Outline of Leviticus

Following is our overview and outline of Leviticus. May God bless you as you study His Word.

The book of Leviticus is the priestly code. It is the law as applied to the sacrificial and ceremonial system. The book begins with the burnt offering and concludes with redemption. It is a book about holiness. (Some 143 times the Hebrew word “Qdsh” or its derivatives are found: 1 out of ever 6 times the word appears in the Old Testament, it is found in this book. (Total usage of the word in Old Testament is 770 times.)

1445 B.C. (Nisan 1 to Iyyar 20) (Exod. 40:17, Num. 10:11) (March-April of 1445 B.C.)

The book of Leviticus is not divided by characters or by events, but by subjects. It can be divided into three parts:

I. Priestly Service 1-10

  1. The Sacrifices 1-7
    1. Burnt Offering 1
    2. Grain Offering 2
    3. Peace Offering 3
    4. Sin Offering 4 (sin against God)
    5. Trespass Offering 5-6:7 (In Hebrew Scripture the chapter break is after 6:7) (sin against self or others)
    6. Attending regulations 6:8-chp. 7
  2. The Priesthood 8-10
    1. Consecration 8
    2. Beginning 9
    3. Conduct 10 (Nadab and Abihu)

II. Defilement Regulations 11-22

  1. Physical Defilement 11-15
    1. Foods 11
    2. Childbirth 12
    3. Disease 13-15
  2. Day of Atonement 16
  3. Defilement by Conduct 17-20
    1. Sacrifices and blood 17
    2. Sexual 18
    3. Miscellaneous 19
    4. Death Penalty 20
  4. Priests and sacrifices 21-22

III. Time Out for God 23-27

  1. The Feasts 23
  2. Provisions for the Tabernacle 24:1-9
  3. Blasphemy and retribution 24:10-23 (mixed son)
  4. Seventh Year and Jubilee 25
  5. Blessings and Cursings 26
  6. Laws of Redemption 27

Key Phrase:
The phrase that was brought into prominence in Exodus, “I am the LORD” (found 16 times), explodes in this book, being found 45 times. 32 of the times are found in chapters 18-22. However, this is not the most prevalent phrase, being overshadowed by the twin phrases “before the LORD” found some 58 times and “unto the LORD” found some 74 times. The concept is switching from the identity of God to the presence of God. The question of Leviticus is not “Who is God?” but rather “How shall we live with such a God?” The answer comes back that whatever we do is done before Him and must be done unto Him.

The prominence of the word “LORD,” which we found some 386 times in 40 chapters in Exodus is found some 303 times in 27 chapters in Leviticus. The word Adonai is never used. Elohim is used some 53 times.

Key Passage:
20:26. The concept of this passage is found throughout the book. Its first express statement is found in 11:44-45. See also 19:2; 20:7-8.

From sacrifices to redemption. The entire book exposes Christ. The burnt offering exposes His death, the grain offering His sustenance, the peace offering His fellowship, the sin offering his making peace with God, and the trespass offering his making peace with men. The priesthood discloses
His priestly ministry. The feasts disclose his life works, and the many laws disclose His teaching and character. (19:17, 34)

A great lesson in God is found in chapter 26. 1-13 is God’s promise of blessing. 14-39 is God’s promise of cursing. 40-43 is God’s promise of remembrance if they confess. 44-46 is God’s promise to never totally reject them.

Key Lesson: God’s people must be holy.

3 thoughts on “Outline of Leviticus”

  1. greetings in CHRIST’s name.please pray that,i have good concentration at work;i live in London,UK.thanks,and Amen.yours faithfully~

  2. Holiness in space (Tabernacle), holiness in time (Festivals), holiness in what we offer (sacrifices), and holiness in how we treat each other (esp. ch.18-20), and holiness in His Presence (Priests standing in for the people).
    All to make a way to be with us. And as you describe, all of it reveals Messiah so beautifully!
    Thank you for your outlines.

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