Ensared and at Peace

I feel the strings around me.
   I see the woven net.
And yet I know the capturing
   Has made me quite content.

The strings are light and airy.
   The net in comfort lays
Upon my soul and ’round my heart
   In many sundry ways.

I wonder at the comfort.
   I marvel at that peace
Which dwells within this soul of mine
   When selfish strugglings cease.

What is it that enthralls me
   And lifts me very high
And sets my feet on paths undreamed
   Which stretch right through the sky?

What elevates my longings,
   Yet, satisfies my soul.
What great enchantment can there be
   That makes my heart so full?

Can beauty so attract me?
   His is beyond compare,
And, yet, it is not that alone
   Which captivates my stare.

I see far more than beauty
   When now I fully gaze
Into the precious, loving eyes
   Of Him who bound my ways.

I see therein compassion,
   Perceive a tenderness
Transcending far beyond that which
   Mere mortals do possess.

There also is a sorrow.
   I sense a crushing grief
When from the shelter of His net
   I seek my own release.

What causes such compassion?
   What motivates such care?
What makes Him so affected when
   My eyes avert their stare?

I pondered with perplexity
   And sought from heav’n above
To know the answer to these things
   And found that it was love.

It’s love, His love that binds me;
   His love etched in His face.
I find within His Word the love
   Which wraps me ’round with lace.

Exalting and enchanting,
   Exceeding every dream,
Extr’ordinary is love’s net
   Entirely without seam.

Love’s penetrating power
   Provides release for me.
It took away my great despair
   And gave security.

It breaks my lofty spirit
   And brings me to my knees,
Yet, grants me all I ever sought
   And then gives heaven’s keys.

I see His love around me.
   I feel His love within.
I find His love o’erwhelming
   Whene’er I think of Him.

A Christian poem by:  Tim Binder

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