t be used in a dangerous way. I said the plant itself isn’t detrimental. You are by deciding to not get up and exercise your mind or body. Your free will given to you by God is letting you choose to sit around enjoying the flesh. This isn’t what it is for me. I study physics, electronics engineering, am a very accomplished dry media artist, love reading, and most of all spending time in The Word and with Him in Prayer. Abuse is very dangerous. Technically the curse of entropy on Creation is where the damage comes from and abuse then compounds. I am only stating a Christian can use MJ and live a Christian lifestyle. Sure is better then the huge opiate doses i used to need to function. Furthermore I feel that my ability to use without abuse is God prepping me for use in His Plans reaching the brains of fluoride poisoned, drug riddled, TV controlled, people whom believe we are just monkies that experimented with drugs and evolved great amazing brains. Walking away..

    1. Who is sitting around enjoying the flesh? Who is not exercising their mind or body? Please hit “reply” under the comment you’re replying to.

      If you are responding to a previous comment where I said that marijuana is dangerous, then I will respond by saying that back then, when I used, I exercised my body a lot. I exercised more high than when I was sober. My mind? Not so much. I couldn’t even remember a paragraph I read. I’d have to read it like seven times to remember the details. It completely deadened my mind and slowed my thinking, especially with heavy and consistent use.

      I agree that there are positive uses of the plant, especially when used judiciously. However, it is dangerous, as I have seen over and over and over again. Again I will say, I have seen it completely turn lives upside down. It is highly addictive and dangerous in more ways than people defending it are willing to believe. I was in a major car wreck with a driver who was stoned. Our car rear-ended the car in front of us and I broke the windshield with my head and had to be taken to the hospital. Who’s to say how many wrecks marijuana has caused? They don’t test for it, so we don’t know.

      Marijuana is dangerous. Marijuana is addictive. Marijuana deadens the mind. Marijuana slows the senses. Marijuana smoke is bad for the lungs. Marijuana is illegal in most states. Marijuana hurts our kids (this is a massive problem in the schools — believe it — I have been in education for over 10 years).

      Responsible users who understand the risks or who need the medical benefits it can provide — more power to them. But the majority of people out there using marijuana are abusing it and using it for recreational purposes.

      1. What I mean is in some way or another u weren’t doing something ur body needs 2 build new neuropathways. THC overloads the circuitry of the nerves by deadening the signals telling individual nerves they have fired successfully. So the nerve keeps firing (this is why stoners think they are so much smarter because every thought is made profound. This is also why I measure every thought I have against Scripture when it has the potential to have an effect on my Soul.) Anyways that constant firing has an effect on the neuropathways & if those pathways aren’t replenished then yes it will technically deaden ur mind. This is Y I stay away from brain numbing television except 4 a few thought provoking shows I like 2 watch. Exercise is important 2 the mind & if one sits around stoned (even with physical exercise as a normal activity) then the mind will slowly die. I only argue against the thought of ALL users (even responsible users) being agents of Satan and demons. I belong 2 JC not MJ.


        1. I was unable to finish my comment before. The dogs were bugging me 2go 4 a walk.
          I agree that there’s a degeneration of society & that kids R getting hit hard. The problem is Christians R getting side tracked by unwinnable battles compared 2 Our Commission. The Word needs no help in bringing a (wo)man 2 their knees w/ guilt over Sin & its burden (all addiction starts here). That Word can also bring them freedom from that burden by taking on His Yoak, repenting of our sins 2 Him, & walking in Faith. We only need show sinners His Word & it takes over. I no longer want 2 abuse as I did under that Yoak of Sin. Can I once in a while use it recreationally above & beyond medical benefits? Me personally yes because it is truly once in a great while. Around children? Absolutely not. If kids R around I actually use less then norm medical dose (in private). This is not 2 say the bad morals aren’t important. But let’s cut the head off that wicked serpent & quit lookin at the rattle.


    2. don’t know about dangerous levels, I took a smoke every 4-5 hours for 5 years straight, till i one day went off it entirely. trouble is it was only thing that best dealt with my pain which in turn brought my blood pressure down! used to be 190/180 within a few weeks down to 120/80. addictive…

  21. away from יהרה is what causes issues with abuse and addiction. I can use MJ because I first off don’t get uber stoned with it and most importantly Christ is the focus of my life. I barely ever play video games anymore and even found myself disgusted by secular music I once liked. This is how I know the Spirit telling me it’s OK for ME is My Redeemer because I have measured the spirit against scripture and even beyond that my old life of fleshly pursuits now disgusts me. I am not advocating Christians start getting high. I am saying my Love for My God protects me from the evil that abuse of anything can unleash. God bless.


  22. That is because you used it incorrectly. Cannabis has been apart of medicine and out everyday diet for 10,000 years. It’s all in the oil or raw juicing! It heals thousands of diseases and is nature! Do you think when God created to world he stopped so Satan could add something to the scene, I don’t think so! It has never killed anyone and we have endocannabinoid receptors in out body or did Satan again stop god when he created us to put that in there. The ignorance is not being knowledgable about the truth. It was in the 17th century that the word cannabis was translated wrong if you are a person of God then you should also know that fact. The anointing oil was made with cannabis, do some research

    1. When you reply, please hit “reply” under the comment you’re replying to otherwise the conversation falls apart. I don’t know which comment you’re replying to. So, every person of God should know that the word “cannabis” was translated wrong in the 17th century? I disagree. I don’t think that information is relevant to salvation in any way, shape or form. My bet is that most godly people have no idea of that “fact.” And I don’t believe the anointing oil was made with cannabis either.

      1. How truly foolish to think that Cannabis is some great evil or some type of SIN because of its usage. If your argument against its use is based on legality then you fall into the realm of men who preach that bad things are good and good things are bad such as Abortion, Gay Marriage, 501c3 these are the laws of the land are they GOOD???

        1. Also, making the argument that Pot is bad because it’s illegal falls flat the day it’s made legal…. “Legal” means just that, “legal”…not “good” or “bad”. Remember that.

  23. Heather, funny how you spell satan’s name with a capital S and God with a small letter….just saying. People that smoke MJ will ALWAYS justify it in some way. The devil blinds you to see what is right. Truth saves!! God saves!!

  24. Funny how that is the only thing you took out of my post! I believe satan loves religions and the medical industry all those doctors taking your money and killing you at the same time… That’s real greed!! And racism is the only thing that has locked up Cananbis, I’m sure Satan loves that too. To see Gods people suffering! It’s all on his plan and you are consciously accepting that! Because honestly God made Cananbis we have receptors in our bodies to receive and use that medicine that is why no one has ever died from it! You are the one justifying NOT using it and that’s on you! But when you have knowledge and Jesus in your heart I don’t care what anyone thinks of it, and no matter how much you don’t agree that will NEVER change the truth. It has been a medicine since the beginning of time! Look at Hemp and the problems with our water I Toledo. Why was algae bloom only discovered 20 years after Hemp was taken out of our wnvironment? I don’t believe God made a mistake on either!!

  25. Christians, we are the only ones who line up our firing squad in a circle. Debating is one thing but this is quickly devolving into hate filled insult throwing with zero scientific argument or theological argument. Allowing murder in to our hearts as hate is beneath us as those whom are washed in the Blood of The Word made Flesh. Do we all believe Jesus Christ died for our sins? Do we all believe He defeated death and rose on the 3rd day? Do we all put our faith in Him and walk after Him to the best of our ability? Do we come before Him with humbleness and thanksgiving? Have we all repented of our sins before Him? Then what does it matter what other things an individual believes or doesn’t believe? Satan wants us arguing with each other and staying distracted from Our Commission. The Luke Warm Church Indeed. Can we please close this conversation? This isn’t a debate anymore and it is not contusive to the Father’s Work for us to fight in circles with hate in our hearts.


    1. We have no hate in our hearts toward those who use. We are sorry you see this as an argument. We do not see it that way.

      I, Eric, share my message with more than just the readers of this site. I share my message continually — especially with the youth I work with. Marijuana can be dangerous and has the potential to ruin lives. I want people to understand that. I’m not speaking from a viewpoint of ignorance. I know what it did to me. I know what it’s done to my friends. I see daily what it does to our young people. And the effects I see are destructive, detrimental and often devastating.

      I do not say there is nothing good about it. I believe those who say they use it judiciously or for medical reasons. It is not my place to judge whether a person who uses marijuana is saved or not. Whether you use marijuana is an issue between you and God. It is your business. But because a handful of people use it wisely and are able to maintain a fruitful relationship with God does not change the truth about the dangers of the drug. I’ve witnessed the destruction firsthand. It’s not something to be ignored or taken lightly. Marijuana is dangerous in so many ways.

      Please understand that we agree with you wholeheartedly on one point. In order to be saved, we must believe in the resurrected Jesus of the Bible. He is our reason for living and He is the reason for this website. We would encourage visitors to read more than this one article to understand what we are about.

      Having said that, we attempt to answer questions sent in to us. This article deals with the question of whether or not the use of marijuana is supported in Scripture. We do not find it to be so.

      1. I meant the fighting that is accusing one in so many words of Satan loving while the other screams ignorance. This approach of anger can quickly devolve into name calling. That is my only point. And please let’s not get it twisted. Cannabis is not dangerous & before you say anything understand I mean inanimate objects making man w/ free will do anything. Sin is the problem. The destruction of our Fathers handiwork by so called scientists. Teaching children they come from monkies. Sexual promiscuity making unwanted babies while as a majority society teaches they can pay a doctor to kill the helpless thing. No consequences. The world is the danger, not a plant. I use it in a Godly way & I will tell u right now it is society that is the killer of kids. Music glorifying sex and death is cool to nine year olds. The degradation of moral values killed the world. Rebelling against God destroys our society. This is where we should be fighting. Not in a forum against Christian family 4 MJ use.

        1. So in short I agree that yes we need to keep Children from using it and from being exposed to it. Personally I smoked thru my teen years and school couldn’t teach me fast enough. I skipped school for two weeks & came back to get the highest score on state math proficiencies while being done first. This is the dumbing down of USA in its glory. But I will agree that my case is one in a million and most kids are so broken inside it makes me groan in the spirit. They are being forced to memorize things about Islam while being forbidden to talk about Christ. The bunk idea of Darwin is forced down their throats as FACT. Marijuana abuse isn’t a cause of our dead morals society, it is a symptom of a plan by our nemesis to destroy us and shake his fist at God. I merely wanted to point out the cause of the infection not just a symptom or side effect. Make sense? Healthy Christian debate is good for the soul but angry insult throwing isn’t and only results in terrible damage is my point.


  26. I am sorry but u don’t have anything of the truth written there. Just the usual false flag illusion of man. MAN IS THE CAUSE OF ALL SIN AND SUFFERING. Yahweh makes this clear time and time again. Also if my child started failing in the dead zone called public school I would praise Yeshua Hamashiach with a shout to the Heavens because that system has created the absent minded morons that think they came from a monkey. I smoke daily and I go out spreading the Gospel and my love for a God that was actually mindful of my pathetic little brief existence within His construct. This is what I meant in my earlier arguments. Man is so inclined to exalt himself as god that he blames things that Elohim makes Himself visible thru as the cause of the very sickness that will pull his soul into the lake of fire. His heart. Nothing else on this earth leads us to do anything then the evil imaginings of our hearts full of sin. For that Yeshua came and died and praise Him for His Mercy and Grace.

    1. I must apologize; for some reason even though I hit reply from the email it didn’t place my response above under the comment intended. My comment above is not to advocate children using cannabis. It is to say if my child lost interest in being indoctrinated in a lie then I would praise my Rock and Redeemer. I keep trying to convince my sister to home school her son (I could teach him mathematics, most grammer tho I’m not perfect, science, physics, chemistry, and electronics) because that public system is the cancer. It’s like sending your child to the slaughterhouse and telling them it is candy land. They are raised to believe absolutely that this life, this brief existence in this terrible place is all there is. Do you wonder why they seek out meaning? They go to the wrong places but that is just another snare of the fallen ones. I don’t advocate children using because they are growing but please stop casting the blame away from the creation given choice that chose badly.

  27. This is a horrid article; the premise of almost every argument is invalid on it’s face.

    I’m not going to dispute the claim that cannabis isn’t in the Bible, because (although I see it as a small possibility) I agree that the evidence isn’t that substantial (…but on that note, I’d also like to point out that if the Jews had encountered cannabis, they *almost certainly* would have peddled it as burnt incense). What I *will* dispute, however, is this baseless notion that the use of cannabis is somehow either anti-Christian or, even more absurd, that it’s “dangerous” or “poisonous”.

    —“I suspect that few can make a cogent argument that the use of marijuana is helpful to preparing our physical lives to be fit vessels useful to the Holy Spirit.”

    Allow me to make an attempt: in my experience with cannabis (and other cannabis users) I have often found that users of the drug experience a profound change in their moral outlook; specifically in terms of their ability to feel empathy, soothe feelings of anger or conflict, things of that nature. These traits, to me, are two of the purest ways of preparing oneself for the Holy Spirit. Similarly, I’ve noted that users are also far more apt to consider and discuss spiritual and ethical ideas not just during intoxication, but afterward as well. Granted, not all users experience this (many users stay the same), but it’s a pretty common trait I’ve observed over and over.

    1. —“Further, in most States in the United States, the use of marijuana is against the law. How does one reconcile a violation of the civil law in this matter with passages such as Romans 13; Titus 3; 1 Peter 2?”

      Well, first of all, 1 Peter 2 has absolutely no relevance to your proposition, but that’s a minor issue because your other two verses are sound. Yes, we are to follow the law: but you can’t treat such a statement in such a black and white fashion. We have to draw the line somewhere. For example: In Nazi Germany, it was unlawful for someone to harbor innocent Jewish refugees. Should Christians have neglected to help their Jewish neighbors simply on the basis that Paul told them to obey human laws? Even human laws that fly directly in the face of God’s laws? Absurd. The prohibition of cannabis has caused the deaths of countless people (gang violence that would not have occurred provided the drug had legal outlets for sale) and the imprisonment of a detestable amount of otherwise innocent people, people who violated no one else’s rights. It is an utterly abhorrent law with fundamentally immoral consequences, similar to the German law I presented earlier. When man’s law and God’s law conflict, Romans 13 and Titus 3 are not relevant.

      1. —“Some will say that we violate the law all of the time when we speed, and the use of marijuana is no different.”

        This is a silly argument (from the pro-cannabis side, at that). The premise is wrong: speeding and cannabis use are completely different violations for one major reason. When speeding, there’s a chance you might accidentally kill someone or yourself. When smoking cannabis, no such threat exists whatsoever.

        —“People become addicted to marijuana.”

        This is point blank a factually incorrect statement. People do not get *physically* addicted to cannabis. This flies in the face of basically every credible scientific examination of the drug. You can *fixate* on cannabis through “psychological addiction”, but this is true of almost literally anything else (junk foods, television, etc.). I’ve been smoking cannabis for years and I have never once experienced withdrawal-like effects, and most certainly have never stolen or irresponsibly wasted my savings in order to acquire it, in the way an addict would be prone to. Anyone who *does* do those things doesn’t do it on account of cannabis: they do it because they made a poor decision and they have no substance to blame but themselves.

        1. Ah, I also forgot to mention that wine, which Jesus is clearly depicted drinking in the Bible, is actually addictive. So your own argument works against you.

          To continue…

          “—“Long term use has deleterious effects on the cognitive function. It also appears to have a dramatic effect on the rate of testicular cancer, as well as on heart attacks and paranoia and depression. I do not see how it can be seen as a general good.”

          Again, these conclusions are overwhelmingly disputed by the medical community and modern science has basically confirmed that these notions are nothing more than primitive Reaganite propaganda. Conversely, your own line of reasoning works against you yet again: we *know* for a fact that alcohol is a primary factor in a variety of adverse health effects, most notably those related to the liver. We also know on a scriptural basis that, again, Jesus consumed alcohol.

          To continue…

          1. —“I do not argue for or against legalization.”

            This is an interesting statement, considering the follow up paragraph in which you state…

            —“We have societies south of us in Mexico and other countries that are falling apart because of the drugs this country consumes. Our use of drugs is funding the murder and destruction of many people in other lands.”

            …Which is only the case because *cannabis is illegal*. So, naturally, your disapproval of this crime and slaughter means that, even if you don’t admit it, you are pro-legalization strictly on the basis of your moral principles, as outlined in the article. By demonizing cannabis, a virtually harmless *plant*, it’s actually YOU who are feeding into the prohibition hysteria that has caused these violent crimes and gang related deaths. Cartel leaders *love* prohibition and anti-drug sentiment because it makes them loads of cash.

          2. It is not virtually harmless. Argue as you will, I have seen the effects of it on my own life, the lives of friends and the lives of students. I have been in a near-fatal car wreck in which the driver was stoned (we rear-ended a car and broke the windshield with our heads). He was busy fiddling with the stereo instead of watching the road and his reaction times were slowed. To say it’s “virtually harmless” is to have your eyes closed to reality. Some are so overcome with love for the plant (and their addiction to the high) that they refuse to see the very real harm it causes, especially in the lives of our youth. Just based on my own experiences, I’m convinced that marijuana has indeed caused the deaths of many people. It’s hard to prove it, but I know what can happen.

          3. Jesus did not regularly consume alcohol and made it clear that we should not be drunk with wine. Smoking marijuana instantly impairs the user. I see no significant difference in being drunk with wine or stoned on pot (on the surface there are obviously differences–don’t misunderstand). Simply put, both are intoxicating, addictive and potentially dangerous (health, motivation, memory, reaction times, etc.).

        2. Marijuana is addictive. Period. I used it long enough to know. Psychological or not, people do indeed become addicted to marijuana. And they do resort to stealing, spending all their money, etc. Maybe you don’t, but many people do. I’ve known them. I see it regularly. I have a friend (let’s call him Joe) who I’ve seen steal, fight, etc. to get marijuana. He’s now in his early 40’s (I’ve known him since our late teens), still wastes his paychecks on pot, still doesn’t take care of his family (married with kids), still goes job to job, still ends up in jail now and again and STILL can’t go a day without his weed.

          I see it with the students I work with as well. They’ll do crazy things to get their hands on their weed. And once they get into it, they change. They come to school high, their grades drop, their ability to converse intelligently starts to fade, their irrationality increases, their memory falls apart . . . these are just a few of the deleterious effects of the marijuana they’re smoking.

          To say it’s not “physically” addictive is not the issue. It’s addictive. Nobody who has used it regularly over time can deny that. If they do deny it, it’s because their desire to use it overcomes their desire to think rationally about it.

      2. There is a difference between: 1) following God’s law over man’s law (Acts 5:29) and 2) obeying laws that do not violate God’s law.

        Smoking an addictive, brain-numbing, motivation-killing, illegal drug has nothing to do with following God’s law. To make an argument that smoking marijuana is somehow akin to harboring innocent Jewish refugees is, as you say, absurd.

    2. This has been my experience too. I stopped using as a young adult when my first child was born. At 65, I just recently started using again and almost immediately realized that
      this is medicine for my soul.

  28. —“You state that there are Christians who use Scripture to justify the use of marijuana. There are also people who claim to know Christ and use Scripture to justify everything from racial hatred towards others to turning a deaf ear to the cries of the immigrant and the poor.”

    Racial hatred and neglect for the poor/sojourner are *in no way* anything akin to smoking cannabis. Racial hatred is a sin with victims. Neglect for the poor is a sin with victims. Neglect for the sojourner is a sin with victims. Cannabis use is not (inherently) sinful and is a “crime” with no victims. That’s an asinine connection to make.

    —“Crownvetch yields seeds and is poisonous. Nightshade yields seeds and is poisonous. The poinsettia yields seed and is poisonous. Hemlock yields seeds and is poisonous. Every day, we have to choose between plants that are good for us and those that are not. God is not commanding us to eat of every poisonous plant.”

    And? Cannabis yields seeds and… isn’t poisonous. A lethal dose literally cannot be achieved. For goodness sake, WATER has a lethal dose! So what exactly are you arguing here? Poisonous plants exist, therefore we should abstain from *factually* non-poisonous plants like cannabis?

    And allow me to make just one last point…

    1. Your entire argument falls apart *as soon* as we throw alcohol into the equation.

      Jesus drank alcohol. Alcohol is literally a poison. This is why you vomit when drinking too much, and why your liver (your body’s poison control center) corrodes after too much use. This is a drug we know causes addiction. This is a drug we know has adverse health effects. Again: Jesus consumed this substance. So even IF cannabis is addictive (which the scientific majority rejects), we already know it to be LESS addictive than alcohol. Even IF cannabis is harmful (which science heavily disputes), we know for a fact that it’s much, much, MUCH less dangerous than alcohol.

      So in light of these facts, how can you *possibly* argue that cannabis is wrong or sinful, when God himself personally came down from heaven to bring the best wine to the party?! (John 2:10)

      1. I understand that certain plants are unhealthy, and I understand that on that basis not *all* plants are good for consumption despite the fact that God made them available to us.

        However, what you don’t seem to comprehend about this argument of yours is that cannabis, point blank, does *not* fall under that category. There are literally NO diseases tied to cannabis (and yes, that includes cancer; the majority of studies have demonstrated that every cannabis user who developed a cancer was smoking tobacco as well, and the non-tobacco smokers remain healthy). There is literally NO physically possible lethal dose of cannabis. So until you can show me a *single* cannabis related death documented in a proper scientific fashion (good luck with that one), your argument is virtually baseless.

        I’ve been smoking pot for years. There was a time in my life when I smoked practically daily for a year.
        Not ONCE has it made me sick.
        Not ONCE has it caused me chronic pain.
        Not ONCE has it given me a disease.
        Not ONCE have I overdosed or been poisoned by it.
        Not ONCE have I been hospitalized as a result of my use.
        And guess what? As far as the scientific community is concerned, no one else has.

        Alcohol, conversely, has done all these things to a multitude of people. So if you want to chastise people for using cannabis, go ahead: just understand that when you reach the pearly gates, for consistency’s sake, you’ll have to chastise God himself for consuming an even more dangerous substance.

  29. “It is not virtually harmless.”

    Really? That’s funny, ’cause I feel fine!

    “I have seen the effects of it on my own life, the lives of friends and the lives of students.”

    No; what you’ve seen are stupid decisions. Stupid decisions made by irresponsible people. And instead of holding them accountable, or taking personal responsibility for your own cannabis related mistakes, you’ve decided to put the blame on a harmless plant rather than either them or yourself. That’s wrong.

    “I have been in a near-fatal car wreck in which the driver was stoned (we rear-ended a car and broke the windshield with our heads). He was busy fiddling with the stereo instead of watching the road and his reaction times were slowed.”

    So; in other words, driving while stoned isn’t a good idea. I understand that.
    Am I to understand that you’re using this point to make cannabis use look sinful, or more specifically, non-Christian?
    Ok. So… let’s take this logic of yours and dive down the rabbit hole.
    Let’s consider the fact that driving after drinking is also a bad idea. A much, much worse idea.
    So, using your own logic, wouldn’t that also make alcohol sinful (or non-Christian) to consume?
    And, as a followup, wouldn’t that make Jesus a sinner?
    Bam. You’ve created a Christological paradox. According to scripture, Jesus (or God) doesn’t sin; however, your arguments indirectly imply that he did by both consuming alcohol and enabling others to do the same.

    1. Yes, I have seen stupid decision. Like young people with developing brains daily smoking an unregulated, illegal, addictive, psychoactive, brain-numbing, motivation-killing, expensive drug. That’s stupid. The plant is not harmless, as you say, or there wouldn’t be so many negative effects. Marijuana use almost ruined my own life? Harmless? Not remotely. It totally destroyed my motivation. It gave me an endless mucous-filled cough. It took my paychecks. It took my time. It killed my relationships. It ruined my ability to interact with others. It stalled my college education. Harmless? Try googling some ideas that are different than your own. Try this one for starters: “how does marijuana affect a developing brain” and then actually read the articles. With some very basic research one can see that marijuana causes much harm for many people.

      Having said that, I still say it’s between you and God as to whether or not it’s a sin for you to smoke it. Saying that driving after drinking is a bad idea doesn’t mean that drinking a small amount of alcohol is a sin. I’m not sure how you’re reaching that conclusion.

    2. Never-mind. I did not see you were riding with someone dumb enough to drive while consuming cannabis. Bad judgement caused the accident. Irresponsible behavior, leading to accidents, occurs much more often with alcohol! The NSTB data verifies that!

  30. “To say it’s “virtually harmless” is to have your eyes closed to reality.”

    And yet, even with “eyes closed”, I and all my cannabis using friends remain virtually unharmed.

    “Some are so overcome with love for the plant (and their addiction to the high) that they refuse to see the very real harm it causes,”

    And some are so overcome with a lack of respect or understanding for botanical and medical scientific findings that they parrot baseless negative claims about a plant that has never killed anyone, ever.

    “Just based on my own experiences, I’m convinced that marijuana has indeed caused the deaths of many people. It’s hard to prove it, but I know what can happen.”

    Suppose Billy wants some cannabis.
    Suppose Jimmy has cannabis.
    Suppose Billy kills Jimmy for his cannabis.

    POP QUIZ: Who killed Jimmy?
    A) Billy
    B) Billy, obviously.
    C) Uh, definitely Billy.
    D) Cannabis
    E) Answers A, B and C.

    It’s not that it’s “hard to prove” cannabis causes death. It’s that it’s LITERALLY impossible. There isn’t a *single* recorded death from cannabis: EVER. In the entire extant history of the human race, we have *never once seen* a death caused directly by the consumption of cannabis itself. If cannabis ever killed someone, it would be HUGE news. Why? Because. It’s. Never. Happened.

    To expand on this…

    1. I believe marijuana has caused many deaths throughout history, especially in this day and age of young people abusing the drug and driving vehicles. I could have died when my friend, who was high on pot, rear-ended a car at 40mph. I broke the windshield with my head and that could have been the end of my life. Am I the only one who’s ever experienced this? I highly doubt that I’m one in billions. After the wreck, the driver was tested for alcohol, but guess what? We weren’t tested for marijuana. So my friend never got in trouble for driving intoxicated, even though he was most definitely intoxicated. Officers can’t just test for marijuana use on the side of the road like they can for alcohol use.

  31. All of the deaths related to cannabis have nothing directly to do with the plant itself: they are, in fact, tied exclusively to the drug trade. People die over cannabis *because the law says they can’t smoke it*. This law was propagated by the Nixon and Reagan administrations. So, who’s to blame? Cannabis, or Ronald Reagan? (Remember kids, “just say no!”)

    “Jesus did not regularly consume alcohol and made it clear that we should not be drunk with wine.”

    Yes, of course, and that’s good advice. Drunkenness is a terrible thing; it causes irrational emotional responses to various stimuli, it’s the source of a great many conflict, it severely impairs the judgement of the intoxicated party, it can directly lead to death, rape, theft, domestic violence, the list goes on and on.
    And yet… surprise surprise, cannabis intoxication yields NONE of these effects. You can’t GET “drunk with cannabis”. It just doesn’t happen. Basically the dumbest thing you can do while high is eat every last thing in your fridge.

    I’m glad you can show me a Bible verse that says not be a drunk.
    Now show me the Bible verse that says drunkenness and being high on cannabis, a *totally unrelated form of intoxication*, are somehow the same.
    It’s like arguing that the use of caffeine (which is a drug, by the way) is the same as drunkenness, despite the fact that the effects are completely different. You’re mixing apples and oranges.

    1. Why is there a debate on how to determine how high is too high to drive a vehicle? In the state of Colorado, it’s five nanograms per milliliter. Why do people even discuss this, if, as you say, marijuana doesn’t have intoxicating effects?

      I’m not saying that being intoxicated with marijuana is exactly the same physically as being drunk–that would be ludicrous. The idea in Scripture, as we see it, is that our minds should be clear and not clouded. Marijuana deadens the senses, clouds the mind, reduces reaction times, affects time perception, affects balance, reduces the ability to multi-task, kills motivation, and yes, is addictive . . . I could go on but it’s starting to sound repetitive.

  32. “I see no significant difference in being drunk with wine or stoned on pot[.]”

    Slurred speech. Dulled vision. Significantly reduced reaction time. Significant increase in violent behaviors. Sexual promiscuity. Significant loss in balance and coordination. Potentiality for overdosing. Black outs or “lost time”. This list could go on, and on, and on.
    You don’t see these things because you don’t care to see them. That doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

    “Simply put, both are intoxicating, addictive and potentially dangerous (health, motivation, memory, reaction times, etc.).”

    Sugar and caffeine are also “intoxicants”. Next.
    Cannabis is only psychologically addictive, as is *everything else on the planet*. Next.
    The majority of contemporary science claims there is no real danger to pot use. Next.
    Lastly, even despite your confession that alcohol has all of these traits (and more, mind you), you STILL can’t explain to me how it’s somehow magically OK for God himself to have come down to earth to have a sip here or there, but nooooo, CANNABIS is a problem!

    All despite NOT being practically addictive.
    All despite NOT being fatal or legitimately damaging to one’s health.
    All despite NOT intoxicating the user on the scale alcohol does.

    1. My original quote:

      “I see no significant difference in being drunk with wine or stoned on pot (on the surface there are obviously differences–don’t misunderstand).”

      You conveniently left out the portion in parentheses. Yes, the effects are different. I do care to see the differences. Please give me sources on your statement that “the majority of contemporary science claims that there is no real danger to pot use.”

      Do you have sources that prove that it’s not “legitimately damaging to one’s health” as you say?

      If the Bible spoke about Jesus smoking weed, well then, your argument would be much easier to prove.

      1. I offered you to write my Email, I will lay Scientific Studies in abundance to show you that your misconceptions of Cannabis are not only wrong but you use Christianity to back your false claims. In here it is difficult because of text limitations. Most of all I think if you would just use Google and an actual date you can find the majority on your own. Up to Date studies that support Prohibition are non existant and every one I have read is based soley on Opinion and the Drug Hypocracy that has been going on since 1930. If you use Logic, Christian has destroyed any argument you have brought and you refuse to see…. does it not say… they will be Blind?

        1. How are we using Christianity to back our false claims?

          All we are saying is that scripture does not support the use of marijuana which you agreed with.

          Also, based on my own experience, marijuana is bad for you. And that is supported in the research.

          Are there medicinal uses for marijuana that can be useful? Most likely. We have not disputed this.

          However, I have never met one person, other than through this website, that uses marijuana solely for medicinal purposes. Everyone I know who uses marijuana smokes it and uses it to get high. It is a recreational activity. I know quite a number of high school students who use marijuana. They freely admit they use it to get high. And when I used, that’s exactly what I (and my friends) used it for. To party. To be high.

          Please check out the research on the deleterious effects of marijuana abuse, especially on youth.

          Here is a page for you to check out. The statements on this page are all backed by research (see the citations).

          I especially like the section on how marijuana affects school, work and social life. The studies show that marijuana users themselves admit that it has impacted their life in a negative way.

          Heavy users typically have lower incomes, lower life satisfaction, lower self motivation, increased criminal activity, increased dependence on welfare, etc.

          Heavy adolescent users are less likely to finish school or attend college and have, in general, lower academic outcomes.

          Not only that, research shows a reduction in IQ (up to 8 IQ points) for heavy adolescent users. These IQ points were not regained when the people stopped using marijuana. So indeed, marijuana has been shown to cause lasting changes in the brain, especially for adolescents.

          I could go on, but there is no point. You have found a marijuana to be good for you, and I have found it to be bad for me. My experiences are real for me, and have been replicated in others’ lives and also in the research. You can also find research to support your assertions.

          The bottom line is that our focus should be on Christ and not on marijuana.

          I will again say that we do not condemn those who use. It is between them and God.

          1. Are you kidding me? have you read the research they use to back it? None of it is scientific with long term studies. Not to mention it is from the US Government written by the same DEA that would love to keep MJ illegal. How about bringing some sources like the the Medical University of Maryland, UCLA or Boston College who have all destroyed everything you say. My problem is you spread lies on Propaghanda and use God and the Bible to back you. Hier ist an Article with Scientific backings that refute the Governments page:
            No one says the focus should be on MJ, but it can inhance your life without changing your thoughts on God. To state anything else is just

  33. “Marijuana is addictive. Period. I used it long enough to know.”

    Oh. Really? So, humor me, how long exactly does it take to get addicted? Ten years? Perhaps twenty? Because I’ve been smoking *quite a lot of pot* for *quite some time* and have yet to experience withdrawal, or intensely impairing cravings, or addiction related theft and violence of ANY kind. Due to monetary restrictions, I put reasonable and strict limits on my purchasing of the substance, restrictions I have never once violated. Now: what does that sound like to you? Addiction? No. Self Control? Sure. So… others who can’t adhere to these same conditions for this same substance are not ADDICTS, but people with no sense of self control. Those are two fundamentally different concepts.

    1. Merriam-Webster defines addiction as:

      1) a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)

      2) an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something

      So yes, for me (and for others I’ve known and watched), marijuana is highly addictive. You focus solely on the physical aspect of addiction, which is leaving a lot out of the equation.

  34. “I have a friend (let’s call him Joe) who I’ve seen steal, fight, etc. to get marijuana. He’s now in his early 40’s (I’ve known him since our late teens), still wastes his paychecks on pot, still doesn’t take care of his family (married with kids), still goes job to job, still ends up in jail now and again and STILL can’t go a day without his weed.”

    OK: so, on this basis, cannabis is bad, correct? Alright.
    Therefore cannabis use is a sin, correct? Alright.

    I too have a friend. I’ve seen her steal, fight, etc. to get alcohol. She still wastes her paychecks on pot, doesn’t contact her family, still goes job to job, has ended up in jail over drunkenness, and still can’t abide without alcohol.

    SO. As we established before…
    On this basis, alcohol is bad, correct? Alright.
    Therefore consumption of alcohol is a sin, correct? Alright.
    Jesus consumed alcohol… alright?
    Therefore, Jesus is a sinner? What?!
    How can you reconcile your asinine arguments with Christianity? This is scriptural exegesis at its most insufferable!

    1. I appreciate your thoughts.

      The original intent of the article was to say that the use of marijuana isn’t supported in Scripture. We believe that.

      We don’t believe that consuming small amounts of alcohol is a sin. You said that. We didn’t. We also don’t state that smoking pot is a sin. You said that. We didn’t. I will say again as I have said previously that whether or not one smokes pot is between them and Almighty God.

      me personally, smoking pot is sin because it clouds my mind, deadens my senses and interferes with rational thought. And for me, it’s addictive and I refuse to let it have power over me.

      You take quite the jump when you say that because we believe that marijuana is addictive and detrimental to overall health and wellness that therefore we also believe that Jesus was a sinner.

      I still have no problem that both that marijuana is bad (for me and others I’ve known) and that Jesus was most definitely not a sinner.

  35. You all need to go back to the original bibles, not the translated version of today, the original one. Cannabis was an ingredient in the anointing oil..this is what Jesus used to heal people with. He didn’t smoke it but Moses did and how old was he when he died..well he smoked it every time he talked to God on the mountain. If you truly understood the plant and studied it you would see all the true benefits of this amazing plant. Who else planted it but God are you saying God is a sinner for getting us all high. You’re government pounded it n everyone’s head it’s bad but of course if you knew you could grow and make your own medicine you would never pay for healthcare so who’s the bad guy here God, Jesus, or your government?

  36. I use it daily 4medicine but I’m not commenting on that. Firstly I can “slowly” read Hebrew/Aramaic & I have a copy of the TaNaK in Hebrew. I’ve gone over & over the 5 books of Mosheh & there is nothing close 2 proof of cannabis cultivation (in a desert so dry the Israelites complained multiple times 4water & needed Yahweh 2intervene 2give water 4animals & humans) while wandering in the desert 4 40 yrs. Elohim says we MUST rightly divide the word of truth. How? By the witness of 2 or more & thus far I’ve only found the same paper sighted as proof w/out supporting evidence. Smells like goats 2me! This was likely “whispered” 2A flesh & blood athiest (by 1of the wandering raphaim spirits) historian convinced all spiritual things were misunderstood psychodelic trips. Ha Shatan’s greatest deception is convincing the majority of people that he isn’t real.
    This is not 2say that I think recreational use is sin or the danger it’s made out 2B by many “Christians”. It seems 2Bforgotten that we battle not flesh & blood but the World Rulers of this present DARK age. The World is the danger & ha Shatan will continue his deliberate mutilation of anything he can use against the Qodeshim until Mashiach returns. Until that time if cannabis is sinful 2U fine, if not that is ok as well. Arguing circles makes sinners of all as it puts stumbling blocks in front of family in Mashiach. Let’s agree 2disagree & love 1another as He loved us til the royal shofar rings thru all creation. Shalom!

  37. My God is a Holy God. My God is a God of peace, not confusion. My God is not a liar. If God indicated that Pot is good for you and it is good for us to have an altered mind, then why would He also tell us to guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Why would he tell us to have a sober mind? If God is sending us mixed signals, then He is not Holy, He is a liar, and I shouldn’t believe anything He says. By the way, I am not a Christian, I am follower of Christ. The word Christian now carries too many different meanings and many times no longer means to be Christ-like.

    1. Because having a “sober mind” has to do with a state of mind, and not avoiding drunkenness! The word “sober” was used differently in king Jame’s English!

  38. Im sure this wont make the cut but sounds to me like “Truth Saves” is full of him or her self. Sounds to me Truth Saves is using the word of Yahweh to furhter thier misinformed propaganda fueled anti cannabis brain lock. Would Yahweh prefer I have seizures or use cannabis.
    Would Yahweh prefer I would have died a year ago from cancer or Use cannabis to kill it off and be alive now. Christian hypocrite. Of all these the greatest is love. Where is your compassion. What makes you such and expert on all this anyway. Your spew of unnecessary detailed pseudo facts tells me you are full of yourself. Judgement is dangerous too as you will be judged. Your have no Idea expert..You are not Yahweh. Who is your god anyway. Mine is Yahweh

    1. Please tell me (specifically) how we are hypocrites.

      The point of the article is that we don’t believe Scripture supports the use of marijuana.

      We have stated multiple times though that marijuana use is between the user and God. We do not condemn those who use marijuana. Scripture is not clear on the subject of marijuana use, although it is clear on having a sound and sober mind (1 Peter 1:13; 1 Peter 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; 2 Timothy 4:5).

      Again, we do not condemn those who use. As we see Scripture, it does not support the use of marijuana. But if you think it does, then you think it does. And we respect that.

      What makes me an expert? Well, I’m no scientist, but I was a heavy user of marijuana for a number of years. Addictive? Yes. Enjoyable? Yes. Thought-provoking? Yes. Eye-opening? At times. Expensive? Yes. Memory-killing? Indeed. Motivation-sapping? Without a doubt. Bad for developing brains. Yes.

      It does have medicinal benefits for some and for those, it could be a good thing, like any other medication.

      But I don’t buy the common arguments for defenders of the plant. It’s natural. It’s never killed anyone. It’s not addictive. To those I say, “Rubbish.” Who cares if it’s natural? Many things are natural and harmful to humans (Palytoxin Tetanospasmin, Muscarine, just to name a few). It’s never killed anyone? Not instantly maybe. But have you ever watched a heavy marijuana user descend into depression and despair? I have. I see it regularly in the youth I work with. And I know of serious car accidents caused by impaired drivers. I was in one. Everyone in that car nearly died. And those who say it isn’t addictive either 1) don’t know or 2) love it too much to admit the truth. I used. For years. I know how hard it was to quit and I know how hard I tried to get it when I didn’t have it. It’s highly addictive. Why do you think, in Washington State, that the “legal” bags now have warnings on them about the habit-forming nature of the drug? Because everyone knows it’s addictive. Only those who choose to ignore its addictive properties say otherwise.

      I will say again, for the third time, and I hope you read and understand — we do not condemn those who use marijuana. It is an issue between the user and God. We support and love many who use and we do not condemn or judge. We simply say, “We think marijuana is harmful and we don’t believe its use is supported in the pages of Scripture.” And we have a plethora of valid reasons for saying so.

  39. Wow..i just got thru reading all of these different comments..i just wanted to encourage you Tim to keep being at peace in the Truth of God and who He is. He is a holy God and He is a Father also. I’m sure there are many reasons why people justify and reason what they want it to be. The good news is God sees past the exterior,He sees past the smoke,the rolling of the blunt…thank God He sees how cripple and weary and needy we are for Him to pick us up and get us where we need to be even though we deliberately choose our way time and time again..many people think you cant die from weed..You can die when your time is one knows that time..i almost died when I smoked brain froze up and I went into seizures. God’s love kept me.

  40. Marijuana or Cannabis which ever way you prefer to reference it, it is in the bible and it is in there several times. Most people even most Christians have fallen for the lie that the government has fed you for decades which I find very weird. We all that most politicians are liars and the politicians are our government. Not one time in all the research that I have done do Christians who claim that marijuana is in the bible are saying just to justify smoking it. There are pages and pages of independent studies done through out the world that prove that marijuana or cannabis does cure cancers, illnesses, seizures and many many many more things. It is also very beneficial as a dietary supplement. Please research and get educated

  41. I used to be on the side that would vehemently argue about using MJ & it not being a sin. Sin is transgression of the Torah. Does Torah say cannabis use is a sin? No. However it does say not to have any Elohim/Gods but Yahweh. Do you go to Church on Sunday & then 6 days a week you spend no time with the one who shed His blood for you? If so then you are spiritually committing idolatry. Messiah also said woe to whom by which stumbling blocks come. Do you cause other brethren to stumble in their sanctification by using? Then you are sinning by not loving your brother as yourself. Does MJ have healing benefits? Yes it helped me. But I now have something better and it’s called being washed in the water of the Word. By His stripes I’m healed.

      1. Precisely. I can’t remember which Prophet it is, but in it God says the sons of Israel who come before Him with idols set up in their heart will be answered according to how many idols they have. I’m not against using MJ BUT I want to make sure that my use is where it should be as something I don’t care if God takes away. God took it away from me to show me it was an idol to me. Would I still use on occasion if it didn’t violate what God was currently speaking to me? Yes, but I spend so much time in learning to hear His Voice now that I really could care less about smoking a flower. The NT writings that say be sober don’t actually say that. The Greek says to stay serious as in place God 1st. Don’t get so caught up in MJ that you miss God.

    1. So you go to church? and for Fellowship? Thats nice…. as I remember… your body is the house of the lord… not a church. So if you use MJ and it helps your body (evidence is there…just go look for it) then you are reinforcing the house of the Lord…. The point here is… Does the Bible Support MJ use? No it Doesn’t, I agree!… Does the Bible Support the Prohibition? No it doesn’t. So where is your point? If anything…the few refereces in the Bible would support it even if it is hard to see because of translations and interpretations. Doing something that relaxes your body and improves your health is now Spiritual Adultry… please don’t think of this at the Steakhouse Brother!

      1. U misunderstand what I said. If a person spends more time with mj then with God it is spiritual idolatry. If a person cares more for mj then the well being of a brother or sister in Messiah then it is sin. If a person can use mj without sin awesome. We are to be in the world but not of the world. Those of the world don’t care how their lifestyle makes our Father feel or how it causes harm to others. I’m not saying mj harms but that a person by their choices can cause harm. I never said use of mj on its own constitutes sin. It is not what enters that defiles us. It is what comes from us that defiles or put another way, what consequences or actions have that defiles us. I still use once in a while but my King is Messiah not mj. If I can’t…

        1. without it casting a stumbling block in front of somebody weaker in the faith then I will refrain from partaking. I don’t judge anyone for their use because then I would not be a doer of Torah but a judge instead (James 4:11). In answer to your question, no I don’t go to a church anymore because I don’t agree with the modern model of churchianity. I fellowship with others in a house on the true Shabbath (Saturday). I have even smoked on Shabbath with other believers, but we all agree that our use is not more important then our relationship with YHWH, Yahushua/Jesus, or brothers and sisters within the body of Messiah. As the moderator has said before, if your use is ok with God then that is that. Love God & your neighbor before all else.

          1. Ok Nick, I can follow you on that and I think you are right. Letting anything take control of your life is bad…whether it be your Job or a Drug… if you lose perspective you lose hope. I would go so far as to say you commit Adultery, I would say you are drifting away and need guidance.

  42. Hello I read this whole thing. I am currently investigating this in my own search for the Truth. It’s difficult to trust any translation of the bible. Jesus himself was know to rant about how the scribes and priests were liars and hypocrites. He yelled at his disciples for holding onto old books written by “old men”. Mat23 But WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITEs FOR YOU SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AGAINST MEN Etc etc. So the actual use and truth about cannabis were hidden just like the rest. Just like it still is today. His real truth is in the heart of man, the bible is a guide but the answer is on your heart. He put it there where no one could get to it to change it. So that 3000 yrs later we could stil find the Truth.

  43. What if I am though?…
    I suspect few people actually use them because they believe the drugs are drawing them into a deeper study of God’s word, a deeper concern for others, or greater self-control, which is one of the marks that the Spirit of God is truly in control of one’s life (Galatians 5:23).

    The use of cannabis has exponentially brought me closer to God.

  44. When I pray and ask God for finding the Truth in His Word, it leaves me to the conclusion we need cannabis! we will go back to needing to know how to make our own medicines! It is God who is spreading cannabis like wildfire. He is in control of all things and all things he made ARE GOOD. You are granted by God in this to use it ALL in any way you see fit. It’s not just eaten? Why is it acceptable to experiment with pharmaceuticals, but wrong to experiment with God provided NATURE!??

  45. So, by posting that link you are suggesting that the Hebrews used to infuse olive oil with some 2.85 kilograms of UNKNOWN red-like plant, which was sweet, rather than fragrant. Not at all! The Biblical Hebrew term qěnēh bośem, literally “aromatic reed” (qěnēh- “reed”, bośem- “aromatic”)

  46. Well, the author here is correct in saying that in Exodus 30, God had a very special purpose for wanting his people to make and use the anointing oil. It was made for consecrating things and people for the purpose of ministering to the Lord in the office of the priest. And the Lord expressely said the Oil was not to be poured on man’s flesh. I have difficulty believing this anointing oil had Pot as an ingredient or surely it would have said so.

    It’s true that the Bible does not appear to support the use of Pot. It doesn’t appear to prohibit its use either…specifically. So here we are. But let’s remember that Pot didn’t get a bad reputation for nothing. It’s not totally benign, and we all know it. Nevertheless we may see this as one of those gray areas that we must just work out on our own, in accordance with all those things we DO know about what God says. Whichever way we decide, let’s just not fool ourselves.

    1. Actually, weed did get a bad name over nothing. Weed is 100% completely harmless. Especially in correlation to other options out there. Weed does not harm the well cared for, mind or body. Are there some people out there who shouldnt use it, due to adverse effects, absolutely. I agree it is a personal decision with God. Whether or not to use cannabis is a decision you make between you and God. No man should have the right to take that away from you. It is His plant, not man’s to control. I’m glad truthsaves responded the way he did. Because that is exactly the TRUTH!!! AMEN!!

    2. Cannabis was made illegal using racist means. They made up all of the harmful effects, because it was commonly used by the minorities it was an easy thing to use against them. They didn’t make pot illegal because people were dieing over it’s use, or that it’s dangerous. They did it because it is a commodity to this selfish greedy world and it’s owners. If cannabis was made illegal based of a lie then everything else they’ve said cannot be trusted. You are fooling yourself to think it is harmless. That’s what THEY want you to believe, so you continue to use their poison pills, alcohol, and tobacco. All of which make them billions upon millions a year as well as kills everyone off in a slow immeasurable way. Right under your nose.

      1. My dear brother… Cannabis was made illegal because the government could not put tax on it at a certain time period… And it seems apparent to me that anything that affects your state of well being and health is and can be a particularly not so good thing…. I only say this because the consumption of the herb is one an addictional property that brings you to a physical feel good state of mind and 2ndly it has been proven in a recent study that it has the potential to be a leading cause in testicular cancer as well as loss of memory aka “Alzheimers disease”. Just thought I might Enlighten your spirit with what I’ve come to find as fascinating. ..

  47. Beating someone over the head with unproven lies created by misusing scripture seems unholy to me! There is absolutely nothing in scripture that proves the consumption of cannabis is a sin. Your definition of addiction is lacking, no matter whether you get it from the dictionary, or not. It was not a medical dictionary. Addiction is a medical problem. So the secular definition is , wholly, insufficient. Sober was used differently in King Jame’s English, as well. I has nothing to do with the absence of drunkenness in this context.

  48. I must agree w/ TSaves here. Nowhere in the article did he say he saw use of mj as sin 4 all. He just wrote that in Scripture mj use in or outside of the oil is not supported. The only support for something like this is found in gnostic writings & gnostics ha Shatan’s/Satan’s ilk. They R known 4 Using true pharmakeia (sorcery w/ drug use) 2 have false visions 4 $$. These include the cross being able to talk after Messiah died (any serious study shows that it was custom to burn all things accursed & Messiah would’ve been burned w/ His cross if not 4 Joseph burying Him) & Messiah being 100′ ft. tall after resurrection. The comments all seem to stem from an assumption that T Saves is condemning users of mj. He says kids shouldn’t use…

    1. true because it has a negative impact on developing minds. Even if it didn’t, kids aren’t spiritually equipped to fight the spiritual warfare this plant can open one up to. If u think it can’t just go back & read the comments & u will see hostility over ideas that TSaves never said. The devil stokes the desires of the flesh & wants us 2 fight amongst ourselves as believers in Messiah. I know Bcuz a year ago I commented in a way that was accusatory to TS 4 something he never said. I still use sometimes & know it has medicinal value; but Messiah PROMISED we’d do the works He’d done, so when society crumbles I will trust in that promise 2 heal by the laying on of hands. When 2 or more gather in His Name He is there with us. Herbs of will…

      1. of course help when medicine is needed. But I will rely more on Messiah who holds all creation (including mj) together by His Power. I enjoy using it to relax so please nobody have a brain fart moment & let Satan whisper into ur mind that I am accusing u or judging. I enjoy mj still, but I love my High Priest Yahushua/Jesus the Messiah & King of Righteousness above my love 4 mj. From a fellow user of mj I ask u all to stop causing fights based on assumptions that TS somehow hates us who use it. All of us are custom made by God & TS doesn’t like mj. That doesn’t stop him loving us as brothers & sisters in Messiah. Let us press on to perfection in Messiah & deny Satan the satisfaction of causing fights between us. Be blessed. Shalom.

    2. Thanks Nick. It’s nice to see that someone understands. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not here to fight a battle against marijuana. It seems like it because we are attacked time and again by those who think we condemn them. We don’t condemn. We believe in walking with the Spirit and listening to His promptings (Galatians 5:16; Romans 8:4; Romans 13:14; Galatians 5:24-25). If we walk in step with the Spirit, we will know God and we will be pleasing to Him.

  49. Romans 12:2 ESV
    Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
    1 Peter 4:7 ESV
    The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
    See all over the bible it speaks of being of a sober mind… Where this can be miscontruded is that, “of sober mind does not necessarily refer to alcohol as much as of a clear mind that is not influenced by ANYTHING! and I just come to the conclusion that a lot of people don’t take the bible as serious as we should!
    Therefore I say this into all that has ears “not everyone who says…”LORD,LORD” will recieve…

  50. hehe verbal memory…havent heard that yet

    so i saw this thread today and i’ll say this

    first, criminalizing products causes the emergence of a black market, making the involved substance dangerous. second, you dont need marijuana to function properly and marijuana isn’t for everyone.

    if everyone was allowed to grow it, the plant would eventually be valueless as it should be, regulation for kids is a personal choice just make sure you back it up with the truth, plus most kids become poor probably due to poor parenting or something else not just cannabis. where i’m from we have A students who use it and still perfom.

    i cant say it is a gateway drug coz if it is i dont see how rastafarians dont use other drugs and still put…

  51. For those of you old enough to remember… I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.

    So here I am at the bottom of a very well-written article providing a thoughtful answer to a specific question. What followed were incorrect assumptions about the author’s intent based upon an apparent lack of reading comprehension. Many cannabis advocates even used arguments which were directly refuted in the article without adding any relevant information to actually rebut what was stated. If anything, read with a sober… no, “unaltered” mind, [many of] the pro-cannabis posts only add credence to the author’s assertions that cannabis use has a detrimental effect on the mind.

    1. I won’t go into my thoughts about the logic of not being addicted to weed because someone smoked “*quite a lot of pot* for *quite some time*” I will simply challenge that person to go on a “Pot-Fast” for 40 days (fasting is Biblical) and then post an honest commentary on withdrawal symptoms and the difference between physical and psychological addiction from a first-person perspective. If, after an honest 40-day fast you still feel the same, then, as the author said over and over, we do not condemn you.

      I admonish all, from the author, to the posters (including myself) and any readers to embrace the spirit and intent of Romans 12.

    2. And finally, so I’m not abusing the comment limitations…

      The Bible is the source. It is the revealed Word of God (2 Tim 3:16) to us and tells us everything we need to know. Regardless of your opinion on this topic or any other (that isn’t clearly addressed), The Word should not be used to reflect what you believe, your beliefs should reflect the Word. (Jer 17:9). It’s not about you, it’s all about Him. If you love Him, you will keep His commandments (even the ones you find hard to swallow). Don’t hurt your Christian witness by getting bogged down in theologically pointless debates with each other. Love God, not your own opinions.

      I thank God for the author and his ministry and for all the posters. May God bless you all.

  52. No Problem. I use every Winter from November until February daily. I then stop with No withdrawl effects mainly because I race bicycle and could possibly get tested at races. It helps my body recover from sport and it NEVER clouds my mind so that I am missing any part of reality, so much for the Sober Interpretation. If I consume one glass of wine my mind becomes clouded as I very rarely touch alcohol. Did Jesus not offer wine? Too many try and twist Gods Word to fit their Argument and ignore other parts that show them wrong. It is also proven that MJ is not phisically additive so if you withdrawl it is because you are weak minded.

  53. Obviously you only comprehend what suits your belief. Their is NO Scripture that refutes MJ use. None! If there is you would discredit Jesus use of wine. Sober minded simply means to remain in control, why keep twisting the Bible?

  54. Revelations 2:22
    On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

  55. I must say I’m a little ashamed at all the arguing going on here, and almost everyone has missed the point. Paul said everything is lawful but not everything is helpful. None of you can say whether marijuana is bad or good. With everything, its how its used that makes it bad or good. Jesus should be the main focus of everything, not arguing over details. If it hinders our relationship with him, drop it. I know people who can have a glass of wine and not get any further from God, and I also know people who totally go off the deep end and keep on drinking. My personal opinion is that pot has been genetically altered to be more psychotropic than it originally was, and I have seen people that pure cbd’s have helped. I’ve also seen people go…

  56. Let me determine what is right or wrong for my body. God will determine if my actions stand in defiance or accord with His ordinances. I don’t need or want someone else dictating to me what I do with regard to my health. Used responsibly, the cannabis PLANT, because THAT is what it IS, shouldn’t be subjected to the dictates of others. Who are you to tell me that I can’t utilize a plant that was put here by God.? Who are you to determine what its use or lack thereof should be?

    I see no reason to discriminate against the use of what I deem to be a beneficial Herb.

    Most people with regard to cannabis use are hypocrites. They claim it’s bad while they drive automobiles that spew noxious fumes over miles of paved earth.

    Let God…

  57. Marijuana is one of the many substances I am thankful for,. as use of it & watching dozens of people I grew up using it led me to see it turned us into lazy shiftless self centered don’t care criminal borderline schizophrenic godless emotional zombies that failed at most things we attempted to do. The ONLY things we suceeded at was doing bad stuff & driving non using good caring people away from us. Everyone I knew (including self) that weened themselves off of it (and other drugs) slowly regained ambition, drive & regained loving respectful relationships with previously rejected family, friends and most importantly,.God.
    Pot, it’s a MIND ALTERING SUBSTANCE. Users aren’t called Pot Heads for nothing. The mind God gave u isn’t good…

  58. My stance on this is: how does a person get to a place where they need to figure out if cannabis is pleasing to God or scriptural? How does this question get to be on a believer’s list of priorities? Why are believers who are against cannabis use demonized? My life is full of God things, and some good things. Family, ministry, church family, intimacy with God, errands, work. I have never once found myself contemplating smoking anything– cigar, cigarette, joint. A person doesn’t arrive to the conclusion that they need to find out, (Eve Complex–>) “Did God really say I can’t smoke Pot, or did people make that up?”, over night. It’s a process, which involves being deceived & distracted. This breeds DISUNITY in the BODY. It’s…

  59. God created everything, saw that is was good and gave it to us. (Gen. 1:29-31). Cannabis, like all other things, has no moral attributes on its own. By itself, it has no ability to be anything but a plant in the ground. It does have potential ability but, like all things (internet, a knife, atomic energy, a match, jalapenos, etc., etc.) whether it is good or bad will be decided by the person who picks it up. Especially in the case of jalapenos. If they know what they’re doing, fantastic. If not, look out.

  60. Except you be born again you can’t enter in. Born again as a new person in Christ Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit were like a ship without a rudder. The Holy Spirit lets us know when we are wrong and if you don’t have this truth detector if you will you cant tell right from wrong. And that’s why you think it’s ok to cloud your mind and body with a intoxicating drug. The things I used to do,I don’t want to do no more,the way I use to talk, I don’t want to talk no more,I still mess up,get angry say things I shouldn’t but my Holy Ghost checks me, and I know I was wrong, I go and apologize or make right who ever I’ve wrong. And if you keep sinning you grieve the Holy Spirit.

    1. We can justify anything but just because you justify every wrong you do doesn’t mean that God will justify you,and His vote is the only vote that counts. Go flush that garbage and seek Jesus and watch how quickly he will help you change for the better, wash you with his precious blood. That new wine is all you need, and if or when you get a drink of it you’ll never need the Devils lie again. If you truly want God but think it’s ok to smoke marijuana, put it down for two weeks,and pray for the Lord to show you if it’s wrong, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, Lord Jesus open these blind eyes to see your path and these deaf ears to hear your voice. God will lead you out of the darkness if you are willing to follow. THANKS…

      1. So, what you are saying is God made a mistake? With the cannaboid receptor system and the plant to match it, he made it clear. … healing for the nation. Now you can twist the Bible to fit your ill informed beliefs, but it won’t make you right.

      2. Fools can’t see that marijuana was created by god , so you think jahova made mistake for cultivating it??? …I know that false prophets are trying to spread lies about holy tree but time will tell. …your day will come. ….marijuana is the healing of the nation. ..

  61. Is that what you say to Jesus who used it in the anointing oil and he said go anoint your brothers? Ignorance of truth does not make you correct. Read the original bible you say its word of god then read the first bible written not the translated version.

    1. Jesus never used it in any anointing oil! He was of the tribe of Judah, not Levi! Also, cannabis wasn’t even an ingredient in the oil to begin with.

  62. Its funny that most quotes the anti-cannabis side uses come from the false prophet Saul.
    He either taught what Jesus had already spoken or was all together contradictory.
    Why listen?
    In regards to cannabis, if one considers its provably less harmful stature over alcohol, how does one reconcile this with the fact the bible allows moderate consumption of alcohol?

  63. Genesis 1:29. Surely if God exempted marijuana then it would be written. There are no PHYSICALLY addicting qualities from the plant & that has been scientifically proven. God knew what he was doing when he said he put it here as meat. So maybe smoking it is the wrong way to ingest BUT you can’t argue that it’s put here from God for us. It’s only labelled a drug from man. God called it an herb.

  64. For some reason a good amount of pro-pot people so-to-speak commenting here seem a little less mature than I’d expect

  65. Tim, wow, a well researched essay! How do you have time for such a small question?
    Thanks for your scholarly research and writing…

  66. Stoners just want to get stoned! They don’t even serve God, but claim that He somehow gave them the cannabis plant for altering sobriety – practicing pharmakeia (Gal. 5:20; Rev 21:8) – while hiding behind “the plant as medicine” argument to further their TRUE agenda – recreational use and…

  67. Take a step back everyone. If scripture is going to be used dont choose what portion validates your opinion. For even though the Bible says it’s better not to be intoxicated by wine it also says that Jesus himself turned water into wine for a wedding festival. There is a time and a place for everything. Food can be intoxicating if misused. The Bible even speaks against gluttony. Food can be poison or health. Its all about balance and enjoyment of the life God gave us.

  68. I think the arguement has changed now that this world is changing its view and the bad perceptions are going away. Studies are being done and they are finding incredible value to cannabis in many ways. Basically all of it is here for us. Even coca is used for many numbing medicines. The problem goes all the way down to each individual and our motivation(what is in your heart). Satan will manipulate everything and everyone. Alcohol in itself is not bad. Cannabis in itself is not bad.

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