An Invitation From the Master Gardener

Come into my garden
Come and sit with me awhile
I will whisper in your ear
I will make you smile
There are things I need to tell you
There are things you need to hear
When you listen with your heart
I will make them clear

Come into my garden
Lay your burdens down
Leave them at the garden gate
Never to be found
I will walk beside you
Take a look around
Walking on my garden path
You walk on Holy Ground

Come into my garden
Listen to my prayer
I will stand before you
Your sins I will declare
Vanished from my presence
Forgiven, washed away
If only you’ll confess
If only you will pray

Go into the world — tell each friend or foe
Invite them to my garden
Let the whole world know
There is a place of comfort
There is a place of peace
You’ll find it in my garden
You’ll find it on your knees

Come into my garden
Blessings I’ll bestow
I will give you light and life
I will make you grow
Here within my garden walls
Behind the garden gate
Looking down the garden path
Patiently I wait

A Christian poem by:  Joan Curtin — June 15, 2002

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