My Son Is on Drugs

Question from a Site Viewer
The death of my son a few years back almost destroyed me. My current son is on drugs, is suicidal and he drinks constantly. I feel as though God has completely abandoned me. I have no hope at all.

Tim’s Answer
I’m sorry that you’ve lost your son. I’m also sorry that your other son is on drugs. We mirror the heart of God when we are deeply touched by the waywardness of those close to us. The very purpose for God calling us out of darkness into His marvelous light is to give, through us, the light of the knowledge of God as we display the face of Jesus Christ. Thus, to the extent that you are grieved over the trajectory of your son’s life, you are on the side of God. To the extent that you have tried to encourage him to find a relationship with Jesus Christ, you are doing the mission of Christ. Ultimately, however, he is the one who will need to make a choice to pursue a love relationship with the Savior. But you can let him know that the Savior is waiting for him.

Don’t be without hope. The war for the souls of people is a cosmic war raging in the spiritual dimensions. Battles are won and lost. But the war is not over and the end is not yet. We are privileged to be on the winning side, being with the living God who always causes us to triumph through our perseverance in prayer for people. We can also be God’s tangible hands and feet to share the love of Christ to them. These are the two most important things you can do for your son; pray earnestly and show love. And place your hope fully in God. We cannot force people to turn to Christ. But we can encourage them by our words and our actions of love. We are not like the wind that blows one over, but like the sun who entices one out of the darkness to feel the warmth of Christ’s love.

I know it is difficult when you see the one you love making increasingly bad choices. Humanly, we see only the worst. But we also know that the God who gave His life for us is not willing that any should perish. This is where perseverance comes into play. To continue praying, when all external hope seems gone, is to demonstrate faith in the hope we have in God. This is His mission. It is His work to redeem those enslaved by Satan.

Accordingly, I encourage you to be the one who will not let God rest day and night, but will continually petition Him on behalf of your son. The prayer of a righteous person is effective with God. Seek Him. And have faith that He is pursuing your son.

Remember also the love that God has for you. You are not alone. Remember Jesus, who is the friend who sticks closer than a brother. When looking at your life’s tragedies gets you down, take time to stop, get on your knees and worship Jesus. Tell Him how much He means to you. Thank Him for forgiving your sins, for promising you life, for providing you strength, for being the Awesome One. Thank Him for living a life of joy in the midst of sorrow and showing us how to do the same. Take time to meditate on Him, on His great love, and tell Him that you love Him. Hand the concerns about your son over to Him. Let Him know that you are entrusting your son into His hands. Tell Him about your son’s tragic choices and request Him to protect your son and restore to your son a sound mind. And close with spending time worshiping Him. By looking to Jesus, we all gain a new perspective about what really matters, and I find such focus the perfect antidote to times when life seems overwhelming.

I encourage you to read 2 Corinthians 4 and to meditate on this chapter. There are some things there that you may not understand at first. But I think you will find the heart of God is to reach people, you will find that the treasure of our lives is Christ, and that our trials work for us an exceeding great reward.

And I will pray for your son and for you.

a fellow servant,


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