Outline of Jude

We hope this outline of Jude will help you as you investigate the pages of God’s holy Word — His personal letter to you. May you discover His character in its pages.

Who is the author of the book? There are five Judes mentioned in the New Testament: Judas of Damascus (Acts 9:11), Judas Barsabas (Acts 15:13-22, 27, 32), Judas Iscariot (Matthew 10:4, John 13:26), the apostle Judas, not Iscariot (John 14:22), and Jude, the half-brother of Christ (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3). Two of these would have had relations by the name of James, the half-brother of Christ and the apostle Jude (Luke 6:16; Acts 1:13). However, the most famous James of the early church was James the half-brother of Christ, the leader of the Jerusalem church. Further, the author appears to separate himself from the apostles (vs. 17-18). I conclude that the best view is that Jude, the younger half-brother of our Lord, was the author. That Jesus’ brothers were involved in the ministry is shown in 1 Corinthians 9:5.

The identity of the recipients is not known, except that they were believers. The occasion of the book is a call to defend the faith against false teachers. It is a polemic against ungodly men and a charge to live godly lives, with a great benediction. There is a close parallelism with 2 Peter 2.

There are some 13 references to Christ in 25 verses.

Date: 65-80 (?) It was, perhaps, written after the date of most of the apostles. (vs. 17)

I. Introduction vs. 1-2

II. Contend Earnestly for the Faith (it is the faith that was “once” delivered to the saints, it is not a continuing revelation. “Faith” is used in the sense of the set doctrine of beliefs.) vs. 3-23

  1. I exhort you to contend (“contend” is the intensive of a word meaning “to fight, struggle, or strive”) 3
  2. Evil men are in the church 4
    1. They sneak in 4
    2. They are ungodly 4
    3. They turn grace into freedom to sin 4
    4. They deny the only Master and Lord 4 (See Titus 1:16)
    5. They are dreamers 8
    6. They defile the flesh 8
    7. They reject authority 8
    8. They speak evil of prominent people 8-10
    9. They corrupt themselves in what they know naturally 10
    10. They seek to establish their own religion (Cain) 11
    11. They have used religion for personal profit (Balaam) 11
    12. They have asserted equality with God’s leaders (Korah) 11
    13. They have no fear 12
    14. They serve only themselves 12
    15. They have no substance 12
    16. They are drifters 12
    17. They are unfruitful 12
    18. They are violent 13
    19. They are murmurers 16
    20. They are complainers 16
    21. They walk according to their own lusts 16
    22. They speak great words 16
    23. They flatter people to gain advantage 16
    24. They are mockers 18
    25. They are worldly 19
    26. They cause divisions 19
    27. They do not have the Spirit 19
  3. Past Lessons 5-7
    1. Israelites out of Egypt 5
    2. Angels 6
    3. Sodom and Gommorah 7
  4. They reject authority 8-11
    1. Their characteristics 8
    2. Example of Michael 9
    3. They corrupt what they know and don’t know 10
    4. Woe to them 11
  5. They defile the church 12-16
    1. Blemishes and emptiness 12,13
    2. Long ago condemned 13b-15
    3. Evil speech 16
  6. Remember the Apostles’ warning 17-19

III. Build yourselves up 20-23

  1. Pray in the Holy Spirit 20
  2. Love God 21
  3. Looking for mercy 21
  4. Have compassion 22

IV. Benediction 24-25

Key Idea: There will be false Christians

Key Passage: 21

Key Lesson: Contend for the faith

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