Forgive Me Lord–A Christian Poem

Forgive me Lord
For the wrongs I have done.
For anger I shouldn’t have
Against anyone.

I know I’m weak Lord,
But I love You, I really do,
And in spite of my weakness,
I know You love me too.

Forgive me for not reading Your word,
And for the times that I stray.
Forgive me for just being too tired
When I don’t take the time to pray.

Give me the strength, Lord
To do what I should each day.
Let Your love shine through me
So others will follow Your way.

Even though I’ve failed You Lord,
I know You’ll forgive me,
And this I promise Lord,
A better Christian I will be.

For Your presence is in me
Filling my heart with Your love,
And I have Your reassurance
You’re guiding from above.

I love You Lord, and thank You
For the blessings You bestow,
I will tell others about You
So Your goodness they too, will know.

A Christian poem by:  Louise P. Heckman ~ MamaRocks

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One thought on “Forgive Me Lord–A Christian Poem”

  1. I love this prayer. Most times I failed, fall down and feel like I don’t have the strength to get back up but the Lords hand can save.

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