Outline of Titus

We hope this outline of Titus will assist you as you endeavor to dig into the pages of God’s letter to you.

We do not know much about Titus. He was a Greek (Galatians 2:3) and was an early convert to Christianity who went up with Paul to Jerusalem from Antioch somewhere around 46 A.D. Paul counted him to be a brother, saying “Titus, my brother” (2 Corinthians 2:13). Apparently, Paul had sent Titus to the Corinthians to prepare the way for him and Titus had been well received. Titus met Paul in Macedonia and apparently went ahead of Paul back to Corinth of his own volition (2 Corinthians 8:17). Paul states that Titus walked in the same spirit as Paul (2 Corinthians 12:18). Apparently, Titus was brought to Christ by Paul as he is called “my true son in the common faith” (Titus 1:4). It appears that Titus was highly trusted by Paul to deal with problems in churches, with the Corinthian church and the Cretin church as examples. Perhaps that was also his reason for going to Dalmatia (2 Timothy 4:10).

Titus apparently went to Crete with Paul (Titus 1:5) but we do not have the record when. Paul’s only recorded stop in Crete was as a prisoner (Acts 27:7-21). According to church tradition, Titus became the first bishop of Crete.

Crete is an island with a storied past and a bleak future. It is approximately 156 miles long and from 8 to 35 miles wide. It is mountainous with some peaks in excess of 8,000 feet. It is mostly rocky and desolate, having lost its trees. However, in the past, it was quite important. Many believe that it is the Caphtor that was the ancient home of the Philistines. The Minoan civilization, noted for grandeur, shipping, and beautiful art, flourished on the island with some grand palaces for 1,500 years. Perhaps, during David’s time, the Cherethites, David’s bodyguards, may have been Cretans. Cretans were present at Pentecost.

All of the known palaces on Crete were destroyed in a violent earthquake about 1700 B.C., during the time Israel was in Egypt. They were rebuilt on even a grander scale, but were wiped out about the time Israel came out of Egypt, possibly by the effects of the great volcanic eruption that destroyed Thera. Thereafter, Crete has played only a minor role in the area.

The book of Titus does not focus on the person of Titus, nor on the island of Crete, but on the obligations of believers to live righteously. There are seven references to Christ (1:1, 4; 2:13, 14(2); 3:6, 7) and 14 additional references to God in the 46 verses of this short book, almost one every other verse. The book also majors on faith and works, with eight references to the concept of faith (1:1, 3, 4, 13; 2:2, 10; 3:8, 15) and eight references to works (1:16(2); 2:7, 14; 3:1, 5, 8, 14). Of the 24 usages of the word “savior” in the New Testament, six of them are in this book (1:3, 4; 2:10, 13; 3:4, 6). In addition, salvation is spoken of in 2:11, one of five times this word is found in the New Testament. Of the 16 times the word meaning “a sound mind” is used in the New Testament, six occur in this book (1:8; 2:2, 4, 5, 6, 12). No other book has as many references to savior or soundness of mind.

This book, then, is about being of sound mind to pursue the faith and works for which our God and Savior, Jesus Christ has saved us.

Date: (?)

I. Introduction 1:1-4 (God promised eternal life before time began — interesting)

II. Qualification for Leaders 1:5-9

  1. Blameless
  2. Husband of one wife
  3. Faithful children
  4. Not charged with wastefulness
  5. Not charged with lack of submissiveness
  6. Not self-pleasing
  7. Not inclined to anger
  8. Not given to wine
  9. Not a brawler
  10. Not greedy for money
  11. Hospitable
  12. A lover of the good
  13. Of a sound mind
  14. Righteous
  15. Pious
  16. Self-controlled
  17. Holding fast the word (a teacher)

III. Characteristics of the Unbelieving 1:10-16

  1. Insubordinate
  2. Idle talkers
  3. Deceivers
  4. Seeking dishonest gain
  5. Liars (Statement by Epimenides, a Cretan poet and philospher from the 6th century B.C. — The verb “kretizo” came to mean “to lie”)
  6. Evil beasts
  7. Lazy gluttons
  8. Following fables
  9. Denying God by their works
  10. Detestable
  11. Disobedient
  12. Disqualified

IV. Instruction to the Church 2:1-10

  1. For Older Men 2:1-2
    1. Temperate
    2. Reverent (serious)
    3. Of sound mind
    4. Healthy in faith
    5. Healthy in love
    6. Healthy in patience
  2. For Older Women 2:3-4
    1. Suited to a sacred character in demeanor
    2. Not a slanderer
    3. Not a slave of much wine
    4. A teacher of the good
    5. To guide younger women into sound minds
  3. For Younger Women 2:4-5
    1. Love their husbands
    2. Love their children
    3. Be of sound mind
    4. Undefiled (chaste)
    5. Good workers at home
    6. Submissive to their own husbands
  4. For Younger Men 2:6-8
    1. Of sound mind
    2. Good works
    3. Uncorruptness
    4. Reverence
    5. Healthy in words that cannot be condemned
  5. Servants 2:9-10
    1. Submissive to their masters in all things
    2. Well-pleasing
    3. Not speaking against or answering back
    4. Not removing things (stealing from the boss)
    5. Being faithful

V. Instruction to Titus 2:11-3:11

  1. Speak of God’s grace and purpose
    1. We should deny ungodliness and worldly lust
    2. We should live with sound minds, righteously, and godly
    3. We should look for our hope
    4. We should be zealous of good works
  2. Remind the believers 3:1-8
    1. To be submissive to rulers
    2. To obey
    3. To be ready for every good work
    4. To speak evil of no one
    5. To be peaceable
    6. To be gentle
    7. To show all humility
    8. To remember what we once were
    9. To remember what God our Savior has done for us
    10. To affirm constantly that good works needs to be the pattern of our lives
  3. Avoid certain things 3:9-11
    1. Foolish disputes
    2. Genealogies
    3. Strife
    4. Arguments about the law
    5. Divisive people

VI. Closing Words 3:12-15

  1. Come to me 3:12
  2. Send Zenas and Apollos 3:13
  3. Learn to maintain good works 3:14
  4. Greetings 3:15

Key Idea: We are saved to be a people characterized by good works

Key Passage: 2:11-14

Key Lesson: Keep the faith, Do good works

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