Christmas — A Matter of Life or Death

We live on the earth, with heaven above
But we lean towards harm, and not towards love . . .
So people hurt each other, day after day
With eternal DEATH as the price to pay;
Because a life that feels hate, and wants to choose it
Abuses God’s gift, and deserves to lose it.
But who can beat death? It would have to be God
(And to die for bad people would seem very odd).
But God can’t die, unless he leaves heaven’s portal
And chooses for a time to become a mortal.
So a baby called Jesus was born one night
And his name brings hope and power and might:
“God with us” is the meaning of Immanuel,
A LIFE that protects us from the fires of hell.
So instead of Santa, with reindeer that fly
Give a thought to the man who was born to die:
The Christ, who makes Christmas a holy endeavour
To allow God’s children to live forever.

A Christian poem by:  Isaac Yip — Christmas 2000

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