Brian’s Testimony—Freedom from Drugs

Brian’s testimony of how the Jesus of the Bible delivered him from the grasp of drugs and alcohol.

Brian’s testimony really struck me tonight. Maybe because it’s like my own. I know what it’s like to be trapped in an endless circle of sin, seemingly unable to escape. But praise God—He always provides a way out. He loves us and He wants us to return to Him. If you’re ensnared in drugs, or pornography, or any other sin that seems to have you by the throat—don’t despair. Jesus will never give up on You. He started a work in your heart and He will complete it. You might be saying, “Well, God never started a work in my heart so He has nothing to complete!” You can throw that excuse out the window. He brought you here, and you’re about to read Brian’s testimony, so . . .

Brian’s Christian Testimony

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