My Evil Wife Made My Life a Living Hell

Question from a Site Viewer
I was a strong Christian for years. I loved God and He used me in many ways. However, my wife was making my life a living hell and I blamed God for it. I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t change her. The church wouldn’t help me either. I was angry so I committed adultery. Depression set in. I planned suicide. My wife knew it and she was happy about it. What an evil wife! Finally I divorced her, even though Scripture teaches against divorce. Still though, I think I had justification for leaving her. I then met a wonderful woman. We wanted to marry but both felt it was against God’s will. I don’t want to be single forever. I have forgiven my ex-wife, even though she was evil and even though God treated me unfairly. I still seek after Jesus. I seek forgiveness. I feel as though I was the seed planted in the rocky ground. I had no foundation. Now I live in terror of judgment. Will God ever forgive and restore me?

Tim’s Answer
Thank you for writing to the site. I trust that you will consider seriously what we say and take it to God and the Scriptures before accepting or rejecting it. Our desire is to restore to you the joy of a vibrant and living relationship with Jesus Christ.

As I read your account, I am grateful that you provided the details that you did. But I am troubled as well. You say you had an evil wife.  You also state that your Christian wife made your life a living hell purposely for 10 years. And you blamed God for this.

It is certainly true that others can either enrich or negatively impact our lives. But, ultimately, it is how we choose to respond that reflects what is truly within our character. Your response tells me that the difficulties in the relationship were not solely the fault of your wife. In fact, if I were your wife, I think I would have left you. You promised to love her in sickness and in health, in good times or bad, until death parted you. Even if she did not love you, and I have not heard her side of the story and am taking no position on that issue, you still had sworn before God to love her. Yet, by your own admission you not only did not love her but you committed repeated adultery. You condemn her for being an evil wife but you have not served her as a husband. You have not sought her own good. You have not lived with her in the way that Christ teaches us to live with those who may not be our friends. Christ saw evil in the world and He loved the world so much that He came to live among us and redeem us from the evil. Rather than following His example, you saw what you perceived as evil in your wife and you sought your own way. You have focused on the evil in your wife and you have sought to justify and mitigate the evil you have done to her. Such is not the attitude of one who is ready to do business with God.

You said that the church did not help you. But I wonder if it was not that you were unwilling to listen to wise counsel from those outside when that counsel differed from what you wanted. The nature of deception is not that we know we are wrong, but we think we are right and we are not. That is deception. And when we are deceived, we tend to reject the advice of others around us who see things in a different light. One of the greatest reasons to be part of a fellowship of Christians is so that others can help correct our wrong thinking. Hebrews 2:13 commands that we exhort each one daily lest we be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. A wise person listens to rebuke but a fool despises correction. If we are not willing to change the way we think when others tell us that our thinking is wrong, then we have no defense to deception. As James tells us in James 3:17, the wisdom from above is willing to yield to the opinions of others. It is not that we ultimately will always agree with others. But we are very open to their rebuke.

From what you have told me, you have wronged your wife, committed adultery, and have been living with another woman whom you love. But you know that God is not happy about this. And I take it that you have come somewhat to your senses to understand that the life you have been living has little hope of doing anything other than losing your soul. So now, you have made a commitment to remain single the rest of your life. But you still see this woman as good and your former wife as an evil wife.

There is a Biblical truth that as long as we look on others as more evil than ourselves, we have little hope of heaven. It is only when we come to the place where we see our evil as being worst and others as being better than ourselves, that there is hope. The Pharisee thanked God that he was better than other men. The publican beat his breast and asked for mercy (Luke 18:9-14). Only one of them was justified. Paul stated that he was the worst of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). Isaiah said that he was a man of unclean lips (Isaiah 6:5). The spiritual one considers that he himself may be tempted before he seeks to correct those who have gone astray (Galatians 6:1). The priest has compassion on the ignorant and sinful ones. When we see sin and evil, we should respond as a priest, having compassion on the person and petitioning God for that person, reflecting God’s patience with our own patience towards that person. If we do not from the heart forgive others, how can we ask God to forgive us (Matthew 18:35)? Do we expect God to look at us and treat us differently than the way we look at others and treat them? That is not what I read in Scripture. As we do to others, it is done to us.

In ways, your story reminds me of the story of Amnon and Tamar. I am sure you remember the story. In 2 Samuel 13:1-16, we find the account of Amnon being sick with love for Tamar. He schemed so that he could have her to himself. But once he did, he developed this deep loathing for her. She rightly told him that the loathing was a greater evil than the rape. You loved your wife and married her. However, something within you caused you to loath her. You think it was her evil. Perhaps she did not meet what you perceived to be your needs. Perhaps she did her own thing. Perhaps she did not think highly of you. I do not know and do not wish to know. What I know is that there was nothing that Tamar did that caused Amnon to loath her. His mind switched and he loathed her greatly. When we allow our feelings to rule us, this can easily happen. Instead of governing our feelings and thoughts, we let them govern us, and this leads to sin.

Ultimately, what people do does not cause us to loath them. I have known both wives and husbands that have been terribly abused and mistreated by their spouse and yet–the abused still chose to love the abuser. I have even seen an unsaved man continue to live with his and love his spouse who horribly mistreated him, belittled him, threw him out of the house and abused him in every way. I am not encouraging an abused spouse to stay in such a relationship. Nevertheless, I am saying this only to point out the obvious. Whether we love another person or not has far less to do with that other person and far more to do with what is in us. We should not blame the swings of our own emotions, attractions, feelings, and reactions on our spouses. If we love our spouses, we do right. If we allow our minds to loath our spouses, we sin.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that love endures all things and thinks no evil. You clearly did not endure all things and certainly thought a lot of evil about your wife. In this we know that you did not love her. You may have had some emotions for your spouse. You made a commitment to her. But something happened to your love for your wife. And lest you think you really loved her, I would challenge you to contemplate what it would be like for Jesus to have the same attitude toward you that you have toward your wife.

I say all of this to encourage you to re-examine what you truly want. If you want Jesus, I can certainly direct you there. But He will demand from you that you change your attitude toward your former wife. If you want to justify your view that your former wife was evil, then I am not sure there is much anyone can do. Like the rich young ruler, this is the thing that is presently keeping you from your goal, and my question to you is whether you are willing to give it up. Are you willing to give up your anger and hostility and negative view toward the wife of your covenant? Are you willing to give up your justifications for your own feelings toward your former wife? How much is Jesus worth to you?

If, after weighing the costs, you want Jesus, then here are the steps I would suggest for you. First, admit that you have sinned against God in loathing your former wife. Be like the Israelites and bring your words before God and say “I have sinned” (Hosea 14:1-2). Then ask God to help you do what is right. And then do it.

I would encourage you to take a sheet of paper and write a letter to your former wife. (If there is a restraining order, then do not send this without first getting it cleared with the proper authorities.) In your letter, do not mention anything negative that your former wife may have done. Rather, in your letter, write simply and sincerely stating that you are deeply sorry for the sadness and sorrow you have brought to her by your sin, your selfishness, and your failure to love her. Tell her that the way you have spoken against her has been a great sin. Tell her that your failure to love her has been a great sin. Tell her that you now realize that the problems in the relationship were your fault. Tell her that you are deeply grieved with how evil you have been to her and that you have sought the forgiveness of God for the deep wounds you have caused. Tell her that you are not seeking any restored relationship with her. Tell her that you only want closure by letting her know that you are truly sorry for the way you treated her, and that you pray that God may be gracious to her and give her some measure of peace for all of the hurt you have caused her. Do not ask her to forgive you. Do not put any request on her. The letter is simply a confession–an acknowledgment of your own grave sin. Do not close your letter with “love.” Simply sign it with your name.

I think there is great value in coming to grips with our own wrong thinking in writing such a letter. I suggest before sending it that you let the pastor of your church read it. If the pastor that opposed your divorce is still around, you might go to him instead and let him give you guidance on the letter. I realize that this will require humility, but God looks kindly on the humble.

I also realize writing such a letter will require a massive shift in thinking in your mind. But if you have acknowledged your sin to God, then this is a situation where your sin against your former wife is known to her and should be dealt with through an apology. Jesus teaches us in Luke 17 that we have a need to repent to the other person in such situations. And, while they should be willing to forgive you, it is not the right of the one who did wrong to demand forgiveness. What we who have done the wrong can do is admit our wrongdoing. It is up to the other person to decide what to do with it.

By moving away from her perceived sin to admitting your own sin and seeing her as a person for whom Christ died and a person to be loved, you will remove the weight that is upon you and open yourself up to the grace of Christ.

I believe that only after changing your view about the situation with your former wife and writing this letter will you be free to move forward with a restored relationship with Christ. You do not see David saying anything about Bathsheba’s evil in Psalm 51. Rather, he freely admits his own sin and gives us an example of what true repentance is like. A broken and repentant heart (a heart that turns to see the situation as God does) is not despised by God.

My heart goes out to you. Difficult is the road that leads to life and few find it (Matthew 7:14). But to those who are willing to beat their breast and confess that they are the sinners who need God’s mercy, there is the hope of life. That is the door through which we all must enter and the path by which we all must live.

I know how difficult it is when you see someone else as evil to change one’s own view of the situation. Let me tell you a true story. I moved to a new city. I heard a radio station that seemed quite blasphemous. I prayed to God to close the station. Within a month the station was closed. Then, my heart was pricked. God answered my prayer, but my prayer had not been right. I saw evil and wanted it shut down. But if God were to shut down all of the evil in the world, He would do the very thing that His longsuffering has not yet allowed Him to do. He is the One who is not willing that any should perish. He came to save sinners. So, if I am to follow in His steps, then when I find a sinner it is my privilege to seek by patient kindness to lead that person to Christ. This is the lesson I learned from that radio station. It was God’s guidance to change my wrong thinking and bring my thinking into line with His salvation purpose on this earth. He did not come to destroy the world, but He came that sinners should be converted to Him. So if we find a sinner, either in our homes, or in our workplaces, or in the world at large, the heart of God is for their redemption. That should be our heart as well. We pray that God will give them repentance to acknowledge the truth and escape from the snare of the enemy (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

My encouragement to you is to choose Christ. Those who seek Him will find Him when they search for Him with all of their hearts. You know your previous thought patterns have not drawn you to God. Repent of them, and ask God to give you His mind. In fact, I would encourage you to make seeking God and transforming your life a priority. Start to memorize His word. Seek actively to change thoughts. Renew your mind (Romans 12:2). Think about good things (Philippians 4:8). And seek to bless others with your words (James 3:9-12; 1 Peter 3:8-9). Learn to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21).

I realize that reading this will probably be difficult. I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal truth to you and show you the path to eternal life.

One who has been forgiven much,


15 thoughts on “My Evil Wife Made My Life a Living Hell”

  1. This was a brilliant (and sadly rare) response. So often we see the focus put on the wife to submit or be more obedient… but sometimes, no amount of anything you do changes the fact your husband loathes you and has contempt towards you. The challenge really is on the husband to love, and I wish our churches spent more time teaching them what that is supposed to actually look like, and what a sin against God it is when the husband refuses to do so. Thanks for your great insight.

    1. Well, I am currently going through a very hard time with my wife. For years I tried kindness, but she kept trying to boss me around. However, the breaking point came when God provided an opportunity to serve Him – a divine appointment with a group of people ended with the words “We’ve been praying and asking God for a man with your specific set of skills.” My wife – thinking that we would have to move, said, “No, God can’t send us there!” Turns out, they were willing to have me work from my home but she said, “No, they’re just tricking you.” Then, when I tried to reason with her, she has gotten more and more bitter – Satan has won in my house. Yes, my wife is evil. No, I haven’t had an affair – but I don’t know if she has.

      1. This is exactly what I am also going through David. It’s like living in hell. In no wise I claim that I have loved my wife like Christ loved the church. Many times over I have repented of the choices that I have made. It’s so important to choose well your life partner because it’s for life time. Better to be single than being unequally yoked with the wrong person.

  2. First off, It is ignorant to try and judge a person in detail based on a paragraph. You did not explain the details of your marriage to this person where anyone could make an educated decision of whose side to take based on right or wrong principles. The fact that you had an affair while married is the only thing that goes against a set of moral principles. There are times when two people enter into a relationship or marriage for the wrong reasons and without proper disclosure. Even if your ex-wife was not a truly evil person inside, a bad side of her was present with you. It’s ok to seek happiness in this life. It is a short, chaotic enigma and should not be wasted in the shadows of sorrow or guilt. Tim speaks of you “losing your soul” of which he has no authority or right to instill this kind of fear. I am disgusted by his arrogant response to your outreach for help. Use the mind that your God gave you and practice the beautiful gift of critical thinking. Open your mind. Pax Vobies

    1. I agree with Steve. Tim’s answer refects the self-deprecating way of today’s modern, caring, sensitive male, but ignores all that scripture has to say of the equally important role that a woman has in the success (or destruction) of her family. While divorce is not God’s best for us, we won’t lose our souls over it either. Learning to walk with God is a lifetime pursuit. We can’t let the devil condemn us when we fall short. We must get up and keep going because God is for us and not against us!

  3. I just wanted to share my story. I am married for 20 years, all that time, I’m in constant fighting with my wife. I admit, I do have my faults, but my wife feels like she needs to get even, which I think is making things worse. She is blaming all the bad things to me, never gave credit to the things I did for the family, She won’t listen when I try to point out the wrong things that she is doing. She feels like she always has this ace up her sleeve, that she is getting away for all the things that she is doing. If ever she leaves me for good, I can live with that. I just want my kids to know the truth and reject the wrong things that she is doing, I don’t want them to think that what she is doing is right, just because I made a mistake

    1. Rangel, I can understand what you are going through. What can we really do in a situation like this?
      Try, talking to your wife in a non-confrontational manner ( in most cases this also won’t work)
      Try, pouring your heart to God ( at least he will patiently listen)
      I believe kids can spot falsehood and they are quick to see through deception. So don’t worry about them.
      Remember there is a pay day for everyone and life is going to offer it sooner or later at our door step.
      Sometimes we need to involve others to bring sense into non-sense. Get help if your comfortable about it.
      Many of us are going through the grind unnecessarily and unjustly. Hasty moves like divorce, separation affect our kids very badly.

  4. This was single handedly one of the most ignorant responses I have ever heard from a self-appointed Christian guru. The poor guy confesses his faults, and then you act as though he is the blame not only for his actions, but his wife’s.

    Look dude, God did not treat you unfairly. He’s God and He is just. You do need to offer an apology. But so does she apparently, and this response is trying to blame you for the whole mess. I reject the notion that we are entirely in control of our happiness. The proverbs say that is better to live on the corner of a housetop than with a quarrelsome wife. Yes, our miserable complaining wives can bring great unhappiness, and telling you to suck it up and smile about it is just stupid.

  5. Hint – There is NO God. That is why nothing ever happens when you ask for the “invisible man’s” assistance. Secondly, that “Big bang” was not THE ONLY ONE, but one in an ever ongoing cycle of expansion, and contraction of the universe… cleaned up eventually by all those roaming black holes. So, if believing in “A protective daddy” gets you through this ONE-OFF lotto win of LIFE – so sad you are not making the MOST of this one-go-round. LIE IS TO BE LIVED. If their was a GOD, and he/she gave you LIFE, it was not to worship them. It was for you to enjoy.

    If humanity doesn’t digest and process this wisdom soon, we can all “kiss our arses goodbye”. Get with the program. it’s called, “Be productive, not destructive…

    1. Agreed. There isn’t a god. We are all made of stardust. And if there is a god and he allows so much evil to go on, and torture and suffering. I sure will not be praying to it. Sounds pretty sick to worship a god that torments us, and require us to bow before it. A god that allows children to be raped and killed. That allows war and famine.
      Sorry but that is not a god. If god is so powerful and can perform miracles, please show me these miracles. I haven’t seen any. I have seen random conincidences. But “god” had nothing to do with them. Where was god when 10 million Jews were praying to it, so save them from death camps and torture. No where. Because there isn’t a god. Or at least a all loving, forgiving compassionate one

      1. Trese – God created us with freedom to choose: life and blessing (His Way) or death and cursing (our own way). He tells us to choose life, but in our pride we reject His Way and choose our own instead, and then blame Him when things go south. We are not puppets and He is not a puppeteer. The gates of hell (even hell on earth) are locked from the inside. We’re free to choose our own path and destiny (even death if we’re fools) so be wise – choose Christ, choose Life.

  6. In response to Sanity Abounds. As much as I would like to believe there is no God (having gone through hell with my marriage, raised as a christian and constantly battling the idea if God is real or not) you cannot know for certain. The last thing these people who seek for help on a christian website wanna hear is a strawman comment. theyre not hear to buy a new idea, just because you dont believe in God doesnt mean you should go around and shove your own belief to everyone that doesnt believe. I’d love to believe you (the idea that there is no God) but its hard for me to fathom that there isnt one.

  7. The OP realizes that having an affair was wrong, and he also acknowledges getting a divorce was wrong. If he is this confessional with us, he can be at least this confessional with God, and we all know that God is faithful to forgive. The only advice I have for him, is that he should not get re-married. Not accepting his circumstances, put him in his original bad situation, and getting remarried compounds sin. Many denominations have good biblical rationale against remarriage that he can find on Google. If he can find contentment with just God that is exactly what God wants for us. However, I do not think the wife is absolved. Women get a pass in this society, and it is typically undeserved. Since the demonic invention of feminism over 50 years ago, most women have studied earnestly the best techniques of how to rot her husband’s bones.

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