Cancer Isn’t Too Big for God

I have so many testimonies in queue it isn’t even funny. 100? More? They’re just sitting in my inbox, waiting for me to take action. I have testimonies, poems, articles from Tim (wow, I really miss Tim) . . . but as a teacher, husband and father with business ventures on the side as well, working on the site just hasn’t been on my priority list. I hope to make it a priority in 2017.

If you’ve sent in a poem or a testimony, well, I can’t tell you when I’ll get to it. But I’m really hoping to start doing God’s work (with truthsaves) again. It’s important for us to to carry out the Great Commission, whenever we have a chance. I have a chance and it’s time for me to start doing it.

Here’s Jikky’s story. His mom had cancer. The doctors said, “Sorry, it’s too late. Just try to make her comfortable.” Well, just like weather forecasters, sometimes doctors get it wrong. Isn’t it good to know that God’s in control?

Jikky’s Christian Testimony

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