Overview and Outline of Zechariah

This outline of Zechariah is organized differently than our other overview and outline of Zechariah so we decided to include both outlines on our site.

Zechariah was a contemporary of Haggai and began to prophesy before the last two prophecies of Haggai. He is known as an apocalyptic prophet in that he gives us a series of eight visions. I title this book “The Prophecy of the Two Advents.” Both the first and second return of Christ are disclosed in this book. He strongly hints at a plurality in God, with the Angel of the LORD addressing the LORD in 1:12; with the interplay between the first and third person in 2:8-11; with the apparent reference to the Angel of the LORD as the “LORD” who in turn speaks, referencing the LORD in the third person, and removes sins in 3:1-4; with the reference to the Spirit in 4:6; and with the classic interplay of 12:10.

The book is frequently quoted and alluded to in the New Testament, up to 41 times (Nestle and Aland). He (Zechariah) refers to Christ as God’s Servant (3:8); the Branch (3:8; 6:12); the Stone (3:9); the King (9:9); the Shepherd (13:7). His prophecies include that He (the Messiah) will come on a colt (9:9) and in battle power (14:3-4); He will be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver which are then thrown in the temple for the potter (11:12-13); that there will be a fountain for cleansing (13:1); that His hands and feet would be pierced (12:10) and that His feet would split the Mount of Olives in two, making a great valley (14:4). He tells us that Jerusalem will be restored and inhabited as a city without walls (2:4), with God being a wall of fire all around her. He tells us that Israel’s enemies will dissolve away in one of the most graphic depictions of total horror found in Scripture (14:12-15).

Date: November 520 B.C. to around 500 B.C.

Following an introduction, the book is divided into three parts:

I. Introduction 1:1-6

  1. Return to the LORD and He will return to you See James 4:8
  2. Though He delays, His Word will eventually catch up with everyone 1:6

II. The Eight Visions 1:7-7:14

  1. The Horses in the Myrtle Trees 1:7-17
    1. The earth is at rest but not Jerusalem
    2. the problem with the nations whom God raised up to punish Israel was that they carried out the punishment with evil intent 1:15
    3. Application: Life begins with all is fine outside but there is trouble within.
  2. The Four Horns 1:18-21
    1. God promises that those who wrecked Jerusalem have their day coming in which they will be destroyed
    2. Application: Salvation begins when God releases us from our trouble by destroying our enemies (Satan on the cross, putting to death sin in the flesh, overcoming the world)
  3. The Measuring Line 2:1-13
    1. God will dwell in Jerusalem’s midst and be a wall of protection around Jerusalem
    2. Application: Salvation comes when God dwells within and becomes our strong Protector
  4. The High Priest 3:1-10
    1. Joshua, as high priest, represents Jerusalem; God rebukes Satan and removes Jerusalem’s iniquity, placing on clean clothes, giving peace.
    2. Application: God forgives our sins and gives us clothes of righteousness
  5. The Lampstand and Two Olive Trees 4:1-14
    1. God will accomplish the work by His Holy Spirit, providing light and finishing the task of the temple.
    2. Application: God gives to us the Holy Spirit for power and ability to finish the task of building His temple.
  6. The Flying Scroll 5:1-4
    1. Sinners shall be removed from the land
    2. Application: Active sin shall be rooted out of our lives by the work of the Word of God.
  7. The Woman in the Basket 5:5-11
    1. Iniquity shall be taken away and put in its proper place
    2. Application: The indwelling sin will be removed from our lives.
  8. The Four Chariots 6:1-15
    1. God’s Spirit gives true rest
    2. Application: Outward peace is not true peace; true peace comes when God has finished the work in our lives.

III. The Question on Fasting 7-8

  1. Every little thing, including eating, should be done for Christ, not us 7:5-6
  2. The fast of the fourth month — the capture of Jerusalem, the day the city wall was breached by Nebuchadnezzar 2 Kings 25:3-4; Jeremiah 39:2
  3. The fast of the fifth month — the burning to the ground of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar 2 Kings 25:8-10
  4. The fast of the seventh month — commemorating the murder of Gedaliah Jeremiah 41:2
  5. The fast on the tenth month — commemorating the commencement of the siege of Jerusalem 2 Kings 25:1-2; Jeremiah 39:1
  6. Refusal to listen to God may lead to His refusal to listen to you 7:12-13
  7. Israel, who had been a curse among the nations would be a blessing 8:13, 23
  8. The Gentiles would come to seek the LORD 8:22

IV. The Coming of Christ 9-14

  1. The First Coming 9-11
    1. The Invasion of Alexander the Great 9:1-8
    2. the coming of Christ in peace 9:9-10
    3. the sons of Israel would triumph over the sons of Greece (happened literally with the Maccabees and symbolically with the triumph of Christianity over the philosophy of Greece)
    4. Complaint against the shepherds 10:1-11:17
  2. The Second Coming 12-14
    1. God will Deliver Judah 12:1-9
    2. Israel shall look upon the One whom they pierced 12:10-14
    3. There will be true cleansing and true worship 13:1-5
    4. Israel shall be refined when the shepherd is stricken 13:7-9
    5. God will come and destroy the enemies 14:1-15
    6. Nations shall live in holiness 14:16-21

Key Idea: The LORD is Coming

Key Passage: 12:10

Key Lesson: We must prepare for the coming of the LORD.

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