Free Gift of Salvation

God has made a way of salvation
For all the people of his creation
He sent his only son Jesus to die upon the cross
So we wouldn’t have to go to hell and suffer such a loss

We must accept his gift of salvation so freely given
Jesus died upon the cross for our sin so we could be forgiven
God loves us so much and wants us in heaven above
He loves us poor sinners with an everlasting love

If you reject God’s gift of love, you’ll end up in hell, which is no joke
The Bible says it is a place of fire, brimstone and smoke
Jesus says come unto me and trust in me alone
I’m the way, the truth, the life, for your sins my blood did atone

Jesus loves you so much he suffered and bled for you ’tis true
If you were the only person alive he would have gone to the cross for you
It was not for good people, but for sinners that Jesus died
So they could trust him as their sin bearer and forever with him abide

To make this gift your own, you must accept it for yourself
The gift is offered to you as well as to myself
If you trust Jesus as your savior, you’ll miss hell and go to heaven
Jesus awaits for you to accept the gift, so forever with him in eternity you’ll be livin’

A Christian poem by:  Cindy Wyatt

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:23

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.
John 1:12

One thought on “Free Gift of Salvation”

  1. thanks for this I like it. its worderfull ..pliz I would like a poem of what is salvation
    thanks in advance

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